Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1204 One step away

Seoul, the Blue House Presidential Residence located in the northwest of the city.

Early on Saturday morning, Kim Young-sam, the incumbent president of South Korea, whose heartstrings had been tense for several days, was woken up by his subordinates, who brought some newspapers that had just been released today.

Jin Yongsan, who was still in his pajamas, just read a few newspaper headlines, and couldn't help yelling, pointing at a subordinate indiscriminately and yelling: "Who leaked the news, who, you idiots, you are all idiots , and these newspapers, they should all be hanged, hang them."

Then there was a bang, bang, bang, bang, shattering sound.

After destroying the entire reception room, Jin Yongsan calmed down a bit, but he also lost any appetite for breakfast. He urgently summoned the Blue House staff team to discuss countermeasures.

However, we can't wait for the Cheong Wa Dae to make an effective response. As the day dawns, the news that the current government will seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (imf) under humiliating conditions is spread all over the streets in the face of today's newspapers and TV lane.

Even if the country’s economy has been turbulent recently, most of the public did not know what the IMF was before. The disgrace of the coming century', 'I'd rather be broken than broken jade, the introduction of imf is like inviting wolves into the house' and other sensational headlines, the public's emotions are still easily aroused.

In particular, the "Ulsi Treaty", which was frequently mentioned in newspapers and TV, touched the hearts of Koreans.

In 1905, after the victory of the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government signed the unequal Treaty of Utsumi with the Korean peninsula that was completely abandoned by China and Russia. On the condition that it forcibly lent 10 million yen to North Korea, the entire peninsula was included in the Japan's protectorate category.

Five years after taking over the peninsula's economy, in 1910, Japan, which was encroaching step by step, completely captured the country and completely included the peninsula from the so-called "protectorate" that was still veiled at the beginning into the category of "colony". After that, it lasted for 35 years until After the end of World War II, the Korean peninsula was able to regain sovereignty.

In the newspapers and TV news in South Korea on Saturday, a large number of sections exaggerated that seeking assistance from the IMF was equivalent to signing the second "Ulsi Treaty". It ignited the anger of the Korean public.

The public mind is simple.

No matter how difficult your country is, it is definitely not a reason to sell your motherland.

Rather Stick to your guns.

So, on Saturday morning, when news of people demonstrating outside the Blue House appeared on live TV, a large number of people in the Seoul area voluntarily walked out of their homes and began to gather at the presidential residence in the northwest of the city.

By noon, outside the Blue House, the initially small crowd of hundreds of people had rapidly expanded to a huge scale of tens of thousands of people, and the number continued to increase. The public held signs and shouted slogans, demanding that President Kim Young-sam It must be stated publicly that in any case, it is not possible to seek relief from the IMF at the cost of betraying the country.

If it was another time, other events, Cheong Wa Dae might be able to deal with it calmly.

It happens now.

No one is more aware of the critical state of the country at this time than South Korea's top officials. The entire South Korea, not to mention the stock market, not to mention the currency, is just a short-term foreign debt that needs to be repaid within a year. The scale is close to 90 billion U.S. dollars, of which one-third needs Before the end of the year, the foreign exchange that the Bank of Korea can use is less than 8 billion U.S. dollars.

Unless the government cheats and refuses to repay these debts, once the debts are due and cannot be repaid, there will be only one result, and the country will go bankrupt.

The result of corporate bankruptcy is only liquidation or layoffs, and national bankruptcy, among others, is just one of them. The loss of national credit leads to unlimited devaluation of the currency, which is simply not something South Korea can afford, because it is equal to decades of accumulation by a country. Wealth will be wiped out.

Just like Russia a few years ago after the infinite devaluation of the ruble.

The former Soviet Union was able to compete with the United States for half a century. Even if the economic size could not be compared with that of the United States, the disintegration initially left a lot of wealth to the former member countries. As a result, the economy collapsed due to currency depreciation. The tragedy in many countries is no less than that of the Great Depression in the United States.

So if the country goes bankrupt, there is little doubt that South Korea, at the very least, will also be plunged into a Great Depression of unknown duration. At that time, enterprises will go bankrupt on a large scale, the unemployment rate of the public will rise rapidly, and even social order will collapse.

The real doomsday.

Rather than avoiding this doomsday scenario, seeking help from the IMF is almost the only option for South Korea without breaking international rules.

As for breaking the rules and forcibly cheating, this is also a way.

But, will other countries allow it?

Don't forget, the capital of South Korea has tens of thousands of strong US troops stationed there!

People are always easy to self-paralyze and choose to ignore, but the upper echelons of South Korea will not ignore it. It is true that these military forces can protect South Korea from foreign invasion at critical moments, but under certain circumstances, it is only a moment to take over South Korea by force. things that can happen in between.

Even the sovereignty is not complete, how can you play tricks? !

Apart from the economic level, the Blue House also faces another important political issue.

general election.

1997 was the 15th presidential election year in South Korea, and this year's election will be held on December 18.

According to South Korea's "Constitution", Kim Young-sam can only serve as president for one term and cannot be re-elected.

Li Huichang, another candidate of the political party, is still fighting for the big position.

When the media came suddenly, Kim Young-sam’s support rate was damaged, which would inevitably affect Lee Hoi-chang, who was already behind another candidate, Kim Dae-jung, in the general election. Moreover, once he lost the election, according to the rules of South Korea’s political arena, the current ruling party Groups can quickly lose ground.


In the end, after only one day of confrontation with the public, the Blue House quickly chose to compromise. After all, this is an urgent matter. If the trouble continues, it is hard to say what will happen. In the afternoon of the same day, Kim Young-sam made a televised speech in person, publicly stating that he would not accept the IMF's rescue.

At the same time, it calls on the people to unite and overcome difficulties together.

The turmoil in South Korea quickly spread internationally.

In the face of the concern of the international community, after Kim Young-sam made a public statement, the IMF headquarters in Washington, the current chairman of the IMF, Michael Condeso, said in an interview with reporters that the IMF is a neutral international financial institution and will not forcibly issue funds to any country. Unwanted loans.

However, Condesuu also emphasized that in order to ensure that the IMF's loans can be used reasonably, the loans issued by the IMF to any country will have appropriate additional conditions. On this point, the IMF will not back down without a bottom line.

Such statements by the two parties actually mean that the aid negotiations that the South Korean government originally planned to launch with the imf have ended before they even started.

While the South Korean people celebrated the victory the next day, international speculators also began to increase their efforts to target South Korea.

Because everyone understands that South Korea’s rejection of the IMF’s bailout this time means that South Korea’s domestic and foreign capital will accelerate their flight, and South Korea’s foreign debt market will also usher in a sell-off frenzy, and the stock market’s plunge will also continue. That is, the depreciation of the Korean won will accelerate.

All in all, the country will continue to slide into the abyss.

It is only one step away from complete collapse.

In the depths of the curtain invisible to ordinary people, Simon's layout continues.

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