Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1469: A Bustling Small Town

Park City, Utah.

The time comes to January 23rd, Saturday.

The 15th Sundance Film Festival opened on January 21, and today is the third day, which is also the busiest weekend.

In addition to tourists from all over the world who once again crowded the small town, many Hollywood stars will also come here specially this weekend, because the weekend is not only the time for the premiere of many important films, but also various party activities, such as tonight Another Westeros party.

In a theater in the north of the small town.

Near noon, the premiere of a film at ten o'clock in the morning ended, and the follow-up interactive session was going on in the screening hall.

What was just screened was a pseudo-documentary film called "Alien Files".

The story tells the story of a group of young people exploring in the mountains of Colorado who strayed into an abandoned secret alien research institute, and accidentally discovered the past that the government used alien genes to secretly study biological weapons, and why this research institute was attacked. Abandoned storage.

After "Ghost Story" in the autumn of the previous year and "The Blair Witch" at the beginning of last year were sold well, the pseudo-documentary film became the most popular film genre at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival without any suspense.

Although only one fictional pseudo-documentary film was shortlisted in the Sundance main competition this time, there are hundreds of pseudo-documentary projects that came to Sundance at their own expense to organize screenings or for publicity or sales, many of them such as Ron Howard This kind of Hollywood big coffee is a similar theme as a producer.

The "Alien Files" premiered this time is one of the more outstanding ones. It was invested by a formal New York third-tier film company, and the budget cost reached 7 million US dollars, far exceeding the investment of those that can only be screened in tent theaters on the outskirts of small cities. Crude little films worth tens of thousands or even thousands of dollars.

This time I came to Park City, the production company also spent a lot of money, and rented a theater in the city to hold the premiere on the most popular Saturday. Even if it is not the Egyptian Theater, I want to grab this good theater with more than 200 seats. Not enough money is also impossible.

The confidence of the production company comes from the good reviews accumulated from watching the film several times in advance. Before the opening of Sundance this time, the reputation has actually spread. After rejecting the contact of many distributors, this premiere is also considered Further up for grabs.

In fact, the film industry is like this.

Although all kinds of dark horses can always emerge, on the other hand, it is difficult for extremely outstanding filmmakers, scripts or films to be buried. It’s just that a film from the idea to the final entry into the theater is really difficult. There are too many variables, which created an unexpected dark horse that was not favored at the beginning but sold well at the box office, or a box office that was initially scooped up by a group of people but received poor reviews at the box office.

The current "Alien Files" has already been filmed, and it is one step closer to entering the theaters, so the variables are the least variable, which also makes more distributors flock to it.

Lena Kane and Annika Settle sat together in the back row of the auditorium, listening to the interaction between the creators in the front row and the media and the audience, but the two women were quietly counting heads and biting their ears: "Warner, Michael May, Paramount, Fox... Tsk, Disney's Bill Michanik has come in person. It seems that Vivendi puts a lot of pressure on his performance. Also, that's Frank Just from Lionsgate Lah, um, Jeff Lipsky in October, huh, he just joined in the fun just like us. In contrast, Daenerys only came here with a vice president of the film purchasing department of the new line, isn’t it too much? A little arrogant, isn’t Robert Shea in Park City? Besides, I think it’s more reliable for the New World team to come forward this time, and the New Line is not easy to be trusted.”

Lena listened to Annika's chanting in her ear, and whispered: "Daenerys should have given up here."

"If this is the case, it would be a pity," Annika said, "Judging from the completed film I just watched, if it works properly, I think this is likely to be another film that breaks 100 million."

"The problem is, judging from the recent news that Warner Bros. wants to buy out the project for 35 million U.S. dollars, 35 million is the threshold for this project. The news must have been released by Rod Shagiert of Hibiscus. Come out, on the one hand, directly exclude those small publishers, and on the other hand, let the big six compete."

Rod Shegiert, the boss of Hibiscus Films and the producer of "Alien Files", was sitting on the stage at this time.

Annika couldn't help shaking her head, regretting that her small workshop definitely didn't have any chance: "In this case, if you want to get this project, you must buy it out, you can only fight for the share conditions and schedule announcement, and then make sure The bottom line of 35 million, well, with his temperament, he will indeed withdraw voluntarily."

Lina curled her lips: "I'm actually thinking that Shaggirt is getting a little greedy. Since he is in this circle, doesn't he know that even if a high share condition is given, the Sixth Congress will have too many ways to renege on it in the future, even if it is delayed, It can also drag him down."

"There will definitely be a guarantee and various restrictions..." Annika said, she quickly vetoed it again, and said with a smile: "Indeed, for Hollywood, contracts are used to break, um, it was Simon back then. Sober, "Run Lola Run" is a big hit in China, and I still sold the follow-up copyright of that movie at a very disadvantageous price, so that I can get enough capital to the present. If Shajirt took 35 million directly, it would be It’s a good amount of capital, few of the third- and fourth-tier production companies in Hollywood can have such a large amount of money, excluding the expenses of "Alien Files", it is enough to invest in a few more films and enter a healthy development state."

Lena concluded with some sarcasm: "People are always greedy."

"The key is to have the corresponding ability," Annika disagreed: "It's like..."

"I understand, just

Like Simon. "Lena quickly took over the conversation, and glanced at her side with a teasing voice: "It's just one night, do you think he's going crazy?" "

Annika twisted her body slightly without any shyness: "No, I just can't help drooling just thinking about it."

Lina smiled and despised: "You prodigal woman."

Chatting in a low voice, the interactive session ended quickly. The two women got up and were about to go out with the flow of people. Another group of men and women approached, a total of five people, and one of them invited: "Lina, Annie, how about having lunch together? "

Know each other.

The opposite side is also considered a small circle, Jon Favreau, Sam Rockwell, Vince Vaughn, Katie Holmes and Sarah Polley, Lena also knows, if this small circle In terms of rankings, the leader should be Doug Liman, a cutting-edge director who was promoted to the front line with Jeter Lee's "Taken".

It was Jon Favreau who spoke.

Because they both cooperated with Daenerys more or less, the two of Lena did not deliberately alienate, but because they had arranged in advance at noon, they refused the other party's lunch invitation.

It is inevitable to chat with other acquaintances and leave the theater.

It's snowing in Park City.

It's not big, but it's full of people. Most of the other audiences who left the theater could only walk in the snow. After all, the small town is not too big, but the two women sat in a sturdy silver Mercedes-Benz off-road waiting on the side of the road. , leaving the center of the small town all the way to the south of the city.

I didn't go to the hilltop villa in the south of the city where the evening party was being prepared, but a good-grade restaurant at the foot of the mountain. It was newly opened in recent years, and it also took advantage of the popularity of a certain villa on the top of the hill.

Speaking of which, because of the villa on the top of the mountain, the south of Park City has become more and more prosperous in recent years. Many Hollywood celebrities, and even some rich and famous people outside the circle, have come here to buy properties. Luo is a neighbor, and the surrounding business environment has also developed rapidly.

After getting off the car, enter the second floor of the restaurant where the location has been confirmed. The other three girls, Jessica Chastain, Rachel McAdams and Amy Acker, who came with Lena this time, have arrived ahead of schedule.

These are also the three actresses that Lina mainly advocates. One takes the line of drama and art, one is a sweet sister, and the other develops in the direction of an action actress. The different positioning also avoids the competition among the three women to the greatest extent.

Of course, Lena also signed some other girls, but basically stocking.

It was a deliberate arrangement for the three women to be able to gather together.

After all, for the annual Westeros party, someone with connections can get an invitation letter, and it would be a fool not to participate. Even if they had some intimate relationship with a certain super tycoon, it is not easy to meet each other once. 'Genmei' still specially asked for leave from a film crew in Canada to fly here, and will fly back to Toronto tomorrow morning.

Naturally, there are male customers, and they will also participate in the evening party, but they will definitely not be able to make it to this dining table.

The five women sat down, ordered their meals, and began to chat about the evening's affairs.

In the afternoon, Lena and I will go to a script exhibition, and Jessica and I will directly prepare for the evening party, make temporary maintenance, make up, add clothes, hats and shoes, and so on, and the time in one afternoon may not be enough. .

Of course, it can also be kept simple.

However, it turned out that when a certain man saw them, he would only greet them briefly.

Men have always been conquered by women who are prepared.

All right.

While eating and discussing, the restaurant gradually became lively. Lina also found that Jon Favreau, who had just invited them, also chose this restaurant, and there were many familiar guys around, such as Just one room away from them are Quentin Tarantino, George Clooney, Juliette Lewis, etc. In the farthest northwest corner, there are also Ben Affleck and Matt from "Good Will Hunting". Damon and his party, and then there is the table where Matthew Modine and Julianne Moore, the heroes and heroines of "The Conjuring", and, to Lena's fear, Roberta Chilco and Anne Lise Ser Bert and a group of big goblins who are still very eye-catching even in everyday clothes...

Hollywood is both big and small.

It's so small that everyone actually knows each other, even if they are not familiar with each other, maybe they haven't even said a word, but looking at their faces, each of them can't help but feel that they seem to be quite familiar, so it is inevitable to nod to each other.

It's just that it's a restaurant after all, and they're all eating, and they're not lacking in restraint. Except for movie fans outside the circle who have reserved seats, who are bold enough to come forward and ask for autographs, no one will take the initiative to stand up and join the scene.

However, this is actually a small scene.

Thinking about the evening party, Lena knew in advance that about 500 people would be invited this time, which made it even more lively. However, it is unavoidable to worry. At that time, there will definitely not be many opportunities to say a few words with him.

Thinking of this, I can't help feeling resentful.

Following such a man, you don't necessarily see him once in a few months, and you don't even make an appointment, it's really... hateful.

But let's go to Youyuan, although it's easy to leave, but I'm not willing to leave. Of course, it's not that they love a certain guy so much that they can't extricate themselves, it's just that even if there is no love, that man means too much, which makes them unable to extricate themselves.

During the meal, Lina even thought for a while whether she would not go to the script exhibition in the afternoon, and she and the other three girls carefully arranged themselves.

In the end, I still feel that my career comes first.

It's just that, after all, the two women only stayed for more than an hour at the script exhibition that started at two o'clock in the afternoon, and then left in a hurry and rushed directly to the mountaintop in the southeast of Park City.

because of identity

Well, Lena and Annika can naturally stay here, and by the way, they also asked for a room for the three of Jessica Chastain. Dressing up for the evening party also directly uses the waitress team here.

It's just that Lena discovered something when she met Robert Chirco in the restaurant at noon.

On the Hilltop Villa, besides them, there are also big names like Nicole Kidman or small coffees like Vanessa Johansson and Scarlett Johansson, and there are even some who call a certain guy's father Elizabeth Jagger brought a group of little girls to Park City for the weekend, but it seems that they have seen many big fairies in the city in the past two days, and some of them have obvious identities. Why are none of them here?

This is unreasonable!

Also, with only a few hours left until the evening party, someone should have arrived, so why hasn't he?

When I was putting on makeup in the afternoon, I finally couldn't help it. I called the housekeeper of the villa and asked directly.

I got the answer instead.

The group of big goblins are all in another nearby hilltop villa, which is also a property owned by a certain man that was opened just last year.

As for the start of the party, why someone hasn't appeared yet, the housekeeper of the villa will not comment on the big boss's itinerary at will, but Lina is not a fool, she immediately guessed it, and she is obviously there too.

bad guy.

Sure enough, men still prefer beautiful skins.


She was resentful in her heart, but when the party at night started and a certain man finally appeared in front of her, Lina made herself feel a little disappointed, put on a happy expression, and took the initiative to move forward.

Although, Lena can't reach the level of no-promise like Annika who can actually drool, and she is also a girl with a very independent and strong personality. The problem is that a certain man is obviously stronger, which is not just his own. Various status auras, and more direct ones, such as on the bed. In short, without knowing it, women can sink into it.

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