Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1215 Whoever wins the battery wins the world

Connecticut, on the estate in the northern suburbs of Greenwich.

The time is Thursday, October 23rd.

The Simons stayed in Washington for three days and came to New York together today. During the day, Simon was busy with Daenerys entertainment and other things, while Janet focused on Cersei Capital. In the evening, it was a small reception held by the Westeros family, which mainly entertained some financial bigwigs from Wall Street.

Inside the villa lobby.

Cersei Capital is responsible for the three giants of hedging, investment and funds: Matthew Kaplan, Leon Black and Lawrence Fink, the head of Quantum Fund George Soros, Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson , Going further, Bill Spoulter, who has become the president of First Boston under Credit Suisse, Thomas Lunyi, the CEO of Bank of New York Mellon, which has just been integrated, John Merriwether, the head of Long-Term Capital Management, and so on.

Including Simon, the owner, and James Leibold, who is in charge of the Westeros Company, there are only more than 20 people in total, but if anyone who is familiar with the financial circle of Wall Street sees this scene, they will only feel that Mount Tai is overwhelmed.

And, there must be something big to happen in the financial world.

Of course something big is about to happen.

Moreover, the truth is actually not so difficult to guess, and it must still be in the turbulent Asia.

These days, after Simon's contact, everyone who should know about Hong Kong has basically already known. Today's reception, after many people called to test, Simon simply invited everyone to gather together, which is a unified agreement.

Speaking of the "international financial speculators" who are targeting Asia at this time, Soros is the first to bear the brunt, and many people even think that the Asian financial turmoil was caused by Soros alone.

Of course not.

Soros was just a rafter that was pushed out, and the old man was willing to show the limelight.

In addition, the entire Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Lehman, First Boston, etc., and even a series of financial giants in Europe and Japan, actually did not run a single one. He has invested in various hedge funds, so in fact, all of them belong to the ranks of 'international financial speculators' who are currently killing all over Asia.

Capitalists have no motherland.

During this period of time, whether it is Asia, Europe, or even North America, there has been a wide-scale financial turmoil. All parties are waiting for opportunities. Wherever there is interest, they will reap the benefits. Just like the fuse level of the Dow Jones, not only Cersei Capital, but also many Financial institutions in the U.S. are lucrative. Of course, there are also institutions that suffer huge losses because they bet in the wrong direction.

No one owes anything if you win, and no one complains if you lose.

Each on their own merits.

Now, Simon Westeros, and even Soros, who is regarded as an enemy by Asian countries, have suddenly turned and planned to support Hong Kong. After a series of connections, everyone saw the opportunity again.

Hong Kong is a piece of fat.

Everyone knows this, if you can chew it down, it will be full of pots.

The problem is, everyone also understands that this piece of meat is not easy to eat, because it is backed by mainland China, and if you are not careful, your big teeth will collapse.

If there is no Simon to take the lead, even if it is more difficult, everyone must work together, and still have to work hard.

What if it succeeds?

With Westeros taking the lead, however, things suddenly started getting interesting and, at the same time, simpler.

Hong Kong is not easy to eat, but if Hong Kong is used as a chessboard to make a big picture for those European or Asian capitals that are far inferior to Wall Street, and even many small funds or retail investors who do not know the truth and only know how to follow suit, then they will take it out in one fell swoop. It is also full of pots!

Therefore, in fact, from a few days ago, the big Wall Street leaders who gradually got the news began to quietly turn around, clearing shorts and establishing longs.

Although the Hong Kong stock market has continued to decline in recent days due to the overall financial turmoil in Asia, in fact, many big capitals on Wall Street have unknowingly completed the turn.

Under the precarious situation in Asia, even though many people are optimistic that the Hong Kong financial market will not be breached, the mainstream concept still believes that the Hang Seng Index will fall below 10,000 points, or even lower. Therefore, at the beginning of October, it was very difficult for the bears to establish a short position. Knowing that it would fall, not many people would be foolish enough to bet against the bears.

In the hedging market of a zero-sum game, only some official capital will undertake a small amount of short contracts in order to maintain financial market stability.

When Simon and Soros reached a tacit understanding, and soon completed the connection with the Wall Street parties, everyone began to consciously establish various bullish positions in the Hong Kong financial market. Although it caused the vigilance of a small number of financial capital, it was one-sided throughout Asia. Under the circumstance of , these bulls were swarmed by countless bears.

Simon does not know the specific situation of other companies, but only on Cersei Capital's side, the total size of various long positions accumulated around Hong Kong during this period has exceeded 6 billion US dollars.

Today's meeting is actually the final tacit understanding.

The date to be precise.

On October 29, next Wednesday, the Westeros system and Soros will jointly announce the investment in Hong Kong.

Then, October 30th, Thursday, October 31st, Friday, are both the last two trading days of next week and the last two trading days of October, and are also the final settlement date of the October HSI futures contract , including China, all parties will work together to carry out a major reversal, maximize the Hang Seng Index, and wipe out all short positions.

corner of the hall.

Goldman Sachs, who took office last year

The doorman Henry Paulson got the exact date from Simon, and after a few more questions, he turned to another topic: "Simon, can you tell us what you plan to do in Korea?"

If Hong Kong has already reached a tacit understanding, in South Korea, even the people at the reception are few who know Simon's layout.

Goldman Sachs is an obvious exception.

The current Treasury Secretary, Bob Rubin, was the previous head of Goldman Sachs. Simon wants to complete the layout in South Korea and cannot avoid i. Therefore, this matter is not a secret to Washington, not to the Treasury Department, to Goldman Sachs, naturally. It is no longer a secret.

Simon therefore did not deny Paulson, but said: "Henry, regarding South Korea, this time is a long-term industrial layout of the Westeros system, shouldn't you be too interested?"

Henry Paulson shook his head and said, "Simon, Goldman Sachs also has a lot of long-term investments."

"In this case, Henry, as long as you are willing, you can join us together this time," Simon said, hesitated a little, and simply said: "I plan to eat the whole of Korea."

"Simon, this is not easy," Henry Paulson said with a surprised expression, thinking for a moment, "a lot of questions."

"As long as the problem can be solved, it is not a problem."

Henry Paulson said: "I have also done a lot of research on South Korea, which is a country that has been surrounded by surrounding powers for thousands of years in a geopolitical vortex because of its geographical location. The independence of the people is very fancy, and there is a national sentiment that can be easily triggered, how do you solve this?"

"Frankly, I did an experiment recently."

"The one on the 18th."

"That's right," Simon said. "If you study it again, you can find that the Korean people, the Korean government, and the Korean chaebols actually form a very interesting triangle."

Henry Paulson pondered, shook his head and said, "No, this is not a stable triangle."

"I didn't say it's a stable triangle," Simon said with a smile: "I mean, it's a very interesting triangle. The Korean people, the Korean government, and the Korean chaebols are actually restraining each other. As long as I take advantage of the contradiction between them, I can eat the country. You know, that's the kind of person behind the scenes."

"Oh, I can feel it, Simon," Henry Paulson also laughed: "You like being the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Who doesn't like it."

As a joke, Henry Paulson continued: "In this era, if you want to control a country, the core is to control the economic lifeline of the country. In South Korea, the two things that can be counted as the economic lifeline are probably automobiles and electronics. Of course, , finance is also essential. Simon, Goldman Sachs cooperates with Cersei Capital to get involved in South Korea's finance, the rest of the car and electronics, or other things I haven't seen, how about you come here yourself?"

As for South Korea, Simon didn't intend to take it alone. He said that he wanted to eat it whole, which meant that he would eat it together with the Westeros system and a community of interests. The reason why he has kept a low profile and kept it secret until now is mainly to avoid some of the core goals that he likes from being scrambled for.

Goldman Sachs leaned forward in advance, and Simon did not refuse, nodded and said, "No problem."

Henry Paulson was not satisfied, and smiled tentatively: "Simon, I'm actually more curious, what are there that I haven't seen?"

Simon won't have any reservations about Henry Paulson, but he doesn't intend to be leaky, saying: "Henry, actually, I have no interest in Korean cars at all."

Henry Paulson raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why?"

Simon said: "Henry, don't you think that an industry that has lasted for a century should be counted as a sunset industry?"

Henry Paulson shook his head and said: "Simon, the problem is that at this stage, the consumption of automobiles in many emerging countries is still in the initial stage of development, such as China, Eastern Europe, and even Africa in the future. I think automobiles are like electricity and communications. , belonging to rigid needs, elimination is impossible."

"You're right, Henry, but, let's just say communication, a century ago, telecommunications relied on the telegraph, then, in the 20th century, the telephone began to spread, and then, in the last decade, mobile communications and the Internet began to rise, and that was enough Explain the problem. Cars are just in demand, but in my opinion, the time for traditional diesel locomotives has come to need a change and replacement.”

Henry Paulson thought for a moment this time, but he could only shake his head: "Simon, I don't see an opportunity for change in the auto industry. Wouldn't you mean electric cars or something?"

"Why not?"

"The problem of electric vehicles is much more troublesome than that of diesel locomotives, but the battery part..." Henry Paulson said here, and suddenly glanced at the young man in front of him: "If I remember correctly, in the past two years, you seem to have taken Down the ib battery division, recttery, right?"

"That's right," Simon admitted with a smile and praised: "Henry, I have to say, you have a good memory."

Henry Paulson smiled slightly, and added: "Actually, I happen to know that Simon, your team in China has recently invested in a battery manufacturer called BYD."

Simon nodded again, seeing Thomas Runy and George Soros from Bank of New York coming this way, and finally raising a toast to Henry Paulson: "Henry, if you are optimistic, Goldman Sachs can join us next. Play."

Henry Paulson looked at the backs of the two young people who turned to face Soros, and suddenly had an inexplicable trembling.

because he understands

Some thoughts of this young man.

Cars are just needed. Henry Paulson is very confident in his judgment. Although it has lasted for a hundred years, he does not think that humans can get rid of this means of transportation even after another hundred years.

However, this does not mean that diesel locomotives cannot be eliminated.

Think again of what this young man has done.

In less than ten years, the Westeros system can be said to have promoted the development of the Internet industry by itself, and Simon, by cutting off a large part of the Internet industry's interests alone, became the number one in the world. trillion-dollar super-rich.

It is not difficult to see that creating an industry involves far more interests than competing for a well-developed mature industry.

As an automobile industry that humans may just need in the next 100 years, if the Westeros system can use its own power to realize the replacement of electric vehicles for diesel vehicles, it is almost no different from creating an industry. , and the scale of interests involved in the auto industry, at least in Henry Paulson's view at this time, far exceeds that of the Internet industry.

If this initiative is completed, and most of the benefits are eaten again, perhaps it is not impossible for the world to produce the first super-rich at the level of 10 trillion US dollars.

How can such ambition not be shocking? !

Looking again at a young man who started chatting and laughing with Soros, Henry Paulson forgot his attention to South Korea for a while, and subconsciously began to sort out some possible layouts of the Westeros system involving the future electric vehicle industry.

Henry Paulson is also clear about the three goals of Simon's recent lobbying in Washington. Among them, the controllable nuclear fusion that breaks through the energy limit, if you think about it, is it preparing for electric vehicles?

As long as controllable nuclear fusion is realized, the cost of electric energy will be far lower than the mainstream fossil energy used in the current automobile industry, which directly gives electric vehicles the basis for a substantial promotion.

However, Henry Paulson is not so optimistic about the short-term breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion technology. He said that the iter project that the Westeros family plans to fund, which he also heard about recently, is just a super-large tokamak experimental device. It will take ten years to build. If you want to achieve the mature application of controllable nuclear fusion, even if everything goes well, it will be at least thirty years later.

Thinking of this, Henry Paulson inevitably doubted himself, was he too pessimistic?

In any case, since Simon Westeros intends to do so, and the success of the Internet industry has precedent, there is no reason for Goldman Sachs not to follow the bet.

Henry Paulson quickly grasped another key.


That's right!

For diesel locomotives, oil is key. For electric vehicles, electricity is not the key, because there are too many sources, and the engine is not the key. The accumulation of technology over a century is not a problem. Therefore, flushable batteries for storing large amounts of electricity are the key.

It is completely conceivable that if there are billions of diesel vehicles in the world today, if all of them are replaced by electric vehicles, the demand for batteries will be huge.

Therefore, Henry Paulson has a faint feeling that in the future electric vehicle industry, whoever wins the battery will win the world!

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