Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1173 What's the situation?


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Katie, it's me, Roberta...well, still on Simon's side...that is, two shows during the day...I know the penalty, I mean, can you I can't find someone to do it for me, they are just two small brands, the big deal is that I will help them go for free next time...I'll be there on time for Donna Karen in the evening...Annie, she's here too, but she'll be back in the morning...Me too I want her to do it for me, but she has four shows during the day, she's a workaholic... Then... um, this, I can only ask for help, that's all."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Hang up the phone, and Robert Chilco, still wrapped in a bathrobe, raised his arms and stretched his body excitedly, feeling that the bathrobe was about to fall, so he hurriedly pulled it, and left a room with bare feet. The living room on the floor, through the corridor, came to the cloakroom at the end of the villa.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Hundreds of square meters of cloakroom filled with clothes, hats and shoes. Every time I accompany a man, what Roberta looks forward to most is the cloakroom the next morning.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It is full of choices, and occasionally there are limited editions that are too expensive as Easter eggs.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It's all about eyesight.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;There are already several girls picking clothes here, Roberta glanced around with bright eyes, greeted everyone briefly, and then went into the treasure hunt.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Occasionally I can't help but fantasize, if this cloakroom is completely my own.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Being hidden by men in a golden house, maids and maids in luxury cars and mansions are not lacking, even if someone rarely shows up on various festivals and birthdays, there are never many gifts, but I want to support such a cloakroom , is still not easy.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Because it's not a matter of buying a random pile of clothes and stuffing a room.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I didn't plan to leave during the day, so I only picked a set of home-made bottoming shirts and slim pants, the ones that showed off my figure. She could feel that men like them more than skirts. Put on.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It's a little more troublesome to take off.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;But it's easy for a guy too.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;He is very strong.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Changed her clothes, left the cloakroom with Heidi Klum, who happened to be taking care of it at the same time, and came to the dining room. Simon was already dining here, and the man sat in the middle of the long dining table. On the left is Angela Lindwell, whom he nicknamed Little Fox, on the right is Carla Bruni, along with Fernanda Lima, Daniela Posteva, Tricia Schiffer and Annie Liz Thurbert et al.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;When the man left Manhattan last night, he brought back a girl who told everyone to watch a horror movie. This number was just right, and he went crazy until the middle of the night.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Obviously there are still people out of bed now.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;For the little fox who just got favored, Roberta and Heidi, who entered the door together, are nothing. When they saw Carla Bruni, the two girls couldn't help but pouted slightly. To Roberta's ear: "She's really unpretentious. She was obviously from Cindy's group, but she came to us."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Roberta is not as vicious as Heidi Klum, but it is inevitable that she is also a bit slanderous.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Carla Bruni should be the first supermodel of Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelinsta, and Claudia Schiffer. Di and the others will not easily mess with their juniors because of their engagement and family or because of their wealthy wealth like waist fines and leg fines. It is not the first time for Carla Bruni.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;However, as everyone knows, Carla loves the rich most, and someone happens to be the top of the rich pyramid.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inner vicious tongue and belly, greeting is warm.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Good morning, the two women found a seat at the long dining table that was enough for twenty people, ordered a meal, and began to listen to the topics everyone was discussing.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"I've been here at Sand Point, and I came to see the house with my agent, but unfortunately I didn't buy it because it was too expensive. I didn't expect you to have a property here, Simon. By the way, there is a Guggenheim nearby. The castle, very beautiful," said Daniela Posteva: "Simon, why don't you build some castles too?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"What's so good about the castle, it's cold," Simon hasn't answered yet, Tricia Schiffer has already said: "Europe is full of abandoned castles, it's not comfortable to live in."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Carla Bruni interjected, but looked at the man next to her: "I saw a news recently that the Hearst family completely gave up all rights and interests in San Simeon Castle, California."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The goblins at the scene were all aware of the incident a few years ago. When Kara mentioned the word Hearst, their expressions were somewhat cautious.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It was the little fox on the other side of Simon who broke the silence and looked at Simon with a curious expression: "I've heard of the castle of Saint Simon, but the Hearst family didn't donate the castle long ago. to the California government?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Simon knows a little bit about this, the word Hearst is not as taboo as the girls around him think, he smiled and said: "The name

However, according to the agreement of the year, members of the Hearst family still enjoy the right to live and vacation in the castle. "

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"I understand, this is similar to those rich people's charitable funds. It is a donation in name, but it is actually controlled by oneself, false..." Fernanda, who was about to spit out the word 'hypocrisy' Lima suddenly realized that a certain man at the dining table was the richest man in the world. He quickly swallowed half of the words and stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The fairies around saw Fernanda's blunders, and they all showed schadenfreude expressions.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Heidi Klum finally found an opportunity to interject at this time, and also looked at the opposite Simon: "Since it was the original donation terms, why did you give up now?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Simon shrugged slightly and smiled without saying a word.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Carla Bruni glanced at Heidi: "Do you really think you gave up 'actively'?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Carla said so, and the sitting fairies made up their minds.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The Hearst family, which once had the ability to provoke wars, is well known for its downward trend in recent years. Even if Simon didn’t do everything right at the beginning, the Hearst family, whether it is family assets or ownership The influence of media platforms has continued to decline.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The world is never short of downfalls.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;If you can also sell it to some high-ranking people indirectly, it will serve multiple purposes.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The most valuable asset, the San Francisco Chronicle, was kept by the Hearst family. Because the Hearst family had a bad relationship with the Westeros system, many newspaper partners in recent years The San Francisco Chronicle has been losing money for several consecutive quarters, and its value has dropped to less than one-third of its original value. It is rumored in the industry that the Hearst family wants to sell for $200 million. This newspaper is a very cost-effective business, but unfortunately no one dares to accept it.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This time, the Hearst family gave up all rights to the Castle of San Simeon, probably because some people took the initiative to push the boat.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Just like now, things seem to be accidentally and inevitably passed to Simon's ears, and then a little question, Simon will definitely remember the person who operated this matter. Favors are not counted, Simon's favors are not so cheap, but in the future, if there is an intersection, give each other some convenience, and it will also be smooth sailing.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Simon's smooth sailing, the potential value is not comparable to ordinary people.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This is actually the entanglement that the Westeros system gradually began to form.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Whether it is in the political or business world, the key to why the old family is so powerful is this. And the existence of a more behemoth like the Westeros system, once this kind of intertwining is gradually formed, it will only become more entrenched in the future.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The busy fashion week continues.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After breakfast, some of the big goblins said goodbye and left, and some of them either didn't have a job or turned down their job and took the initiative to stay.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Compared with tens of thousands of catwalk shows, spending more time with a man will only have more potential benefits.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Although it was Friday, Simon didn't arrange a formal job, and he didn't plan to see any little guy. The old father also needed to rest. Therefore, in addition to the big goblin who came with him last night, he also ordered it casually, and the big goblins in New York who have nothing to do for the time being can come here to relax.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;So, the Black Hawk helicopter of the Westeros family sent some big goblins back to the city from the wealthy area of ​​Sand Point City on the North Shore of Long Island, a kilometer northeast of Manhattan, and brought some big goblins when they came back. .

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;When the helicopter arrived over Sand Point Market, which is full of mansions, Inas Cornavs, who was sitting beside her sister Melania Cornavs, looked down through the porthole, her eyes expecting With anxiety, below is a white modern-style villa facing the sea. The manor where the villa is located is no less than the mansion with a nearby castle.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The helicopter landed on the lawn, and as soon as the gangway was lowered, Lyudmila Besonoskova, who obviously liked furs when the weather did not cool down, jumped down and wrapped around a fluffy white waistcoat. Ask the maid what to do, and run directly to the villa.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Sisters Conavs and a few other girls stepped out of the helicopter, but were not so lucky.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;A waitress who was in charge of the reception stopped the sisters and said to Melania, "Miss Conavs, this lady is not on the list."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Melania was holding Inas, who was slightly shorter than herself and equally beautiful and delicate: "This is my sister, I called Ms. Davis in Manhattan, otherwise you think Can we get on the plane?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The waitress heard the words, said something to wait a moment, went to a few distances and dialed the intercom and said a few words, then came back and said to Melania: "Conavs Miss, you can go first, this lady will wait a moment."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas Knafston hugged her sister nervously.


I probably understood something, whispered a few words with my sister, pushed her next to some fairies who were also waiting, and walked towards the villa first.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas watched her sister go away eagerly, and looked at some girls around her nervously.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;There happened to be a pair of girls who seemed to be twins, one of them smiled and leaned over and whispered: "It's nothing, free medical examination for us, oh, by the way, my name is Amber Valletta ."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas shook hands with the other party and said in obvious jerky English: "I know you, Amber, I have been in Milan for a few years."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Amber Valletta is also one of E's first-line models in recent years.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The waitress motioned for the remaining seven or eight girls to go together, and everyone set off to follow. Amber Valletta asked Inas while walking: "Are you also a model?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas shook her head: "I'm a designer."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"Oh." Amber replied without asking more.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In the major fashion centers in Europe and the United States, there are as many self-proclaimed designers as models, but only a few can get ahead.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas was actually guilty, because she couldn't get along in Milan, so she thought of coming to New York to join her sister.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The two sisters have a very good relationship. She has long known that her sister has been hidden by a certain super tycoon Jinya in recent years, but she also knows that her sister has never been able to get too close to Westeros, Often I haven't seen each other for a few months, so this time I didn't dare to expect too much.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Thinking like this, Inas looked at the girl on the other side of Amber Valletta who was very similar to her: "Are you two twins?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Amber Valletta heard the words, hugged the girl next to her, smiled and put her face to the other side: "Is it very similar?"


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;"We are not twins, her name is Diane, Diane Kruger," Amber Valletta said: "I only recently learned that there is a girl who looks so similar I."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Inas cooperated with a surprised expression.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;However, after a little look, I found that Diane Kruger was a little shorter than Amber Valletta. In addition, the two deliberately dressed up, and they were really the same as twins .

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Everyone said that they entered the villa, and their mobile phones, bags and other things were taken away and stored, and then temporarily came to a reception room.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I sat patiently in the reception room and waited for more than ten minutes. It was Inas's turn and followed a waitress to the next room. After entering the door, I found several nurse-like girls in the room. , On the test bench next to it, there is still a nurse operating and testing something. Inas is a little terrified, but thinking that she will never kill it quietly, she quickly let the nurse play with it obediently.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;About seven or eight minutes later, she walked out of the room with a sterile cotton ball on her arm. Inas, who was walking in a strange way because of the foreign body sensation, returned to the lounge just now, and then she remembered.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;After all, I also spent two years in Milan, which is also a world of feasting and feasting, and I have come into contact with some upper-level insiders.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It is said that those rich tycoons who invite models to private parties will undergo medical examinations in advance.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;It's just that she is Melania's sister.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;This time, Inas just wanted her sister to introduce her and get to know the legendary super tycoon. It would be better if she could get some support from him to start her own business.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Now...what's the situation?

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