Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1247 Scolding first, then talking

Celia Miller and Emily Joplin didn't arrive at their beachside estate in San Lucas until Saturday afternoon.

As usual, Angourie Davis was in charge of reception.

After being settled in a villa on the west side of the main building, Celia Miller, who also took a bath and washed up and put on a home-style Chanel white knee-length skirt, combed her hair while asking the housekeeper who hadn’t left yet : "Where's Simon?"

The housekeeper habitually clasped her hands in front of her body, and said, "The boss is out to sea."

"Can we have dinner together?"

The housekeeper shook her head: "The boss told me when he left that he will spend the night directly at sea tonight and come back tomorrow."

Celia was a little disappointed, and then asked: "With which woman?"

Angore didn't answer.

Celia waited for a while, but didn't get an answer, and didn't want to delve into it any further. Instead, she thought of another thing: "Is there another woman coming from Ukraine these days?"

Angorie nodded: "Yes."

"Then..." Celia wanted to inquire with great interest, glanced at the housekeeper's decent smiling expression, and gave up voluntarily. She must still not be able to ask, and instead said: "Prepare some food for me and Amy first." Right, I slept all the way on the plane when I came here, and I haven’t eaten anything yet.”

"What do you two need?"

"If there is anything delicious in Mexico, make some."

The housekeeper nodded and confirmed that Celia had nothing else to do before turning around and leaving to prepare.

Simon did not come back after that.

However, Celia and Emily's stay here is not boring at all.

The man's manor is really great, and, first of all, it's big, with an area of ​​300 hectares, which is equivalent to those university campuses that can accommodate tens of thousands of teachers and students, but there are only two people counting as hosts and guests. As long as they don't deliberately approach each other, they don't interfere with each other at all.

There are more ways to play.

The exaggerated freshwater swimming pool on the shore and the clear seawater near the sea are all suitable for swimming.

The last few days have been windy and surfing is still possible.

In addition, Simon left a boat at the pier when he left this time. After eating, the two women happily took the boat to a diving area 10 kilometers offshore after hearing the introduction from the housekeeper.

In fact, I thought that I might meet someone by chance.

It's a pity that I didn't see it, but I still had a good time diving. When the sunset is projected in the water, reflecting the colorful corals and swimming fish at the bottom, it is simply beautiful.

Because I slept all the way on the plane and didn’t feel sleepy at night, I went to the indoor sports field on the east side of the golf course. I tried all the shooting, archery and bowling, and finally slept in the seaside cabin on the south side of the shooting range. Waking up in the warm sunshine the next day, Emily hugged Celia from behind and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, facing the sea, and said with some emotion: "Suddenly I want to live like this for the rest of my life."

Celia is not as emotional as Emily, and said with a smile: "If you want, Simon can satisfy you, but I guess you will want to escape after living here for less than a year."

Emily paused and had to admit.

Many people can't explain the truth of the siege, but they are all practicing it.

the other side.

Cheng Tae-hee also felt that even if he drowned in the gentleness of the man and the beautiful scenery immediately, he would have no regrets in just one day and one night.

On Saturday, I played with the man from the land to the sea during the day, and at night, in the luxury master bedroom of the yacht with a transparent dome, the sky is full of stars and gentle and lingering. The man was not completely satisfied, so that the other party had to call in another woman to add to the fun.

Fortunately, that woman was just an adjustment.

She is still the main one.

It was not until a long time later that Cheng Tae-hee discovered who the Russian-speaking woman who was full of humility and flattery around the man was, so he became more and more aware of the strength of the man.

The next afternoon, Simon returned, and Celia and Emily, who had been waiting all day, were finally able to have dinner with the man.

Almost at the same time, news about South Korea also came from Asia again.

In Seoul, which is 17 hours away, on Monday morning local time, the media suddenly revealed that the foreign exchange reserves that the Bank of Korea could use were only US$3.2 billion.

$3.2 billion, what does that mean?

Using a business as an analogy, any business must have enough cash to meet expenses such as employee salaries, material purchases, advertising and marketing, etc. Of course, the company must also have various incomes at the same time to achieve a smooth flow of revenue and expenditure.

But that's just normal.

On the contrary, once a company has problems in its operation, its income cannot meet its expenditures, and even after discovering that the company is in trouble, various financial institutions will not only stop providing loans to it, but also try to force the debt to run. The cash flow is completely exhausted, and there is only one result, bankruptcy.

South Korea, which has only 3.2 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves, is now such a "company" on the verge of extinction.

Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, South Korea, with a total foreign debt of more than 100 billion US dollars, has not only been unable to obtain more loan support from overseas, but also caused a large number of foreign-funded institutions that lent money to South Korea to flee due to the sharp drop in the Korean stock market and the sharp depreciation of the Korean won. The situation at this time.

Now, there is no need to wait until the end of December for South Korea's US$30 billion short-term foreign debt to expire. With the news being exposed, it is conceivable that the flight of foreign capital will only become crazier.

At $3.2 billion, it may not last even a week.

When the news broke from South Korea and quickly spread throughout Asia and even the whole world, the South Korean government's first reaction was to deny it.

It didn't help.

South Korea’s stock market opened on Monday, and everyone forgot the gossip that Simon Westeros might launch a bailout for South Korea that was still buzzing last week.

At the close of last Friday, the won-dollar exchange rate had risen to 1,698 to 1. In just one day, it directly fell below 2,000 points, reaching 2,037 won-to-dollar at the close of the day, an astonishing 17% drop in a single day.

The South Korean stock market also fell by 11 points throughout the day on Monday, falling sharply to 293 points from 329 points at the close of last Friday.

Worst of all is the debt market.

On Monday, foreign capital sold almost completely regardless of cost, running desperately.

In the end, in just one day, due to the frenzied flight of overseas capital from the Korean stock market and bond market, South Korea’s already scarce foreign exchange reserves were once again reduced by US$1.8 billion, which also means that after the market closed on Monday, South Korea’s foreign exchange reserves There is only an even more pitiful US$1.4 billion left.

No one thought that even a year ago, South Korea, whose annual GDP was as high as 610 billion U.S. dollars and ranked 11th in the world, suddenly fell to such a point.

Throughout South Korea, countless people stayed up all night.

Early on Tuesday morning, South Korean President Kim Young-sam delivered a televised speech. In view of the current precarious economic situation in South Korea, South Korea had no choice but to make a difficult decision, implement emergency foreign exchange control, and force the exchange rate of the Korean won to the US dollar to be locked at 2000. 1. At the same time, temporarily close the stock and bond markets.

At the end of the televised speech, Kim Young-sam also announced that South Korea would seek emergency assistance from the International Monetary Fund.

The short three-minute TV speech was broadcast, and there were a lot of curses in Korea and abroad.

For the Korean people, almost everyone has not understood until now, what is wrong with their own country?

In everyone's impression, South Korea has been thriving these years. It is the first of the four Asian tigers in Asia after Japan and China. It became the first member of TO in 1995. In 1996, it also joined the economic cooperation of the international rich countries club And development organizations, Korea's domestic Fortune 500 companies, Hyundai, Daewoo, Samsung, LG, etc. are listed one after another, and the number in Asia is second only to Japan.

How could such a country suddenly be on the verge of bankruptcy?


International speculators?

Financial turmoil?

These don't seem to be reasons.

After all, among the four Asian tigers, the other three have survived. There is no reason why South Korea, the leader, will fall down?

So, what is the problem?

In any case, let's scold first.

Anyway, it must be the fault of the government and the chaebol. Of course, Soros and the international speculators must also be at fault.

It's never wrong to scold.

For international capital, the accusations are focused on South Korea's mandatory foreign exchange controls and the closure of the stock and bond markets. Compared with Hong Kong, which still played games within the rules before, this is completely hooliganism.

Of course, everyone knows your difficulties.

If the stock and bond markets are not closed and foreign exchange controls are not implemented, perhaps one day later, South Korea's foreign exchange will be completely exhausted.

But this is not the reason for you to be a hooligan!

If other countries and regions do the same in the future, wouldn't it mean that the rules of the international financial market are completely invalid, and whoever wants to do what they want can do whatever they want, cheat if they want to, and turn the table if they want to.

Then how to play?

Therefore, when news of Kim Young-sam's televised speech came out, both the authorities around the world and the giants of international financial capital expressed strong condemnation.


The only thing that made everyone breathe a sigh of relief was that South Korea hadn't completely fainted yet, and instead of lying down and mocking, he asked i for help. As long as i makes a move, it is conceivable that South Korea's short-term financial shutdown will definitely recover quickly.

As a result, various stakeholders have launched lobbying in Washington.

Everyone knows, i, not talking about other high-sounding things, it is controlled by the United States, and the United States has the final say.

US East Coast.

Northeast Long Island is part of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.

It's a Tuesday morning here in New York.

This is already the third day since the heads of major Korean chaebols arrived in North America.

When everyone came to the United States, they were directly taken to Martha's Vineyard, which is far away from the urban area, and started negotiations with the two leaders of the Westeros system. This made it impossible for those who had hoped that the news of this contact would be exposed in order to ease the tension in South Korea.

That being the case, let's talk.

However, everyone's first reaction to the split and integration plan proposed by the Westeros system was strong opposition.

The characteristics of Korean chaebols are large and comprehensive. Everyone has always believed that the larger the company, the stronger its ability to face competition and resist risks. Even things like bankruptcy and bankruptcy are completely different from companies with a certain size. irrelevant.

This is too big to fail.

Simon Westero actually asked them to directly cut off some core businesses for industrial concentration, how could this be tolerated? However, as various news continued to come from Asia in the past few dozen hours, the leaders of the chaebols obviously lacked much confidence today.

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