Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1361: Beating

Simon secretly flew to Park City the weekend Rush Hour 2 opened.

Certainly not for Sundance.

Most of the time, except for January, Park City is a quiet little town in the heart of America.

This time it was a secret meeting of Blockbuster directors and shareholders to discuss Daenerys Entertainment’s merger and acquisition of the video chain giant. Nancy Brill also followed Simon and was the main force in the negotiations.

In the past period of time, Daenerys Entertainment has secretly increased its shareholding in Blockbuster to close to 40%, and then it will be raised to more than 40% before filing according to the sec regulations, and then the merger plan will be made public. Except for a few people who keep emphasizing explanations, most people probably find it difficult to understand the deep-seated intention of Simon's acquisition of Blockbuster. Fortunately, what Simon hopes is that most people don't understand.

However, it is also conceivable that there will be another bleeding at that time.

This is not the most important thing. Whether the acquisition of Blockbuster can be made or not depends on Washington.

The relationship between the Westeros system and Washington can be said to be in a state of honeymoon, forcibly twisted into a honeymoon period, because Simon has been quite restrained in recent years, and the Westeros system has grown too quickly into a terrifying behemoth. In the West, where capital is king, most politicians are discouraged, so the two sides live in peace.

Simon has never let down his vigilance, and has been quietly making arrangements.

After only staying in Park City for one day, Simon continued eastward. The next stop was Ohio. This time, it was for the American private army branch whose name most people would never remember. As the ruler of this private army , Simon will always show up regularly, and it is inevitable to visit Leslie Wexner's house as a guest, and it is inevitable to see the Jeffrey Epstein couple again who were quietly buried by Simon as a dark chess game.

It has to be said that, taking advantage of the convenience given by Simon without a trace, Epstein brought his own "Mrs. Chatterley" in the high-level circles of the United Kingdom and the United States, and the Wei family intelligence surrounding Epstein As a result, the team has collected a lot of interesting intelligence.

After leaving Columbus, the next stop is not the usual New York, but Washington.

This year's mid-term election campaign has become more and more fierce. Obviously, the memory of Simon's operation in 1994 is too deep. This time, he was invited in the form of a private dinner at the White House. Giants from both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party attended together. , also beating.

Facing Washington's hospitality, Simon had to save face and barely stayed in Washington for a day.

At the same time, in Cannes, France, the 51st Cannes Film Festival officially came to an end.

As expected, "Hero", which had a very good reputation before, got nothing, not even a consolation prize. Since I didn't expect much, of course I wasn't disappointed.

Not only "Hero", but the other two films that Daenerys Entertainment promoted this year also returned empty-handed. This can be regarded as a feedback for Daenerys's forced award for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" last year. Of course, it was Daenerys Entertainment's voluntary concession, otherwise, if it is really necessary to win the prize, Dragon City will definitely be fine.

The highest Palme d'Or award was won by a film that did not exist in Simon's memory. After so many years, the butterfly effect has become more and more serious. Fortunately, for Hollywood, Simon has been on the right track. Even if history deviates completely, it doesn't matter based on Simon's current foundation.

Of course not.

As far as Daenerys Entertainment is concerned, Simon believes that he can maintain a strong presence in Hollywood for at least 20 years.

After 20 years, even if it is just inertia, it will be no problem to be a giant for 10 years.

Most people can rarely maintain their peak for 30 years in their lifetime.

Of course, if Simon's 3G plan can achieve success, many things may change. About time, about space.

Finally headed to New York.

The weekend of the box office week, which started on May 22, has also passed. The performance of "Rush Hour 2" can be said to make many people feel overwhelmed.

In the first three days of its opening weekend, this kung fu comedy starring Jack Cheng and Chris Tucker unexpectedly raked in $59.67 million at the box office despite unsatisfactory word-of-mouth, which has directly surpassed the film's $55 million gross. The production cost set a record for the three-day box office in the first weekend of all the opening films so far in 1998.

According to the data of the first three days of the weekend, the seven-day box office of "Rush Hour 2" is expected to reach a terrifying height of 90 million.

90 million. In the past, this was only achieved by DC movie universe blockbusters or phenomenal series like "Jurassic Park". Unexpectedly, it unexpectedly landed in a kung fu comedy shrug with Chinese and black protagonists.

In the past two years, Hollywood Kung Fu has been hot. This is well known. One after another, the number of films with Chinese protagonists in Hollywood can no longer be counted on both hands. When some people thought that Kung Fu fever would gradually fade away, "Rush Hour 2" , but brought this trend to another peak.

If it can reach 90 million in the first week, can this movie reach 300 million domestically? That would be really scary!

Simon knew that the previous "Rush Hour 2" actually exceeded 100 million in the first week, which was even stronger than this time. However, the total box office of the film in North America at that time was only in the early 200 million. The most brilliant achievement Hollywood has ever produced.

At present, if there is no "Jurassic Park 3" two weeks later, although the first week is not as good as before, but with Daenerys Entertainment's current strength in Hollywood, even if it can't hit 300 million US dollars in the end

Yuan, more than 250 million is definitely no problem.

The problem now is just that the market is only so big.

no way.

Simon couldn't help but think about it.

In the past, after the new century, the popularity of kung fu in Hollywood ebbed, Chinese filmmakers, or the Chinese filmmakers who broke into Hollywood in the 1990s, retreated across the board. In many people's eyes, this was because Westerners had passed the end for a while. , for the sake of not liking kung fu movies anymore.

Simon didn't think so.

In fact, in the 1990s, Chinese-language films had already laid a good foundation in Hollywood. The key is not that Westerners don’t like them anymore, but that Eastern filmmakers themselves are unable to continue. After the new century, there is no continuous supply of excellent films.

As for Chinese-American filmmakers, they have always been very active in Hollywood. It can be said that starting from Bruce Lee, Chinese-Americans have had their own place in Hollywood. Many years later, Justin Lin, who created the miracle of the "Fast and Furious" series, and Lin Yibin, who made the "Fast and Furious" series with low cost Wen Ziren, who started as a horror film and finally succeeded in becoming a key DC star, is all Chinese.

It is a little pity that overseas Chinese have always had little interest in striving for dominance. If they are like the Indians in Silicon Valley, they will definitely become a force that cannot be underestimated in various circles in the West.

Don't say that Westerners don't allow Chinese to take the lead.

If there is such a disapproval, how can there be so many Chinese Americans for the Nobel Prize, and the one who was ridiculed was very interesting, which made both Chinese and Americans uncomfortable. The American Mathematical Olympiad champion team is all Chinese. In addition, Wall Street is also crowded with Chinese elites.

All in all, it was still the one Simon had considered, lacking some aggression in his bones.

Maybe it's a good quality in the eyes of self-proclaimed civilized people, but...it's not, especially when you're surrounded by wolves.

Wolves don't reason with sheep.

The United States has practiced this rule to the fullest. For the opponents around, the first reaction of the United States has never been to be reasonable, but to shake its fists. Only when it finds that it cannot beat the opponent to the ground, the Americans will put down their sleeves and straighten their ties. : "Let's sit down and talk, we are all civilized people."

New York.

Inside the black sedan bound for Brooklyn.

Grace Crapp snuggled beside Simon, watching the man flipping through a copy of "Lady Chatterley's Lover", she rubbed her face against the man's cheeks with light stubble, and asked with a smile, "You What are you thinking, are you distracted?"


Grace froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Who are you planning to invade?"

There was a bit of softness in her voice.

Simon turned slightly to cater to the woman's caress, and said: "No one intends to invade recently. It has been, um, many days, and the feeling is getting better and better."

Grace blinked her eyes, but when she came to her senses, she said, "Then, does Jenny have any objections? I mean, where are the two Jenny?"

"Of course I have no objection," Simon said sternly, "I will never tell you that I was kicked out last Friday."

Grace immediately laughed softly, and after laughing, she held the man's arm tightly, with a little trepidation: "You, don't you really lose interest in women?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Grace glanced at the man's eyes, relieved a little, but said: "It's very common, it's the most common in the fashion industry, women have had enough fun, and then they become interested in men."


"Hehe, I know you're definitely not."

"How should I put it, I'm not even sure what you said."

"Hehe, because you are used to being surrounded by women, you may feel uncomfortable even if you have more people of the same sex around you. How is it possible, um."

"Oh, I'm relieved when you say that."

Grace smiled, and looked at Simon's hand again: "Why did you choose this book?"

"I met a couple of very interesting people recently, think about it."

A very interesting couple, of course, are the two of Epstein. The reason why Epstein's lover Ghisline Maxwell was later called Epstein's 'Mrs. The down-and-out lady helped Epstein, who climbed up from the bottom, to open up many contacts in the mall, including British princes and the like. This is somewhat similar to the story setting in "Lady Chatterley's Lover".


"I won't tell you, lest you be too deliberate."

Grace hummed lightly again, then glanced at the book: "I'll look for it sometime, I've heard of it."

"It's really nothing to see."

Grace nodded obediently: "Then I won't watch it."

The two chatted casually, and they had already arrived at Elite's training base in Brooklyn.

The Elite New Year World Elite Model Contest, which started in April, has finished the initial rounds of selection. Currently, the final 64 contestants are undergoing intensive training here in New York. Simon came to New York. It happened that there was no arrangement in the afternoon, so Grace called Simon over. have a look.

Obviously to please the mind, I hope Simon will pick a few and keep them.

Although Simon has been ascetic recently, it doesn't hinder his eyesight. Of course it's nothing to look at.

Entering the lobby of the training center, it has been arranged in advance. The security team of the Westeros family has already stationed here. Only a group of girls in close-fitting sports are training in a hall without realizing it.

When Simon appeared, there was a visibly commotion in the hall.

It can be clearly seen that the eyes of a group of girls with good faces and hot bodies are almost cannibalistic.

Grace got out of the car and kept a distance from Simon. She stood by her side, waited for the man to appreciate it for a while, clapped her hands, and said loudly: "Okay, girls, let's take a step and show Simon the results of your relationship." have a look."

After speaking, she was allowed to arrange by the staff here, and Grace and Simon quickly sat down on the bench by the wall, still keeping some distance.

Speaking of which, within Elite, if you don’t know the relationship between Grace and Simon until today, you can only be called an idiot. Many people even know that Grace has an extra child, which obviously points to a certain super tycoon, so even Provoked the special thoughts of many girls.

If you can give Simon Westeros a child, you will have nothing to worry about in this life.


It's not just that you don't have to worry about food and clothing, you can reach the sky in one step.

It's a pity that although Simon intends to have more children, it is definitely not possible for any woman to conceive his child. Apart from appearance and figure, well, it is unlikely that there will be a woman with mediocre appearance and figure around Simon. In short, Simon still values ​​it more With a little brain, it is still an elitist in his bones. Simon hopes that his children will be smarter, and they are definitely not empty skins.

In addition to this kind of natural mind, some projects recently established by the 3G plan have involved the field of human acquired brain development.

After all, the statement about the proportion of human brain development is almost well known, and Simon also hopes that one day, through scientific means, the human brain can be developed to an extreme.

Even reached a level of evolution.

After all, the computing power of the human brain is obviously more economical than that of the machine, but it cannot catch up with the machine. This has to be said to be achieved overnight.

I don't remember where I heard that people are the first series of machines.

If the development of the human brain reaches an extreme, various scientific problems currently entangled with human beings may be solved in a blink of an eye.

Grace sat down next to Simon, and felt the man's distraction again, and this time it didn't stop. Assets couldn't help but want to test her side, but it couldn't be too obvious, and he could only look at the field.

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