Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1394: Not enough damage but more than enough

"I went to Moscow once last winter, and my boss also went to Ukraine. I should have the same experience. In order to buy food in exchange for cash, the whole street, ranging from pianos to small medals, are all put up for sale. Some black markets even sell people. There are all of them, tsk, if it’s not that I don’t control over there, I will definitely help the boss pick some beautiful girls. It is conceivable that this winter must be even worse. I recently saw a report that the unemployment rate in Russia has reached 32%. Even if Ten years ago, no one could have imagined that the Soviet Union would be reduced to this point."

Inside the restaurant of Southampton Seaside Manor.

While eating and chatting, the topic unknowingly turned to the recent turmoil in Russia. Simon skillfully held a piece of cumin mutton with his chopsticks, and said: "Your China is actually a little bit worse, there is nothing to gloat about."

"I'm an American now, just like my boss," Chen Qing explained with a smile, "Besides, I didn't take pleasure in other people's misfortune. Over the past few years, I have been reflecting on things in China."

"What did you reflect on?"

"This is not something I care about," Chen Qing said, and couldn't help asking: "What does the boss think about these things?"

"Which ones?"

"The former Soviet Union, and, China?"

Simon took a sip of the rice wine in his hand, considered it for a while, and said, "Actually, excluding historical contingencies, there are only two things that affect all of this, the production system and the distribution system?"

Chen Qing thought that her boss would talk about the national system, but she didn't expect it to be this, and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Simon said: "The reason why the Soviet Union collapsed, on the one hand, was that the production system could not meet the basic needs of the growing national population. This is actually more typical with reference to Chinese history. In ancient Chinese dynasties, Guozuo was generally at 300 Within a year, a very important reason is that the production system in the farming era could not meet the natural population growth of more than 300 years, so wars occurred, and then dynasties changed. Every change of dynasties means a large number of deaths of the population. How do you say that? , Ten rooms are empty, and then, everything starts again."

Chen Qing made sense after thinking about it, and asked, "What about the distribution system?"

"The production system and the distribution system are actually inseparable," Simon said: "Furthermore, in the Soviet Union, when the productivity reached its limit, the distribution system became more and more unfair. Social contradictions, coupled with the backwardness of the production system, eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union."

"I understand," Chen Qing nodded, and then said: "So, the current production system and distribution system in Western countries is the most reasonable, right?"

Simon smiled: "Maybe."

Seeing that her boss didn't seem to agree with it, Chen Qing didn't get to the bottom of it, but said, "Boss, since 1978, China's productivity has been liberated. Does this mean that China only needs to solve the problem of the distribution system next? "

"Yes," Simon nodded, and then said, "However, I personally think that this is unsolvable."

"Isn't the West a good reference, raising tax rates, and inheritance taxes?"

"Let's put it this way, a sentence in the Chinese "Tao Te Ching" is, in my opinion, the essence of the distribution system of human society."


"The way of man is to sacrifice what is not enough and give what is more."

"How to solve it?"

"The final outcome of the human social distribution system is destined to be that a very small number of people occupy the maximum social resources, then collapse, start from scratch, and repeat."

Chen Qing stopped to pick up vegetables, and looked at the man opposite: "Boss is so pessimistic?"

"Two most typical examples," Simon said: "One is in China. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng besieged the city of Beijing, and the treasury was empty. In order to defend the city, Emperor Chongzhen hoped that all the officials in the city would donate to support the army. As a result, all the officials cried desperately. After a lot of hard work, 200,000 taels of silver were finally raised. Then, Li Zicheng invaded Beijing and tortured all the officials in the city. Do you know how much money was squeezed out in the end?"

Chen Qing blinked her beautiful big eyes again.

This, she really doesn't know.

I just remember that in the history books, the ordinary people greeted King Chuang, just like the ending of a fairy tale. I didn't expect such a wonderful follow-up after the ending.

It seems that I have to read more.

Simon was about to reveal the mystery, and noticed that Yu Xiaomin, who had been standing by and listening quietly, hesitated to speak, and asked with a smile, "You know?"

Yu Xiaomin nodded: "It seems to be 70 million taels."

Before Simon spoke, Chen Qing was already surprised: "So many?"

Simon said: "Comparing it again, you will feel more. During the Chongzhen period, the fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty was only three to four million taels a year, 70 million taels, which is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the Chongzhen period for 20 years. If Chongzhen With this amount of money, not only can he easily appease the refugees caused by the drought in the north in the late Ming Dynasty, but he can also build the Liaodong defense line as solid as gold, and prevent the Qing army from entering the customs. Unfortunately, he did not."

Chen Qing was thoughtful.

"See, those with vested interests would rather subjugate the country and exterminate the species than pluck out a hair to benefit the world. And another typical example I just mentioned is the two world wars. Fundamentally, the cause of the two world wars, It is still the countries participating in the war want to readjust the distribution system, this is not the distribution system of a single country, but the global distribution system, unfortunately, the ending is a bit ridiculous."

Chen Qing immediately understood this time, and continued: "In the end, it all took advantage of the United States and created a superpower that accounts for nearly half of the world's GDP."

"So, the problem of the distribution system is basically a deadlock, which is difficult to untie."

Chen Qing has a different opinion: "Isn't the European and American countries doing very well?"

"Western countries are currently in the most powerful stage of the natural cycle of 'birth, growth, prosperity, decline, and death', so you will feel very good, but, as I just said, the fundamental trend of losing more and making up for what is not enough It will not change, just like the United States, you should notice that the Clinton administration has lifted a lot of restrictions on industry monopoly, which will inevitably lead to the emergence of oligarchs, and the result is that in the near future, very few people will control more and more wealth .”

Chen Qing said: "What about Europe, such as the Nordic countries, through high tax rates, they have almost achieved equal distribution?"

"If I remember correctly, none of the five Nordic countries has a population of more than 10 million, which is unrepresentative based on the 6 billion people in the world. Or the two major powers in Europe, Germany and France, are also moving towards this trend of equal distribution of high tax rates , but you have to understand that one of the inevitable results of these measures is to greatly weaken social productivity. In fact, due to the continuous improvement of social welfare in the whole of the West, productivity is declining. Ordinary people may envy the increasing working hours in these countries. Short, but the fact is that the decline in productivity to a certain extent is actually the same as the result of a serious imbalance in the distribution system, and they are all heading for collapse, because there is no free lunch in the world, and there will be no pie in the sky.”

"But..." Chen Qing couldn't help arguing: "I think everything is fine now?"

"I just said that one is at its peak, just like the topic we talked about before. When the ancient Chinese dynasty was strong, other countries in the world saw China as the best, the country of gold. Now, the West is in the When I was at my peak, all other countries looked at the West as a country of gold."

Chen Qing pondered for a while, nodded slightly, and then lowered her voice slightly: "Boss, according to your statement, the future of China... um, deadlock?"

"The most interesting thing about history is that in the inevitable trend, there are countless accidents, and it will be the same in the future."

"Does the boss mean that he is not optimistic about it?"

"My personal point of view, whether China can go to the 'strong and prosperous' part of the natural cycle, the key is not to solve the problem of the distribution system, but as I just said, the loss is not enough and the surplus is given."

Chen Qing widened her eyes slightly: "Expanding outward, this, isn't it easy in modern society?"

Simon raised his chopsticks and nodded at Nizi: "Narrow."

Chen Qing stuck out her tongue: "Boss, explain carefully?"

Simon picked up the wine glass next to him again and found that it was empty. He gestured to the side, and Yu Xiaomin hurriedly stepped forward to fill it up for Simon.

After taking another sip of wine and eating a piece of fish slowly, Simon continued: "The two world wars have proved that outward expansion is not feasible, but, just like now, the reason why the West can grow rapidly is because every time The economic cycle of about ten years can be passed smoothly, and the key is to give more than what is not enough.”


"Three examples, the dollar, high technology, and luxury goods."

Chen Qing continued to listen to the case.

Simon said: "After the U.S. dollar got rid of the gold standard and became the global reserve currency, the United States has been harvesting the world through the U.S. dollar tool. The specific means are interesting to understand by yourself. Semiconductor chips are sold to developing countries that lack production capacity, and the price can reach US$100 or even higher. People who are used to all this think that this is the power of technology, but in essence, this is a kind of plunder. Then there is , luxury goods, world-renowned luxury brands, are basically in the old western countries, this item is more profitable than high-tech, a shoulder bag costing tens of dollars can even be sold for tens of thousands of dollars, the general perception is that this is Brand effect is a high added value, but in fact, it is also a kind of plunder in essence. Developed countries sell their own products for a hundred times the huge profits. Through these profits, the profit rate from backward countries is not even doubled. The large number of cheap commodities obtained not only ensure the high welfare and minimum working hours of its own citizens, but also offset the potential social problems caused by the decline in productivity and the imbalance of the distribution system to a large extent. If China wants to truly rise to the top, it must achieve this goal like Western countries.”

After hearing Simon's words, not only Chen Qing, but Yu Xiaomin also showed a slightly frowning expression of thought.

Whether it is to achieve currency counterattack or high-tech overtake, it seems that it is very difficult, let alone luxury goods. How can there be any luxury brands in China?

Seeing this, Simon smiled and said, "It's hard, isn't it?"

The two women nodded slightly together.

Simon didn't say anything more, and changed the subject on his own initiative.

The meal lasted for more than an hour, and when it was about to end, Lin Guili appeared again.

The Korean girl has changed her original maid uniform. She is wearing a light blue silk dress with suspenders, which is very close-fitting and shows her figure. Her hair is loose and her face is a little rosy. After entering the door, she confessed in a low voice. Having prepared all the sentences, his eyes flicked back and forth between Simon and Chen Qing, waiting for the order.

Simon shook his head and said, "Suddenly want to watch a movie, forget it tonight, you guys should go to bed early."

After speaking, he got up and walked outside.

Chen Qing got up, waved her hand at Lin Guili who had a complex expression, and chased after her.

Yu Xiaomin hesitated a little, but chose to keep up, leaving Lin Guili standing there in a daze.

This is……

In the past few days, and just now, have you been tossing for nothing?

At first, there was some resistance and aggrieved.

Now, suddenly there is a deep sense of loss.

In the corridor outside the restaurant.

Chen Qing held her boss's arm and said with a smile, "Counting Lin, there are 25 in total. Can the boss conduct scientific research again?"

Simon shook his head: "Suddenly I don't want to, it's boring."

Chen Qing urged: "Can you find a camera to take a picture?"

Simon raised his hand and slapped somewhere behind Nizi: "I don't have the habit of being a leading actor."

Chen Qing hummed cooperatively, and continued with a smile: "Then after the boss finishes watching the movie, at least try the eight ones, and the carefully selected ones are all young children."


"Heh, the boss is so strange. All other men like it, but the boss finds it troublesome. I can't give it to other men first, and then give it to the boss, right?"

Then got another hit.

Chen Qing felt wronged.

So, a dilemma.

But she is still very smart: "Since the boss doesn't like it, I'll let them interact, um, give it to the boss?"

So the third note.

Chen Qing was helpless.

It's hard for me.

Just as they were talking, Angourie Davis, the housekeeper who learned that her boss had dinner, also appeared with Carmen Kess by her side. Hearing that Simon was going to watch a movie, they followed her to the basement floor of the villa.

First of all, the copy room next to the private screening room. I have no interest in new films in recent years. The good films are basically from Daenerys Entertainment, which Simon has watched many times. Generally, I don’t waste time. Pick and choose. I chose a black and white film "La Dolce Vita" by Fellini.

Three hours.

When the film screening ended, it was almost midnight.

Inside the private screening room.

Chen Qing wasn't very interested at first, let alone the black-and-white film, but unexpectedly, she watched it very immersedly, until a voice came from her ear: "What do you think?"

Snuggling up to her boss, Chen Qing said, "Suddenly, I feel, um, a little empty."

Simon smiled and said: "This shows that you, like the hero, have fallen into a siege of life that you can't extricate yourself from. You have lost your direction and forgotten the meaning of life. You need to calm down and reflect on it."

Chen Qing refused: "Then, boss, how do you feel?"

"Very fulfilling."

Chen Qing: "..."

Simon explained in his language: "Although I already have a lot, I still haven't lost my goal. I still know that I am pursuing, exploring, and advancing."

Chen Qing put her head on her boss's shoulder: "Then I just need to follow the boss forever."

"so smart."


"Suddenly want to go on an adventure. Like the beginning of the movie, Manhattan must be very lively during the recent fashion week. Do you want to go together?"


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