Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1435: In the Cloud

The first week of the fiercely competitive Thanksgiving file ended on November 19, and the box office data was released the next day.

The leading "Clash of Heaven and Earth" won the box office championship of the week without any suspense. However, as predicted, the film's seven-day box office in the first week was finally 93.27 million US dollars, which failed to meet the expectation of breaking 100 million in the first week.

Of course, this achievement is still not comparable to several other films in the same period.

The second-ranked "Gangs of New York", compared with "Clash of Heaven and Earth", which opened with more than 90 million, only had a box office of 31.46 million US dollars in the first seven days. Old Martin's long-cherished wish has been fulfilled for many years, and Xiao Li, who is at the peak of his popularity, is helping out. After all, it just proves once again that gangster movies have not had much market in Hollywood.

The third place is Denzel Washington's new film "Siege" produced by Warner Bros., which earned 23.67 million US dollars in the first seven days.

Denzel Washington is a more popular first-line black movie star in recent years. However, compared to being promoted to another black movie star with "Training Day" in 2002, he is still a bit worse now. Moreover, because history has changed, and Denzel Washington is not a direct descendant of Daenerys Entertainment, it is difficult to say whether he can be promoted to actor this time.

In any case, Warner and Washington's "Full Siege" earned $23.67 million in the first week. Even if it does not meet expectations, it is not a failure.

After all, it proved Denzel Washington's box office appeal.

In fact, the results of "Gangs of New York" and "Full Siege" are considered normal in Hollywood. The only problem is that the number one "Clash of Heaven and Earth" really set the tone too high.

After that, the fourth place is "Annabelle 2".

The box office performance of this series of branches of The Conjuring Movie Universe can be described as stable. In the third week of its release, facing the impact of new films such as "Clash of Heaven and Earth", it still maintained its fourth place, continuing to earn 13.73 million US dollars, and its cumulative box office also reached $77.29 million.

Breaking through 80 million is imminent.

Even if the competition in the future will be more intense, there is no suspense that "Annabelle 2" will break into the 100 million box office club.

This was followed by another new film "Love in This Life", which started drawing on November 13. This love movie starring "Superman" Brad Pitt produced by Disney ended up with 13.54 million US dollars in the first week and seven days. "Annabelle 2" is only a gap of less than 200,000.

But after all, it is still behind.

What's more, "Annabelle 2" is already in its third week of release, while "Love in This Life" is its first week.

Disney can only be thankful that the cost of this project is not high. The budget of 35 million US dollars, plus the announcement, is only about 50 million. The film's first week was 13.54 million, and the total domestic box office is expected to be between 25 million and 30 million. Including overseas, the global box office is expected to be equal to the total investment. Counting follow-up channels, cost recovery is not a big problem.

So not a failure.

It can only be said that Disney was busy for nothing and wasted a good schedule.

At the same time as the first week of the Thanksgiving file was launched, in the past few days of the working day, several new films in another box office week had their premieres and other last wave of publicity.

On November 20th, a new box office week covering Thanksgiving begins.

In terms of cost, there are two mainstays this week, namely Fox's collaboration project "The Mummy 2" with Daenerys, and the heavyweight action thriller "American Police Officer" co-produced by White Dove Wu and Paramount. Coincidentally, both films had budgets of $100 million.

Therefore, in the stage of announcement and release, the two films can be said to be tit-for-tat, and even chose the same day on November 18 to hold a grand premiere in Los Angeles.

Coincidentally, after the premiere, the word-of-mouth ban was lifted, and the media evaluation of the two films was almost the same. "The Mummy 2" got a comprehensive media score of 7.5 points, while "American Police Officer" was still slightly higher at 7.6.

The last is the scale of the drawing.

As Fox's most important project this year, coupled with the cooperation of Daenerys, "The Mummy 2" won 3,543 opening screens. For "American Police Officer", Paramount also did everything possible, raising 3,465 opening screens.

In addition, sandwiched between the two blockbusters, there is also a new film "Tea Boy" starring Hollywood comedy actor Adam Sandler, produced by Daenerys's New World Pictures, compared to the other two heavy-duty films. The momentum of the pound bomb was huge, and even though "Tea Boy" tried its best to promote it, it was still suppressed and received little attention.

The word-of-mouth of the film is even a bit of a mess.

The day before its premiere on Thursday, according to the statistics on the day of the release, the comprehensive media score was only 4.3 points, far inferior to Sandler's popular "The Wedding Singer" last year. "Variety" magazine unceremoniously criticized this film as 'One of the worst popcorn movies ever made with a bluntly funny twist'.

Although compared with previous memories, the two versions of the film are similar, and this time it is even better, but even Simon does not have much expectation for "Tea Boy". However, based on the success of "The Wedding Singer" last year, the New World Pictures team still gave 2,654 opening screens.


The film market is highly competitive, and Simon also had a busy week.

After dealing with the affairs in New York in a row, Simon flew to Boston on Thursday evening to visit two Ukrainian women and their little ones, stayed in Boston for one night, stayed for another morning, and returned to New York in the afternoon.

At the same time, the two Jennys also flew to the East Coast from Los Angeles with a group of little ones.

On this afternoon of November 20th, Westeros

The family officially moved into the super mansion on the top floor of the Westeros Building in a low-key manner.

In 1987, the idea of ​​building a Westeros building imitating the "Avengers Building" in memory was first produced. It was prepared for five years. At the beginning of 1992, the super building with a design height of 622 meters and an initial budget of 1.6 billion US dollars officially started construction. Now officially moved in, the time span is as long as 11 years.

In the past 11 years, Simon has shown the whole world the rise of a miracle of wealth. Similarly, now, 11 years later, Simon has also contributed an architectural miracle to the world.

Not counting the top antenna equipment and barrier measures, the 622-meter-high Westeros Tower is nearly 200 meters higher than the previous tallest building in the world, the 443-meter Empire State Building. Moreover, in terms of architectural connotation, it is already The dilapidated Empire State Building is far from being able to compare with the Westeros Building, whose details from top to bottom, from inside to outside, far exceed the highest architectural standards in the world.

Not to mention the final horror budget of up to 2.6 billion U.S. dollars, but the top of the Westeros Building is definitely not a high-altitude landing pad for decoration, it is definitely an amazing existence in the history of modern architecture. If the Westeros family is willing to disclose detailed architectural details and technical information, it will definitely become a typical case that cannot be avoided by any university architecture department in the world.

After an afternoon of tedious arrangements, after dinner, Jennifer was allowed to continue to deal with various details after moving into the new home, and Jennifer took Simon to the highest master bedroom on the 135th floor.

Without turning on the lights, standing in front of the transparent full-length glass window, even if the two of them have no fear of heights, looking at the city like an upside-down galaxy under their feet, the feeling of being in the clouds still makes people feel a little short of breath Feel.

Janet subconsciously tightened the arms of the man who was hugging her from behind, raised her face, kissed the man who came close to her passionately, and murmured: "Little boy, little bastard, my dear..."

Simon also agreed softly: "Huh?"

Janet looked out of the window again: "I suddenly discovered that after being with you for so many years, my life, and your life as I see it, can be so wonderful."

Simon smiled and teased: "Does it feel like a big profit?"

"Yeah," Janet didn't deny it, she turned her head and kissed the man again, and continued: "We are at the top now, my dear, do you think our future will be more exciting than it is now ?”

"Of course," Simon joked again without hesitation: "Only a little woman like you will feel that you have already stood at the top. In my opinion, everything we have is just the beginning, and it will only be more exciting in the future. It's getting more and more exciting."

Of course Janet knew.

If those grand plans of the man can be realized, everything now, indeed, is just the beginning.

Thinking of this, Janet also quickly laughed.

Simon asked cooperatively, "What are you laughing at?"

Janet said: "I was thinking, will our story gradually change from a commercial miracle to a future science fiction story?"

Simon still gave an answer quickly: "That's for sure."


"Have you read Jules Verne's novels?"

Janet nodded: "Of course, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"."

Simon said: "Just say "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". The Nautilus back then was only a fantasy at the time, but now it has been realized by people. Therefore, if we look at it from the perspective of people 100 years ago, our current ship This world is a sci-fi picture. Similarly, the world in the next hundred years will, to a large extent, be a sci-fi world in the eyes of our current people.”

Janet nodded lightly, and suddenly sighed with emotion in her hoarse voice: "100 years."

The woman in his arms didn't say anything clearly, but Simon certainly understood where her sigh came from, smiled and hugged her tighter, and said firmly, "Believe me, we will all see the world 100 years from now."

"I was actually thinking," Janet suddenly turned around and embraced Simon face to face: "Will you still love me after 100 years?"

Simon didn't hesitate again: "Of course, you know, I'm a piece of ice, which you keep melting away. The longer it takes, the more love I will have for you."

"Hmm..." Janet responded with satisfaction, pressed her face against Simon's chest, felt it for a moment, and finally said again: "Honey, let's go to bed."


Simon agreed, gently picked up the woman in his arms, and walked towards the big bed in the middle of the master bedroom.


The next day it was Simon waking up with the two Jennys.

It's November 21st.


In the small circle in Manhattan, those who should know that the Westeros family has moved into the Westeros Mansion have basically known about it. any news. Even in the current increasingly open network, there are only a few sporadic information spread by a small number of interested people.

After being discovered, it was also quickly deleted.

There is no reason.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Internet in this life has the surname 'Westero'.

Through Eaglet, Cisco, America Online and other companies, Simon has mastered the Internet, which is equivalent to mastering absolute rules. In such a virtual world, if Simon wants to, he can become the master at any time.

Therefore, the so-called open Internet is just some people's wishful thinking.

Just like there has never been absolute freedom in this world.

In order to cover the relocation of the Westeros family to the greatest extent, the most lively news today, whether it is the major mainstream media or the Internet platform, is the first launch news of the International Space Station capsule yesterday.

The International Space Station, which was jointly built by 16 countries around the world, has become a sign that mankind has officially entered the era of permanent peace after the end of the Cold War after the disintegration of the Soviet Union under the rendering of the media.


As for the Gulf War that has occurred in recent years, as for the ongoing conflict in Kosovo, as for the super melee with heavy casualties in Africa, of course, these are just scabies.

Even if he could see through this, Simon didn't mean to point it out.

It is not easy for us to live in our dreams.

Even, for the International Space Station project itself, Simon just watched with a cold eye.

It is said that human society jointly develops space, but in fact, just like the aborted International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor a few years ago, the entire project of the International Space Station is really full of too many calculations of various member countries, and each one is full of own little thoughts.

As for the countries outside the project, because of insufficient strength, it is even more extravagant to want an admission ticket.

Just one point, there are more than 200 countries and regions in this world, and only 16 countries participate in the International Space Station. How can this be regarded as the joint development of space by mankind?

Actually it is.

When the Cold War ended, it almost announced the abrupt end of mankind's continuous exploration of cutting-edge technology since modern times.

Without fierce competition that may be on the verge of collapse at any time, there will be no motivation to keep moving forward. Even in the information age that everyone talked about in the next 20 to 30 years, its most fundamental technological foundation was all produced in the turbulent years of the 20th century.

Therefore, it seems to be thriving, but the progress is actually limited.

This morning, with the hustle and bustle of the launch of the National Space Station, Simon and Janet hid in the mansion on the top floor of the Westeros Building, and continued to sort out the various projects of their 3G plan without being affected much.

Simon is very clear about the direction of the world situation in the next twenty years. Even if his influence as a big butterfly becomes stronger and stronger, fundamentally, some things will basically not change if he does not do it himself.

Simon certainly does.

A small part is for the world, and more is for myself, for the loved ones around me, and for 100 years from reality to science fiction, 1000 years later.

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