Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1359: Decoration

Simon gave a lot of opinions. Considering factors such as technology, time, and cost, they can't use them all this time. The meeting at the acrab headquarters only continued to focus on the final addition and modification of "Legend of Paradise" Nearly three hours, it can only be considered roughly.

The meeting ended, and it was past seven o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Qing did not return to the mansion in Itaewon on the north bank of the Han River, but went to the manor of her boss in the mountains in the southeastern suburbs of Seoul.

I have heard a saying that when a husband and wife get along for a long time, not only will there be similarities in appearance, but they will also become closer in behavior and habits. Chen Qing has no intention of competing with Janet for a seat, and there is no trend of husband and wife for the time being. However, as the woman of her own boss, she has also begun to converge with her boss in her style of acting.

For example, she now also likes to live in a more spacious residence.

It's not easy.

Living in a house that is wide enough to echo echoes requires a very strong psychological quality. According to the Chinese Feng Shui theory, a house that is too large is not easy to store wind and gather energy.

Chen Qing thinks that this is also a kind of exercise.

This time I brought Jiang Shanwu here, but it was also to coordinate the selection of the Wei family servant team. Chen Qing returned to the manor in the southeast suburb of Seoul, which is already in the Gyeonggi-do area of ​​Korea. Candidates are already waiting.

Chen Qing was not in a hurry, she went to take a shower and change clothes first.

Jiang Shanwu followed Chen Qing to take a bath, and also mentioned that Zheng Mengjiu of Hyundai Group had just finalized the purchase of a nearby plot of land to build a property, and asked people to say hello here.

Chen Qing said she was aware of it, and it was expected.

Just like the properties near the Maoer Hutong mansion in Beijing were bought by many interested people, in order to be neighbors with Simon Westeros, many Korean chaebol families have recently begun to enclose land around them.

It is conceivable that this area, which was not valued at first, will soon become the top wealthy area in South Korea like Itaewon.

After taking a bath and eating dinner in a leisurely manner, Chen Qing came to a small hall in the villa, saying that the small hall is relatively speaking, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, which is very suitable for a small number of people to gather. At this time, 31 people are already waiting here. The two girls are already in the standard Wei family servant uniform style, coupled with the similar height, at first glance they give people a very comfortable sense of uniformity.

Chen Qing knew that her boss liked this kind of stuff very much.

It is planned to select 300 people in South Korea, and the ratio of maids and guards is two to one. This is the fourth batch, aged between 18 and 28. Therefore, apart from uniformity, if you carefully distinguish them, you can see that there is a certain temperament. Immature girls, graceful young women, with different temperaments.

This was Chen Qing's decision after she suggested to her boss.

If Xingzhizhi wants to conduct scientific research in the future, the sample age range should be larger, which will definitely increase the diversity.

It just so happened that the current state of turmoil in South Korea, coupled with the layout of the Westeros system here, makes it very convenient to select candidates, directly mobilize files from various universities and related companies, and send interview invitations to qualified candidates after screening. Up to this point, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a thousand, and it has not been finalized. It will go through three months of training, and it is hard to say how many will be left in the end.

Taking the file list that Jiang Shanwu handed over, Chen Qing sat down on the sofa at one side of the small hall, opened a page, and said to Jiang Shanwu: "Let's get started, let them each introduce themselves."

Jiang Shanwu nodded and gestured towards the girls standing in several rows in the hall.

According to the order in Chen Qing's information, soon a girl with a capable temperament in her twenties came out and bowed to Chen Qing: "Hello senior, my name is Jin Sumin, I am 26 years old, and I graduated from Ewha University in Mathematics." Professional, previously worked as a researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology..."

After Jin Sumin introduced clearly and skillfully, she looked at Chen Qing who was leisurely leaning on the sofa and staring at the documents in front of her. After waiting for a moment, she took the initiative and said, "Senior, may I know what to call you?"

Chen Qing is watching Jin Sumin's character assessment.

This is a very important item in the selection of the Wei family's servants. It doesn't mean that all girls should be selected to be obedient. Simon doesn't like being surrounded by meek to mechanical little sheep, just to achieve a deeper understanding and arrange suitable girls. Work.

The result of Jin Sumin's personality assessment in Chen Qing's hands is a typical leadership personality, strong, rational, dominating, and even aggressive.

That's not the point.

The key point is that this is a mathematics student who entered school at the age of 18 and got a doctorate in only six years.

Chen Qing still didn't find it strange.

Based on her understanding of mathematics majors, this circle is really "depending on the sky". The gap in IQ cannot be made up by hard work at all. Those with excellent IQ can easily get a doctor's degree. Diligence, the results will not be too good.

The problem is the combination of the two.

A mathematician's brain coupled with a strong leadership personality, and, with a genius-level EQ score of 145... this is also a goblin.

Chen Qing's first thought was to wipe it off.

Think about it or give up.

You can't be so insecure, can you?

However, when she heard that Jin Sumin took the initiative to test her, Chen Qing didn't respond, she just ignored it, turned a page of the information in her hand, and motioned to Jiang Shanwu beside her, Jiang Shanwu didn't look at Jin Sumin, and said, "Next."

Hearing what Jiang Shanwu said, Jin Sumin was not at all unhappy about being ignored on the surface, and she took the initiative to retreat with a calm expression.

However, some girls in the crowd were overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

Feeling a little nervous.

It is inevitable to recall what happened during this time.

Suddenly received a confused interview invitation, the position is senior life assistant, they all have brains, and soon understood the meaning behind the title, nanny, maid, probably like this.

Even though the current employment situation in South Korea is quite severe, the first reaction of many girls is to refuse.

After all, those who can be selected for an interview will basically have certain advantages in appearance and mind.

However, the problem is that the salary marked in the invitation is really too high. The annual salary is 120 million won, which is 10 million won per month. Relatively speaking, the average annual salary in South Korea in 1997 was only 26 million won, and the median income was even lower at only 18 million won, not to mention that the widespread layoffs and salary cuts under the background of the current economic crisis will inevitably greatly compress this figure.

Therefore, many girls inevitably feel that this is a scam at first.

How can there be such a good thing?

However, although I don't know exactly who is recruiting senior living assistants, after asking, this interview has been confirmed by the unit around me, so let's try it.

After trying it, the strict and harsh screening process made them no longer doubt it. The annual salary of 100 million won is obviously not that easy to get.

And here we go again.

They still don't know who they are going to serve, but they know that there is still a hurdle, 3 months of training, and if they pass, they can finally sign the agreement.

The good news is that after passing the initial screening, they have already received a subsidy of 10 million won. At the same time, it is also stated that the three-month training period will also be paid according to the agreed salary.

In general, even if they are not selected in the end, they can still get 40 million won. Not to mention the students among them, even the salaried workers in the candidates generally have their income in the past two years or so.

Of course, after confirming that they can get such a sum of money, the girls who entered the candidates inevitably became more eager to actually get the job.

Because the treatment is really good.

Just recently, they have all moved to a dormitory by the Han River in Jiangnan District. It is said to be a dormitory, but it is a whole high-end riverside building that they would not have dared to buy on their own except for marrying a rich man. View Apartment, in the past, the monthly salary of most candidates was not even enough for the rent of that apartment.

Now he just lives in it casually.

Today, when they come to this quiet and luxurious manor hidden in the mountains, most of the candidates will inevitably go a step further.

Must get this job.

Flipping through the information, Chen Qing listened to the self-introduction flowing in her ears. From the expressions and tone of some girls, she could easily feel their eagerness. She probably understood the reason, but she also knew that if these girls knew what they would do next The treatment will only make it crazier.

After all, what they can feel at this time is only a small part of the treatment that the Wei family servants have.

To mention just one thing, the maids and guards of the Wei family even have the right to use private jets, even if they are of different levels and have different limited times every year, but this kind of treatment, which is impossible for ordinary wealthy people, is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

31 girls, go through it quickly.

Chen Qing didn't say much, and directly asked Jiang Shanwu to take everyone away again. This action seemed redundant, but it was also Chen Qing's own scheming.

According to my boss, this is called training.

After finishing this matter, I went to the study to review some materials. At 10:30 in the evening, I got through the video call with my boss on time.

It was 6:30 a.m. on the same day in Los Angeles.

Simon was jogging on the treadmill in the gym, listening to Chen Qing talk about some recent work one by one, the focus these days is still on online games.

"Acrab's side, preliminary estimates, after re-adjusting "Legend of Paradise", there is still a closed test, and the real launch will take September at the earliest. Boss, the summer vacation must not be able to catch up, but I think the end of the year is good, isn't it? ?”

Los Angeles, Point Dume Estate.

Simon heard Chen Qing mention the modification plan of "Legend of Paradise", thought for a while and said: "China can go online at the end of the year, North America, maybe earlier, maybe later, this time we still have to stagger the movie schedule at the end of the year, and it can't be like last year. Like Counter-Strike ol."

Simon just talked without explaining more, but Chen Qing basically understood, and couldn't help laughing: "Boss, will this affect the schedule of the TV series? I think it's more serious?"

Simon also laughed: "No way, only 12 months a year."

In fact, Daenerys' game department released a total of 53 new games in 1997, which is only 52 weeks a year, which is equivalent to one game per week and has a balance, which is equivalent to four to six games per month. Uninterrupted. And in 1998, because of Simon's constant price tags, this number will exceed 70, with an average of more than 6 new games released every month, of various types, distributed on various game platforms, which can be called carpet coverage.

Sufficient quantity is the key to the Daenerys game department being able to support the latest growth point of Daenerys Entertainment.

Of course, the game industry actually has a very obvious 80-20 rule, just like last year's "Counter-Strike OL" and this year's "StarCraft". The profits brought by these two phenomenal games are expected to occupy Daenerys. More than 60% of the entire game business, together with some other hot items, basically provided 80% of the profits.

However, the reason is that you only have given enough base

, to form the 28th law. There are 7 games released every year, and 70 games, the probability of a hit is absolutely different.

Simon and Chen Qing finished chatting, ended the video call, and got off the treadmill.

Today is another busy day.

The time is May 21st.


Arrived at the company in the morning and handled various routine tasks. In the afternoon, there was an internal test film meeting first.

About High School Musical.

The movie will be released on June 26th, but the final cut was completed at this time, which is also the result of being in a hurry. In terms of cost, if it is not in a hurry, it will actually cost less than 15 million. Even, if it wasn't for Daenerys Entertainment, who was in such a hurry, if a big label got stuck during the rating review, it would definitely disrupt the established announcement rhythm.

Of course, the current Daenerys Entertainment does not have this kind of problem, but it is very convenient to check other potential competitors.

After Britney Spears was deleted by Simon because of those shitty things last year, the production team picked another girl, and Christina Aguilera naturally went one step further and became the first female lead, another selected Latino Girls can only play supporting roles.

I have seen several samples in advance, and for the finished film, not to mention the characters, the film as a whole is obviously different from the previous one. After all, it is two time and space, and it is impossible for Simon to follow up 100%.

However, from the perspective of a top filmmaker, Simon can score 8 points for this movie.

Next, look at the feedback from the market.

A good movie may not necessarily get a high box office, especially a commercial movie. The key still depends on whether the audience likes it or not, and even whether it fits the market environment at the time.

At the end of the audition, another brief announcement meeting was held. Simon walked out of the conference room with everyone, and found the petite Christina Aguilera was still standing outside, her face still flushed. The result of sitting next to Simon during the film.

Didn't do anything too outrageous, Simon is still in the stage of recharging his energy recently.

He didn't drive the girl away, and brought her to his office. Simon sat down behind the desk, and when he saw the girl was about to slip into his arms, he patted her on the head with a smile.

The little girl thought she understood, and she was about to get under the table when she was short. Simon stopped her with a smile, and motioned to the table: "Come, give me a decoration."

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