Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1228 Why?

., The news from the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, like a singularity in the Big Bang, has spread rapidly and spread all over the world while the press conference is still going on.

In every corner of the planet, no matter what time zone it is, someone has been notified, the media has begun to release urgent news, financial institutions have convened ad hoc meetings, and governments have discussed countermeasures. The general public of this financial turmoil has been talking about it, and some financial forums on the Internet have even experienced downtime accidents due to the sudden influx of users.

The first to bear the brunt of course is the Hong Kong financial market.

At 2:06 p.m. on October 29, 1997, the press conference of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center had just begun. With the rapid spread of the news, the Hang Seng Index hit the lowest point in the Hong Kong stock market in four months after 9355 points. , start turning.

The trend curve of the Hang Seng Index seemed a little hesitant at first. With the live broadcast of the press conference by Internet media platforms and TVB in Hong Kong, the news was confirmed. By the end of the press conference, the Hang Seng Index had risen from the lowest point of 9,355 points to 10,069 points. In 30 minutes, the Hang Seng Index had risen by an astonishing 7.6%.

Immediately, a large number of short capital still betting in Hong Kong also reacted, and invariably began to organize short sales in an attempt to suppress the continued skyrocketing of the Hang Seng Index. Almost at the same time, the capital raised in advance by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority also entered the market directly, starting a close game with the bears.

The last two hours of trading on the day were marked by ups and downs for the Hang Seng Index.

At the same time, the Hong Kong exchange rate market, even if it is not the main battlefield, related games are also unfolding at the same time, and even the Hong Kong bond market and other financial capital fields are turbulent.

Finally, at 4:10 p.m. that day, the Hong Kong stock market closed, and the Hang Seng Index finally settled at a high of 10,537 points that day. From the opening of 9639 points on this day to the closing point of 10537 points, the increase reached 9.3%, and the overall one-day fluctuation of the Hang Seng Index reached 12.6%.

In addition, on October 29, the total trading volume of the Hong Kong stock market reached 36.3 billion Hong Kong dollars, of which more than 24 billion Hong Kong dollars were traded in the last two hours of the afternoon trading session. Therefore, it can be seen that the game between long and short capital is How intense.

On the other hand, stimulated by the good news, the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar also rose by 1.04% throughout the day, from the Hong Kong linked exchange rate of 7.83 to the US dollar, which was close to the floating lower limit, to the upper limit of 7.75 US dollars to the US dollar.

The surge in the Hong Kong stock market and foreign exchange market quickly spread to the whole of Asia.

Since many bears thought that this would be the end of the four-month-long Asian financial turmoil, they began to flee after hearing the news. In the subsequent trading hours of various countries and regions that day, stocks, bonds, foreign exchange and other markets rose across the board.

Except for hapless South Korea.

Because the Korean stock market opened from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, plus the time difference, but the news from Hong Kong reached South Korea, and it was already 3:00 pm there.

South Korean stock markets have closed for an hour.

Therefore, when the financial situation in Hong Kong reversed, the South Korean stock market fell again by 4.5% on Wednesday, and the kospi index closed with only 327 points, which is 1145 points away from the peak in 1994, and the cumulative decline reached 72%, even if it is a year From the highest point of 849 points in October last year, the decline has also exceeded half.

After all, the Korean stock market is only a small plate, and the worst is the Korean won.

On the same day, the Korean won fell by 5.4% in a single day, from 1,781 to 1 to 1,877 to 1. Compared with the exchange rate of the Korean won to the U.S. dollar of about 800 a few months ago, the depreciation rate has exceeded 50%, and There was no sign of hemostasis.

When the major financial markets in Asia closed one after another, as the night gradually covered all parts of Asia, Europe and North America ushered in the dawn one after another, and the media public opinion about the press conference at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on October 29 finally began to erupt on a large scale.

Governments around the world, major media, major financial institutions and even the public on online platforms have all expressed their comments on this black swan-level super financial event.

The first is Asia.

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red packets every day, as long as you pay attention, you can get it. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

The governments of Japan and South Korea, which can be called the younger brothers of the United States, were the first to express their affirmation of the press conference. The South Korean government of Kim Young-sam even directly called Washington, calling on the federal government to take stronger measures to curb the influence of international financial speculators on the economies of Asian countries. attack.

The mood in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries is a little more complicated.

Because the participants of this conference, the Quantum Fund, have just been wreaking havoc in their country's financial market in the past few months, and now, the wolf suddenly stopped eating meat and instead protected the sheep, which seems to be a good thing. It's just that these sheep that have been gnawed and bruised all over, how should they be counted?

So just don't mention it.

In the relevant statement, they only affirmed Hong Kong's bold and active intervention in the market and the measures taken by the Westeros system to maintain the stability of the international financial order.

After the government's statement, the media in various Asian countries basically maintained a consistent tone. That night, a news program with the highest ratings in mainland China gave the press conference a full 12 minutes to report in detail, and at the same time used a rather euphemistic statement.

He has publicly stated a popular slogan in mainland China, friends come with good wine, and jackals come with shotguns.

Of course, there is definitely a lot of noise in the one-sided public opinion.

Masayoshi Suzuki, chairman of Japan's Nomura Securities, was a little excited when he was interviewed by Fuji TV that night. He affirmed the press conference a little bit, and then began to criticize, accusing the sudden turn of the Quantum Fund as a conspiracy. The more angry he became, he finally contradicted himself and turned into a complete denial. He scolded the three parties involved in the press conference one by one, believing that the Hong Kong authorities should not undermine the rules of the free market, and that Simon Westeros was completely in the wrong position. Think the Quantum Fund must have made a big picture, Barabara.

The host of Fuji TV was also sharp. After Suzuki Masayoshi finished complaining, he asked straight to the point if Nomura Securities had bet on a large number of short positions in Hong Kong.

Suzuki Zhengzhi was stunned on the spot, then quickly denied it, and finally got up and left the studio.

It also quickly became news.

Because Nomura Securities has been operating in a very poor state over the years and has been losing money for several consecutive years. Now, the Asian financial turmoil is still ongoing. If Nomura Securities suffers huge losses in Hong Kong, it is likely to be completely unable to support it.

In the face of investors' questions, Nomura Securities had to hold a small press conference an hour after the chairman's interview with Fuji TV, and once again publicly denied that Nomura has no short positions in Hong Kong.

However, the facts quickly came to face. A Nomura Securities executive who was laid off two months ago disclosed on social networks that he had personally participated in the Nomura derivatives team's operation of the Hong Kong stock market since the first half of the year, because the first half of the year The Hang Seng Index rose against the market trend when the stock markets in other Asian countries fell one after another. Nomura, who was bearish on the Hang Seng Index, lost a lot of money at the time. It was precisely because of this loss that he was laid off by the company.

In the face of the disclosure of the former executive, Nomura Securities simply pretended to be dead and did not make any reply.

Compared with Asia, when the sun begins to shine in Europe and a new day comes, European countries, mainly the governments of developed Western European countries, have one-sided criticism of this conference in Hong Kong, with few exceptions.

French President Jacques Chirac even stated that the French government may take certain countermeasures if necessary for this incident that violated the rules of the free market in Hong Kong.

As for the financial giants in the European region, they have also fried the pot together.

What's happening?

A guy who's been leading Asia for the past month is suddenly attacking them, are we going to turn around?

The question is when is there time to turn around? !

The Hong Kong authorities couldn't control it, so they tried to contact Soros of the Quantum Fund and a young boss behind the Westeros system, trying to find out what was going on?

Anyway, give an explanation.

Is it all a dream that everyone is happily harvesting Asia during this time?

Why not continue?

Why backwater? !

Why do you want to start with your own people?

Why is this?

The government and financial institutions are like this, and one can imagine the trend of public opinion in the mainstream media in Europe.

For Father Sun, who is staring at the world indifferently, there is nothing new on the earth. The sun continues to be thrown toward North America with the rotation of the earth.

When the younger brothers in Europe thought that the U.S. government would raise its arms and resolutely stifle the accidental black swan in Hong Kong, the major U.S. paper media first published in the early morning, almost all of the reports on the relevant time can be regarded as painless. , I can't see the anger that the capital forces of all parties represented behind the scenes of these media should have.

Shouldn't you be angry?

Then, that morning, at the regular White House press conference, the expected Clinton did not even show his face. The attitude of the Westeros system and the Quantum Fund is only corporate behavior, and it is inconvenient to comment, Barabara.

We all know that the United States is receiving a very important state visit recently, but according to the usual practice, shouldn't the United States be tough on other aspects at this time?

What the hell are you, Clinton?

Of course, everyone is not a fool. After complaining, many people gradually come to their senses.

The Westeros system, the Quantum Fund, these are all American capital.

Before the two do this, perhaps, it is very likely... Will they know about other Wall Street capital?

Or even directly join forces to hunt other uninformed international financial capital? Thinking about it this way, the reaction of the US government and the dullness of public opinion in the United States suddenly became normal.

This is a game, a general hunt for the entire Wall Street!

It's normal!

Got it!

Wall Street, you are not human, you pay back our hard-earned money! ! !

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