Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1190 High School Musical

., a new week.

This is October 6th, Monday, and a group of people in the San Lucas Seaside Manor in Southern California left before 7:30 in the morning.

A fun and exhausting weekend.

Britney Spears, Vanessa Johnson and a few girls didn't feel a little more energetic until they boarded Simon's Boeing 767. When they came here early last Friday, they just took an ordinary Gulfstream V-type, and this was the first time they entered the legendary Simon's Boeing.

However, the curiosity still couldn't resist the exhaustion. After the plane took off and roughly turned around in the cabin, the girls ran to the cabin bedroom to catch up on sleep.

In addition to Simon, only the slightly older Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain and Lena Kane did not rest. Lena officially informed Amy that she was about to quit her current job and become an agent of Jesse card thing.

Now that she has gotten close to Simon, Lena can actually poach the two girls away without any trouble. However, she does not intend to do this. It is difficult to manage two actresses who are in competition and are expected to be on the top line at the same time.

More importantly, of course Lena now has more choices.

Not only Jessica Chastain and Paul Greengrass, including "The Blair Witch", which is about to be handed over to Paul Greengrass, was almost packaged and handed over to Lena by Simon, which is enough for her to work for a long time Time, by the way, develop a few more potential customers.

Unlike the girls who went to catch up on sleep, Simon boarded the plane and immediately started busy work.

In the morning on the west coast of the United States, it is already evening in Asia.

Simon sat down in his office in the front cabin of the Boeing 767, and the first news he got was that the Hong Kong stock market plummeted.

In fact, after reaching the highest point of 16,000 points in early August, accompanied by the Asian financial turmoil, the Hong Kong stock market has experienced two rounds of sharp declines and sharp rises in the past two months, and each cycle lasts about one month.

Among them, the sharp drop from the end of August to the beginning of September plunged from the highest point of more than 16,000 points to more than 12,000 points, a drop close to a quarter of the Hong Kong stock index. Another trough from early September to early October, the lowest point also entered the range of 13,000 points, and finally returned to 15,000 points.

As of last Friday's close, the Hang Seng Index was 15,133 points.

Faced with these two rounds of ups and downs, ordinary people will only think that it is a normal stock market fluctuation under the financial turmoil. Even most financial practitioners can hardly see the joints. However, for some top players, the inside story is actually very clear.

Two consecutive rounds of sharp declines and sharp rises are all international speculators who are absorbing stocks and hoarding chips.

During this period of time, the governments of most Asian countries and regions have focused on the currency, and Hong Kong is the same. Seeing the collapse of currencies such as the Thai baht, Indonesian rupiah, and Malaysian ringgit, Hong Kong has begun to guard against death. Raise short-term currency lending rates.

However, this time, the target of international speculators is not the Hong Kong dollar, but the Hong Kong stock market, which has more than doubled in the past two years and is very frothy. It can even be said that the strict defense of the Hong Kong dollar by the Hong Kong authorities has caused a shortage of cash in the market, which to a large extent has also made the Hong Kong stock market more vulnerable.

Just today, unlike the previous two fluctuations, the real attack officially started.

Throughout the day on October 6, the Hong Kong stock market fell by 2.3%, from 15133 points at the opening to 14776 points at the close. The 2.3% drop may not seem like much, but it was the largest one-day drop in the last 30 days.

And this is just the beginning.

Simon had a detailed understanding of the general overview of the Hong Kong stock market throughout the day on Monday, and made several consecutive phone calls with China and New York to discuss various matters.

Hong Kong Simon will definitely not touch it.

However, in North America, since last month, Cersei Fund Management’s hedging team has begun to deploy, establishing a large number of short positions in the Dow Jones and S\u0026P 500 and even specific popular stocks.

You know, in the past, the first circuit breaker in the U.S. stock market after the establishment of the circuit breaker mechanism after the 87 stock market disaster was October 1997. To be precise, it was October 27, 1997. At that time, the Dow Jones Index fell in a single day. More than 7%.

At this time and space, because the Nasdaq index collapsed early in March, the first circuit breaker for US stocks has already occurred, but it was Nasdaq.

The Dow Jones' maiden circuit breaker is still there.

Speaking of it, it is still based on Soros's "reflexive theory" that market participants will in turn affect market trends. For a giant dragon like the Trout system, a little movement can be a big wind and a big wave.

Therefore, not only the Nasdaq index, but also the Dow Jones index trend is also different from the past because of the addition of a giant like Daenerys Entertainment.

In March of this year, before the Nasdaq collapsed, the Dow Jones index was close to 8,000 points.

However, compared to the gloomy technology stock market, the Dow Jones Index only followed the Nasdaq and fell for three months before rebounding again in the second half of the year. The Asian financial turmoil in recent months has stimulated the return of the US dollar. The Nasdaq, which is still falling, has risen more rapidly recently, and has returned to a high above 7,000 points during this period.

However, under the wave of globalization, when the impact on related markets exceeds a certain limit, it is difficult for other countries and regions to be immune.

With the arrival of the second wave of the financial turmoil, this

Once again, US stocks will also be hit.

Even if there will be no further sharp drop in the circuit breaker level, the downward trend can basically be judged. Of course, as a latecomer, Simon's judgment is much more accurate than others, even if the Westeros system began to seriously affect the market.

Such an opportunity, of course, will not be let go.

The Nasdaq market has no room to operate. If no one follows up such an obvious decline, it will not be easy for Cersei Capital to establish a short position. After all, the hedging market is a zero-sum game. It doesn’t mean that you can establish a short position of 10 billion US dollars if you want to. You need someone to gamble with the same long and single positions.

However, the Dow Jones and the S\u0026P 500, which have returned to their high points, are the hot spots of recent speculation.

While Simon can be more accurate about bearishness, many people will also be bullish, believing that the dollar will continue to flow back, thereby pushing up the market.

Therefore, although Simon asked to give up the fat in Hong Kong, neither Cersei Capital itself nor Soros' Quantum Fund was idle. As long as the mainland is operated properly, the profits will not be much less than those in Hong Kong.

In the front cabin study.

Just as Simon hung up the video call of a person in charge of Cersei Fund Management Company, a girl's internal call came, indicating that Soros was already online.

Switch on video communication again.

After greetings, Simon found out that Soros had left New York and was in Hong Kong at this time. He also said that he had just met again in secret with a Chinese bigwig during the day.

This surprised Simon a little.

Soros didn't show off, and then said: "Simon, after serious consideration in the past few days, I have decided to accept your opinion."

Simon looked at the smiling old man on the computer video screen, and said with a smile: "A wise choice."

At the same time, I immediately understood.

Now that the decision has been made, coupled with the secret meeting that Soros just mentioned, it is obvious that this financial giant intends to bet on China with Simon without reservation. Target international speculators in Hong Kong in order to directly obtain a big favor.

This was Simon's original plan, and Soros now cast aside Simon, the middleman.

Simon didn't mind that either.

In any case, it was the result of his lobbying and mediation, and this kind of favor cannot be ignored.

Soros still smiled: "Probably you have guessed it, yes, I will follow your original suggestion, choose to make a public statement, including substantive investment in China, and contact you suddenly, just for this, Simon, here I am There is a good list, which has been sent to your assistant. After all, I am not familiar with China. It would be better if you can participate together. Oh, to tell you the truth, this is also the suggestion given to me by the person who met today. He hopes I can pull you up."

As Soros said, girl A had already knocked on the door and came in, lightly put down a document that had just been printed out, and left again.

Simon opened it directly.

I glanced at the catalog, and saw the first item with a slightly weird expression.

Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport.

Soros really has a soft spot for China's aviation investment.

In my memory, a large domestic aviation consortium that ended up in bankruptcy was invested by Soros in the early days.

Continue to aim down.

Suzhou-Hangzhou Expressway.

Another big project, and one that Simon didn't really want to touch.

Now China is still in the stage of development. However, Simon certainly knows that with the subsequent economic take-off, especially in the Yangtze River Delta, the highways are too thick and entangled.

Simon still remembered a joke.

A certain entrepreneur was borrowed by the local government and couldn't afford it due to the financial crisis. He simply built a high-speed toll station and said that the debt would be repaid in five years. As a result, the debt was fully recovered in two years. Entrepreneurs are also wise men. They instinctively felt that this advantage could not be taken advantage of further, so they directly chose to dismantle the toll booths to recover the arrears.

However, on the other hand, China's highways are crying and losing money everywhere.

There are so many ways in here that people can't fix it.

It wasn't until seeing the third project that Simon became slightly interested.

China Telecom.

This is obviously not the Hong Kong branch of China Telecom, which is listed in Hong Kong and New York. The Hong Kong branch is precisely the predecessor of China Mobile. It is currently mainly engaged in mobile communication services. After the IPO last year, it is successively divesting the mobile communication assets of various provinces in China. enter.

After glancing at the brief introduction attached to the catalog, the financing is used for the construction of Internet broadband network.

Many people do not understand the origins of China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom and other companies. In fact, it is very simple. In the earliest days, except for the special China Railcom, which belonged to the Ministry of Railways, all other telecommunications companies came from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. China Mobile was the first independent company. In the late 1900s, it was listed in the name of China Telecom (Hong Kong) Corporation, and the financing was used for the expansion of mobile communication business.

Because I had a head start and took the first step, China Mobile has always been stronger than other companies in the field of mobile communications. Later, whether it was Telecom or China Unicom, they were all separated from the post and telecommunications network. During this period, there were Netcom, Satcom, and so on.

Then, after a battle for hegemony, it finally belonged to the three families.

Now, depending on the situation, domestic giants such as telecom, mobile, and China Unicom will be established earlier than before.

Although there are only three projects, even if they have not seen the detailed introduction, Simon can roughly guess that the total is at the level of 1 billion US dollars.

$1 billion,

For Simon, it is really small money, but for Soros, even if he has more than 20 billion US dollars in his hands, he will definitely be very cautious. After all, the money is not his, and if it is messed up, it will destroy the Quantum Fund. Shop sign.

After probably reading the table of contents, Simon opened the text without ignoring Soros who was still online, and continued: "George, since this is the case, what are you going to do with Russia?"

Soros said: "I have already started to withdraw funds from the Russian stock and bond markets, because capital forces including South Korean funds, which have a large share of investment in Russia, are withdrawing recently. It is inevitable that some losses will be lost, but it should be in time. There are some troubles that need to be dealt with slowly."

Simon just nodded slightly.

In fact, if you are not eager for quick success, the industries that Soros invests in Russia, whether it is mining, energy, or telecommunications, are quite high-quality assets. If you manage them patiently, you will definitely get good results.

It's just that, in this regard, Simon doesn't need to confide in the old man.

If the other party insists on vomiting blood and withdrawing from the fire sale, Simon has considered it a long time ago. For example, the assets of Russia Telecom Investment Joint Stock Company can be bought by himself and slowly operated.

Simon has this patience.

Of course, it's really a sale, and Soros is not to blame.

Quantum Fund is generally an investment fund that pursues short-term interests. Even in the field of equity investment, it hopes to see results in three to five years, and then cash out.

For Simon, it has been in operation for ten years without any problems.

Seeing that Simon was noncommittal, Soros smiled and asked himself: "Simon, over there in Ukraine, do you mind if I participate, I mean, Rivne State?"

"No problem," Simon said briskly, "However, George, frankly speaking, there is no room for speculation in Rovno. They are all relatively long-term industrial investments."

"As long as the reward is reasonable." Soros said here, seeing that Simon kept his eyes on the document in front of him, he continued: "In this case, Simon, let's stop here today. It is already past midnight in Hong Kong, and I am an old man. I'm going to rest, after you finish reading the document in hand, give me a call tomorrow."

Simon stopped the old man: "George, I almost forgot one thing, Hong Kong, when do you plan to make a move?"

"This issue is a bit sensitive."

Simon just smiled and looked at each other.

Soros froze for a moment, then laughed and gave a number: "10,000 points."

Simon nodded.

After saying goodbye, the other party hung up the line first.

10,000 points, naturally, is when the Hang Seng Index fell to around 10,000 points.

This is also expected.

If Soros immediately jumps out and sings against the mainstream hot money, it will only delay the Hang Seng Index’s plunge, which will not help the general situation, just like Simon would not force Nasdaq’s 7,000 points back then.

When the Hang Seng Index falls back to 10,000 points, it is already a reasonable position compared to the entire Hong Kong stock market backed by the mainland. At this time, Soros came forward to express his bullishness, and even reached a lot of cooperation with mainland China based on Hong Kong, which has the best effect.

As for when the Hang Seng Index will fall back to 10,000 points, it is not far away, probably by the end of this month.

Obviously, the three projects in Simon's hands also need to finalize various details before the end of the month.

Simon spent another ten minutes reading the information in his hand.

three items.

Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou has been planned since 1993. It is expected that the ground will be broken by the end of the year, and it will be taken out temporarily. It is probably possible to raise some foreign capital to ease financial pressure. After all, various industries in China are currently short of money, and they don't have much confidence in the aviation field.

The total investment of the project is 2 billion RMB, and it is planned to sell 35% of the shares and raise 700 million RMB.

The reason why he was chosen by Soros was probably Simon's original idea. The old man had a soft spot for the aviation industry.

However, compared to an aviation consortium that ended in bankruptcy, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport, which ranks first in domestic throughput in memory, is obviously a high-quality project.

Then there is.

The Suzhou-Hangzhou Expressway, to be precise, should be the Sujiahang Expressway, passing through Jiaxing on the way, with a total length of about 100 kilometers and a planned investment of 4 billion yuan.

Compared with Xiaoshan Airport, which is about to start construction, this project is just a plan.

The notes in the materials are very detailed.

The main reason is that there is no money. Various aspects have been proposed for more than ten years, but there is no clue.

This project is hoping to fully introduce foreign capital.

at last.

Another round of financing for China Telecom, the plan is 2 billion US dollars, the largest of the three projects.

However, speaking seriously, 2 billion US dollars, not to mention a drop in the bucket for broadband network construction, is not far behind.

For example, America Online, even if the Internet bubble has burst and investment in various fields is tightened, it is estimated that this year it will only be used for domestic infrastructure investment in the United States, and it is estimated that there will be 2 billion US dollars. If the overseas market is included, the figure will exceed 3 billion US dollars .

Moreover, since the basic network needs to be continuously upgraded and maintained, such an investment scale will continue.

Simon was originally only interested in the last project. Thinking of what Soros said just now, and looking at the first two projects, it was either Suzhou or Hangzhou, so he couldn't help but laugh.

It's unlikely to be a coincidence.

Just put it aside, I'm going to China this weekend for some little guy

Over the full moon in Hangzhou, we will talk about it then.

Then I dealt with some other tasks. At around nine o'clock, the Boeing 767 landed at Los Angeles International Airport.

After the girls got off the plane, they went their separate ways, and Simon rushed directly to Malibu Studios.

At 10 o'clock, Daenerys' weekly high-level meeting, the executives from the Los Angeles side will participate.

After the meeting, Simon called the heads of the three studios to talk about some projects.

It's mainly about the phrase 'all have' yesterday afternoon.

Of course, Simon didn't just talk casually to deceive the girls to make himself comfortable, he had some thoughts in the first place.

Next, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera will debut under Daenerys Records one after another. In addition to the music business, since they are backed by Daenerys, they can expand into movies by the way.

And there just so happens to be the right project.

Once the "High School Musical" series.

Simon flagged the project last year when he was considering teen film plans, and it's only now being brought up.

Unlike the East, which accepts incompetence, musicals have always had a very broad market in the West.

In the original time and space, Disney launched the first "High School Musical" in 2006. It was originally just a low-cost TV movie broadcast on the Disney channel. The channel's ratings record, the original soundtrack of the film is also a global bestseller.

Starring Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale also became the hottest teen star.

Disney then launched the second film while the iron was hot, and achieved another glory. Therefore, under the expectations of all, the third film was sent to the theaters. Finally, with a production cost of 11 million US dollars, it earned 250 million US dollars worldwide.

Now, Simon has made this project ahead of schedule. Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera just replace Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale in the original version. Directly finalized, Justin Timberlake, who has also been trained by Daenerys Entertainment Records.

Speaking of which, the former "High School Musical" has a lot of connections with Britney Spears and others.

This project was originally a script called "Grease 3", which was the "Grease" that made John Travolta famous in one fell swoop. The script was completed in the late 1990s. The tower's children generation, the three leading actors invited, just happen to be Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, and John Travolta was also considered to join the cameo.

The project was shelved for various reasons, until a few years later, Disney stripped the setting of the "Grease" sequel and made it into a TV movie.

Big hit.

Now, not only is it copied 'in advance', but it also means 'return to the original owner'.

Although it was destined to be a small film with an investment of only about 10 million yuan, because of the subject matter, Gaomen was too literary and the new world was too bloody, Simon still chose to put it under the core Daenerys label.

Talked about it with Tom Pollack, the president of Daenerys Films, and sent him away first, and then chatted with Ella Deutschman of High Gate Films about "Elizabeth" and other projects. Simon finally stayed Danny Morris of New World Pictures continues to talk about what's next for teen films.

The summer "American Pie" has been drawn some time ago, and the box office in North America is 113 million US dollars, and it is still going on overseas. Judging from the current data, it will probably be fixed at between 140 million and 150 million US dollars, and the global total box office is 250 million US dollars. above. After this success, the sequel of the project has been approved, but it must not be rushed. "American Pie 2" is at least two years away, so a new flagship needs to be developed.

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