Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1221 The world is always forgetful

Direct access: [End Benshen Station] www.xinwanben.com

Dumay Point Manor.

After dinner, Jennifer instructed the waitresses to clean up the dining room, and after taking care of the six little guys in the family, she took a document and came to the study on the basement level of Shell Villa.

Having been Simon's assistant for a long time, Jennifer is familiar with these things.

Simon and Janet were standing together in front of a large world map on the wall of the study, discussing something, and occasionally drew a pen on the map.

Standing by and looking at it for a moment, Jennifer gestured to the document in her hand: "This is the guest list for Thursday's luncheon, Simon, do you think there is anything that needs to be adjusted?"

"You can do it as you see fit," Simon said. Instead of taking the document, he reached out to the female assistant, gestured to the world map in front of him, changed Chinese, and said with a smile: "Look, this is for you. The country laid down."

Over the years, Jennifer's Chinese is not much worse than Janet's, but she obviously still can't understand the stalk that Simon blurted out. She thought the man was funny, and gave him a blank look, but she still leaned on the man and continued to look at it.

On weekdays, Jennifer and a few confidantes are personally responsible for the cleaning and tidying of this private study. She naturally knew about the world map in the study, which had been painted and painted by men for a long time, and quickly identified the Some changes, pointing to some extra notes on several routes extending in the direction of Africa: "Battery, what do you mean?"

"It was inspired by a chat with Paulson from Goldman Sachs at a cocktail party in New York the other day," Simon said with a smile. "You know, I've paid a lot of attention to rechargeable batteries in recent years, but after Paulson Sen's unexpected reminder, I found that my layout was far from enough."

At the cocktail party last week, Simon and Paulson accidentally talked about the future of the auto industry. Paulson came to the conclusion that 'whoever owns the battery wins the world', and after that brief conversation, Simon actually came to the same conclusion. in conclusion.

Before that, frankly speaking, Simon's attention to the rechargeable battery industry was more for the electronic product business of the Westeros system, such as a series of flagship products of Tincober, such as Nokia's mobile phones, and so on.

Others, Simon really hasn't considered too long.

After that conversation, Simon, who was accidentally awakened, suddenly felt that it was indeed possible to make more layouts in advance.

The opportunity brought about by the Asian financial turmoil spreading around the world is also very suitable for layout.

Hearing the man's words, Jennifer asked, "What does this have to do with Africa?"

Simon pointed to the DRC region in central Africa: "According to the current exploration results, there are a large number of important minerals such as lithium, nickel, and cobalt that are necessary for flushable batteries in the future."

Having said that, without waiting for Jennifer to ask again, Simon took the initiative to add, and indicated the three routes extending from Africa on the map, mainly pointing to the east coast of the United States, Ukraine in the hinterland of Europe, and China: "Africa provides raw materials, after primary refining, Ship to North America, Eastern Europe and China, refine it, and then, go a step further, process it into the batteries we need, very, very many batteries.”

Jennifer bent her mouth and murmured, "What do we need so many batteries for?"

"Make a car," Simon said. "Imagine that all the billions of diesel locomotives in the world are replaced by electric vehicles. How many batteries are needed?"

Even though she has been a housewife for several years, Jennifer's head turning has not become slow at all, and her mouth will grow slightly soon.

Of course she could imagine.

If Simon's scenario comes true, the role of batteries in the future is likely to be equivalent to today's oil. And mastering the lifeblood of the international battery industry means that you have mastered the lifeblood of the global 'energy'.

Janet was also a little excited on the other side of Simon at this time: "Maybe, in the future, there will be competition for core industries related to batteries, and there will be some wars, the first battery war, the second battery war, hehe."

Jennifer felt Janet's excitement when she talked about the war, and rolled her eyes: "The third time is the world war, and everyone will be destroyed together."

"I've been looking forward to it."

Jennifer didn't have so much time to accompany the two guys to talk crazy here, and said, "I'll go up first, and you shouldn't be too busy."

After speaking, he kissed the man, turned and left the study.

Before waiting for the female assistant to disappear, Janet held Simon's arm, raised the fountain pen she had been holding, and made a mark in Latin America, saying, "I'll talk more with my eldest brother recently, since that's the case, On the Australian side, not just in Africa, we should increase the exploration and mergers and acquisitions of core material deposits related to the battery industry around the world.”

Simon nodded and said again: "It doesn't need to be too obvious to avoid causing others' vigilance. We can spend ten years to make a slow layout."

"Ten years, so long?"

Simon said with a smile: "In the next ten years, we need to continue to consolidate our current advantages in technology fields such as the Internet, as well as develop emerging markets such as China. After this is done, we just need a new growth point, the electric vehicle plan. It can be implemented.”

Janet thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

The two discussed the map for a few more words, and came to the large desk by the window together. Simon sat down on the leather chair. Janet didn't pull another chair, but sat directly on Simon's lap. , let's look at the briefing on the financial situation in Asia today.

Janet remembered one more thing and tilted her head back slightly: "Dear,

In this case, I think we should make some layouts in the automotive field in advance, which can be regarded as technology accumulation, right? "

Simon leaned in and kissed the woman's white and tender face, and said with a smile: "Not only can't you do this, but you have to reduce the layout as much as possible."

Janet blinked.

Simon reminded: "Think about this side of North America, why is it so difficult to develop a cheaper and more efficient rail system?"

Janet thought about it for a moment, and then she understood.

profit driven.

There is certainly no shortage of railroads in North America, but the U.S. railroad system is lagging and dilapidated relative to the air and highway systems.


Because the huge system of aviation and highway interests does not allow it.

Boeing doesn't allow it, airline union doesn't allow it, GM and Ford don't allow it, truckers don't allow it...

Extending it a little further, why is the public transportation system in American big cities lacking? In some world-class metropolises, subways have not been repaired for decades. Or is it the same reason that public transportation is too developed, and there are fewer people buying cars?

So it's not that there is no money, it's that there are too many people who don't want to see this result.

because it affects their interests.

Besides, the Westeros system, if the investment in traditional internal combustion engine vehicles is too large, and electric vehicles are developed in the future, even if Simon is willing to sacrifice the interests of the traditional automobile business to eliminate himself, there will be too many interests involved and delay to prevent Simon from doing so.

Even the development of controllable nuclear fusion in the Westeros system will definitely encounter various conceivable obstacles, which must come from traditional fossil energy interest groups.

In any case, at least in order to minimize the obstacles that may be encountered in its own system, Simon will not be too involved in the traditional automobile industry.

Janet wanted to understand this, so she stopped pursuing it, and looked at the briefing in front of her with the man.

After last week's abandonment of the New Taiwan dollar and the Korean won's abandonment of exchange rate limits, Asian stock markets, bond markets and foreign exchange markets continued to be precarious on Monday.

Under everyone's tacit manipulation, Hong Kong stocks once again bear the brunt. The Hang Seng Index fell directly from 11,392 points on Friday to 10,561 points at the close with another sharp drop of 7.3 in a single day. Except for a few well-informed groups who secretly planned, almost no ignorant bystanders did not think that the Hang Seng Index would inevitably fall to 10,561 points. less than 10,000 points.

Because the short contracts of the Hang Seng Index with more than 10,000 points were not accepted at all, a large number of speculative capital could only bet within 10,000 points, and the short positions in this part were almost all accepted.

In the next two days, to be precise, it will be one and a half trading days before a press conference is released at 2:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday. It is no surprise that the Hang Seng Index will be tacitly entered into the 9000-point range by everyone. Near the 9500 point, it attracts the last wave of short speculators who are self-inflicted.

Then close the net.

After reading the relevant data from Hong Kong, Janet looked up again: "The Hong Kong government has prepared US$15 billion of funds to actively support the market, which is equivalent to giving up the free market rules of non-interference in financial floating. I am thinking, other countries will not Will follow suit, such as South Korea, if we do the same, some of our layouts will not be so easy to implement?"

Simon admired Janet's insight.

Historically, in August 1998, Hong Kong gave up the principle of non-interference in the market and took the initiative to invest funds to support the Hang Seng Index. This was a very risky move, as it might damage the reputation of Hong Kong's free market. However, the results proved that. The correctness of this move.

After the financial defense war in Hong Kong, international speculators finally stopped, making Hong Kong and the entire mainland behind it return to calm.

Seeing the positive effect of Hong Kong's active intervention in the market, a month later, Malaysia also began to take the initiative to intervene, and even later Russia, even more ruthless, directly played a big role, avoiding the complete destruction of its own financial system, but also pitted A certain industry hedging leader in the United States called Long Term Capital Management directly liquidated. The Federal Reserve was also forced to intervene proactively, as LTCM's position was so large that it almost caused a systemic financial crisis in the United States.

Therefore, it can be said that Hong Kong's active intervention in the market was the first cold water to extinguish the Asian financial turmoil that lasted for two years and spread to the world.

This time, the Chinese authorities made a decision a year ahead of schedule, and there is clearly the possibility of imitation.

Simon thought about it and said: "At least South Korea has no chance, because the situation in South Korea and Hong Kong is completely different. Hong Kong has sufficient foreign exchange reserves, a sound economic structure, and almost no foreign debt. Although the operation method this time is a bit bad, it is also It’s a game within financial rules. South Korea is different. South Korea’s main problem is foreign debt. If the South Korean government wants to intervene, all it can do is to ignore the rules completely, enforce foreign exchange controls, specify exchange rates, and even prohibit capital outflows. An export-oriented country, doing this may stop the blood loss for a while, but at the same time, it means South Korea has completely abandoned its own economic future."

Janet squinted her eyes after listening to Simon: "I don't think so, this world is always forgetful."

Simon pondered for a moment, but still had to admit that Janet's judgment was still correct.

Although Russia once cheated once, but after internal changes and the sharp rise in oil prices at the beginning of the new century, it once returned to the ranks of the world's top ten first-tier economies in the world's GDP.

There are also other countries or regions that have adopted control measures during the Asian financial crisis, such as Malaysia and Indonesia, although they have been criticized by various economists for a long time.

However, if you look at the gdp rankings of these countries, except for the short trough after the storm, the time line is stretched, 97 years, 2007 years, 17 years, there is almost no change, even There are also not falling but rising.

The world is indeed very forgetful.

However, Simon quickly said: "I don't care about the rest, at least, South Korea dares to let my plan fail, and I will make them never have a future."

This time Janet didn't refute any more, she nodded her head, and turned her face to rub Simon's jaw.

In fact, Janet was a little puzzled at first as to why her man wanted to hold on to Little Korea.

Of course now.

The core is still semiconductors.

Simon wanted to get involved in the semiconductor industry for a long time, but there has been no suitable opportunity before.

This time is a chance.

In fact, after suppressing Japanese semiconductors, the strength of the semiconductor industry in the United States is not weak. The problem lies in the production process. The U.S. semiconductor industry has been rapidly transforming to a fabless system in recent years. The later, the more serious the shortcomings of production, and with Simon's prophetic advantage, it is clear that the production of the semiconductor industry will increasingly turn to Asia.

In Asia, Japan will only be on its own for a long time in the future. Taiwan only needs to take down one TSMC, while South Korea is very comprehensive. Moreover, compared with Japan, which is too large in economic volume and also has protectionism, taking advantage of this financial turmoil There is a chance that the weakest South Korea just has the feasibility of eating the whole thing.

So of course you have to act decisively.

In addition to semiconductors, of course, there are LCD screens.

This point, Simon will also eat at the same time, will also properly balance, to avoid South Korea's future dominance.

Then there are the construction, machinery, shipbuilding and other aspects of South Korea.

All in all, it's all fat.

What's more, this behind the scenes also means the control of an entire country.

As for the entertainment industry in South Korea, it seems to be the most glamorous and prosperous, but in terms of volume, it is actually just a supplement, and the scale is limited after all, and it is convenient to play with thighs after winning.

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