Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1397: BHP Billiton

"According to the news from Russia, Yeltsin wanted to bring Chernomyrdin back to power, but it has been rejected twice by the Russian Duma. Now the two parties are in a very dangerous stalemate. Yeltsin threatened to dissolve the parliament, and the Russian parliament also threatened To impeach Yeltsin, Simon, which side do you think will compromise this time?"

The Raybould House on the Upper West Side.

dinner time.

The one who spoke was the girlfriend brought home by Philip Leibould, named Nora Registrar, who came from a political family in Washington, so the topic inevitably turned to politics.

However, this question is somewhat out of place.

With the intervention of the Westeros system at a critical moment some time ago, many people know that Simon must have a plan in Russia. Moreover, since he made a move, the potential strength of the Westeros system in Russia must not be underestimated.

In this case, Simon has the ability to influence the Russian political situation.

Therefore, even if it is a family banquet that seems to have no outsiders, Simon is not suitable to express his opinion on this kind of issue. After all, if it gets out, many people will definitely think too much, and it may even be regarded as Simon putting pressure on a certain party.

It's not easy to express your opinion, but I didn't pretend that I couldn't hear it. I just smiled: "I don't know for sure, but there will be a result soon."

Inside the restaurant.

Simon reacted like this, and noticed that James Raybould frowned slightly. After all, Nora Register, who had just been out of school for a year, finally realized that her question was out of place. She smiled and couldn't help but glance at it. Boyfriend by my side.

Philip obviously likes his girlfriend who is two years younger than himself, and took the initiative to take over the conversation: "I think Yeltsin should back down this time, because according to the Russian constitution, once the parliament initiates impeachment, the president will lose the power to dissolve the parliament until the impeachment case is over. ...However, this is also the most extreme approach, because once impeachment is initiated, the two sides will completely lose room for maneuver, either the president will step down, or the parliament will be dissolved."

Simon still smiled and agreed: "It seems to be so."

This should obviously be the opinion of Philip and his girlfriend in private, and they said it in public in order to resolve the embarrassment just now.

The judgment is also correct.

Historically, it was indeed Yeltsin who made a compromise, abandoning his old partner Chernomyrdin and choosing former Foreign Minister Primakov who was acceptable to both the Kremlin and the Duma.

It just didn't turn out very well.

After Primakov came to power and stabilized the domestic economic situation in Russia, he immediately pointed the finger at the Yeltsin family and publicly stated that he would compete for the 2000 presidential election.

Then it was pulled down again by Yeltsin.

In fact, Yeltsin won Chernomyrdin, who had been his partner for many years, because the other party showed too much covetousness for the presidential position, and it was not the 2000 general election, but began to erode the power that belonged to Yeltsin in advance.

After all, it was still for the position of the Kremlin.

Nora Registe, who realized that she stepped on a small thunder, was actually very smart, seeing her boyfriend resolve the little embarrassment just now, although she really wanted to have a few words with Simon Westeros across the table, But still rationally choose to shut up.

The conversation then turned to entertainment.

This insurance.

The atmosphere quickly became active again.

After dinner, the women were teasing the children and chatting about their daily routines. The Rayboulds and Simon went upstairs to the study to talk about some serious matters.

Mainly the recent Washington situation.

With only two months left before the mid-term elections, the Republican Party launched a more aggressive attack on Clinton with the help of the zipper door scandal. For this reason, it also invested tens of millions of dollars in advertising, just to attack the public image of the Democratic Party behind Clinton.

In the eyes of many, the Democratic Party is indeed in jeopardy.

However, the Westeros system, which has more public opinion and poll data, does not think so.

The public is rebellious.

But this time, the Republican Party really went too far, ignoring the series of evidence that Clinton took office to the present, and only clinging to some details that are not unforgivable in the eyes of the public, which is simply a bit unreasonable.

After all, Mr. President just slept with an intern.

What's wrong?

Kennedy had more fun back then. In addition to the well-known Monroe, there were also many White House interns among his lovers. Isn't it still widely loved by the public?

Just do what you have to do well.

The reality is that if you don't think too long-term, Clinton has done really well in the nearly six years since he took office. The first fiscal year surplus in nearly 30 years, which has already begun to build momentum, is enough to prove this point.

Besides, the upcoming mid-term elections, the key to the operation of the Westeros system is also based on this.

Take advantage of the situation to help the Democratic Party fight back beautifully.

At least, when the results are released at the end of the year, the Westeros system will use some private public opinion operations to instill this point of view to those who should know. There was a turnaround.

However, only some of the seats were regained.

In the big picture, the majority structure in which the Republican Party dominates both chambers will not change, so that the Republican Party's rebound can be avoided.

The end result was to further strengthen the influence of the Westeros system in American politics.

In addition to domestic affairs, the topic will inevitably turn to Russia.

James basically agrees with Simon's strategy of "raising the bandit's self-respect", but he is a little puzzled: "Simon, I have learned a lot about Russia recently, and I even flew to Moscow in person. Frankly speaking, even

We want to support Russia and let it continue to contain Europe, and even the Federation itself. The problem is that, according to the current development trend, I really can't see where the way out for this country is except for collapse? "

Simon didn't know if this was considered a fan of the authorities, and said, "It's very simple, Jim, think about the first half of this century, when the problems accumulated beyond resolution, what was the result?"

When Simon said that, both father and son on the sofa next to him reacted, almost saying in unison: "War?!"

"That's right, war," Simon said, "but we don't have to worry, Russia is not Germany that suddenly provoked World War II after accumulating enough strength, so it can only launch a local war to unite the hearts of the people in the country and divert contradiction."

Philip said, "Simon, is it Chechen?"

"Yes," Simon glanced at his brother-in-law appreciatively, and said, "In order to ensure that Russia can win, we also need to carry out some operations in Washington, withdraw from the Federation's deployment in Chechnya, and reduce Russia's assistance in capturing Chechnya. "

"Actually, I think..." Philip hesitated a little, but said, "No matter what, we shouldn't help Russia. Or, if one day, it becomes too powerful, what should we do?"

Seeing that James also showed some approval, Simon shook his head with a smile and said, "Impossible. After 1991, the chance of Russia rising again is already very slim."


"Because we successfully dragged the former Soviet Union into our own rules of the game, and within this rule system, a 30-year-old adult plays against a 3-year-old child, and the child is doomed to lose."

Philip asked: "What if the child grows up to 18?"

"If you were that 30-year-old adult, would you let a 3-year-old manage to overtake you and threaten your status?"

"Of course not," Philip said, "so I will try my best to suppress his growth instead of helping him."

"The fact is that we didn't really help Russia, we just hoped to prevent him from dying too early and affecting our layout. In the final analysis, it was for our own interests, Phil, you know, I'm talking about West The interests of the Los Angeles system, not the interests of the Federation, we need to clarify our position."

Philip didn't know how to refute for a while, so he nodded.

Then moved on to other topics.

When the three of them came out of the study, it was already past ten o'clock at night.

The women also chat in the living room on the same floor.

When the three of them entered the door, they happened to hear Jennifer telling interesting stories about her baby daughter: "I think Syl is becoming more and more magical now, she really looks like a little fairy with magical abilities. After three months, Syl Suddenly said to me that she would have a small pimple on her chin, I checked and there was nothing, and then the next day, Searle had a red pimple on her chin."

Both women showed surprised expressions, and looked at the sleeping little girl curled up in her mother's arms. Carol did not ignore the crux of the problem, and asked first, "Why do you have pimples?"

"It's just a common minor inflammation. The doctor checked and said that there is no need for information, and it can be cured by improving the diet." Jennifer explained, then nodded to the three people who entered the door, and continued: "In short, I thought at the time that it was really amazing gone."

The three men sat down on the sofa in the living room. Not only James and his son, who heard it for the first time, even Simon, who had already known about it, felt miraculous when he heard Jennifer talk about it again.

In the beginning, when his baby girl showed something peculiar early on, Simon even suspected that this girl was the same as him, but now, Simon felt that the baby girl must be different from him. The little guy who will only be five years old in November can detect and predict some subtle changes in his body, which is already a real little fairy.

Anyway, earlier, the family was amazed at the fact that Xiao Nizi went so far that she couldn't measure her specific high IQ.

The problem now is that looking inside oneself, according to what Simon said in his previous life memory, this is already a category of cultivation.

Of course, Xiao Nizi didn't show any potential to fly with a sword, and there was no sign of the entry-level skill of immortal cultivation, such as fetching objects from the air. However, the little guy who is not yet five years old, this kind of perception of his body In fact, it can only be described as magical. If ordinary people have this ability to perceive subtle changes in the body, Simon thinks that the average life expectancy of human beings can be directly increased to 100 years.

Speaking of which, if things get out, with such a magical daughter, everything Simon Westero has achieved will probably become more natural.

We chatted about some interesting things about Seattle. It was too late, so everyone went to rest.

The next day is September 15th.


After breakfast, leaving the two children in the care of Carol, who deliberately turned down work, Simon and Jennifer rushed to the Westeros Building on the other side of Central Park.

It has been nearly two years since the top was capped, and the overall decoration of the building has basically been completed.

The two walked from the vault on the fourth basement level, from the bottom to the top, and spent the whole morning browsing the building, and finally had lunch at the mansion on the top floor.

As in the cloud.

Even the female assistant who is used to the current life of a housewife and is very indifferent begins to look forward to the life of moving into Westeros Mansion.

Of course it is impossible to live here for a long time.

However, being able to live here for two or three months a year must be a very wonderful experience.

Besides the building itself, another thing has to be

until finalized.

With regard to the helipad near the top of the building, after repeated consultations with the New York City government and nearby owners, a permit was finally obtained, and the helicopters of the Westeros family can follow the safest fixed route, roughly from the banks of the East River. Follow the straight line above 59th Street and fly to Westeros Tower.

That's a real privilege.

Because according to the regulations, the helicopter can take off, but it cannot enter the downtown area of ​​Manhattan unless it is a special case, and can only fly over the rivers on both sides.

For this reason, the Westeros family has to pay a fee of 1 million U.S. dollars every year, which is nominally used to conduct security checks on the Weijia helicopter that skipped over 59th Street. In fact, for things like security checks, Westeros The family does not need or allow outsiders to intervene at all, and the family will achieve the ultimate.

So it is basically to buy road money.

In the morning, we visited the Westeros Building together, and the female assistant made some revisions all day long based on her own preferences. In the afternoon, it was a two-person world, quietly shopping together.

The reason why it is said quietly is that outsiders can hardly see it.

You can't see it on the street. If you want to go to some shops, you have to call in advance to clear the place.

In this way, in the evening, I said goodbye to the female assistant, and continued to make a transition to Irene Lauder's side.

Although not nervous, Simon had no time to attend to his busy schedule. It wasn't until Thursday morning, when he left Lauder's house, that he was notified of a big news.


The acquisition of another Australian mining giant, Billiton, by BHP, a subsidiary of Johnston Holdings, which has been promoted for several months, has officially reached an agreement. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

With the two sides reaching an agreement, the next step is the issue of review.

This time is more troublesome.

Because of the large scale of mergers and acquisitions, apart from the Australian government, the transaction must also be approved by other wto member states.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem.

Because the current steel industry is in another downturn cycle caused by the Asian financial turmoil last year, Johnston Holdings has a good reason to strengthen resource integration through mergers and acquisitions that are lower than market risks. The main reason is that the Westeros system assists in its operation. First of all, the Five Eyes Alliance will not be an obstacle. After passing the Five Eyes Alliance, other, even France, which has not dealt with the Westeros system very much, has no reason to deliberately prevent this acquisition.

In short, when the agreement is reached, another structural adjustment of the steel industry has basically been settled.

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