Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1021 In China (5)

She still got up on time at six o'clock in the morning, feeling the two soft bodies beside her, Chen Qing stretched out her hand and groped for a while, which caused a burst of murmurs. Next time the boss comes over, I really don't know if I will be overjoyed or furious. Sisters Jiang Shanwu and Jiang Yuanchi followed and got up, seeing that Chen Qing was talking and quickly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. The thought of saving time makes me feel a little resentful, but I can only put on my clothes silently, quietly leave the suite in the inner courtyard and return to my room to change clothes and wash.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Qing neatly left the inner courtyard suite and came to a second-floor library in the adjacent garden.

This second-story antique bookstore, which was also rebuilt, contains tens of thousands of classic books with Chinese culture as the core. When purchasing books, Chen Qing also invited several university professors to help list the books.

However, Chen Qing now prefers to use it as an office.

On the second floor of the book building, Jiang Shanwu sisters and two other waitresses, Lily Falwell and Christina Latham have also arrived and are sorting and reviewing some of the books, newspapers and magazines at home and abroad just received today. The content will be made into a briefing for Chen Qing and the two.

Chen Qing just sat down at the large mahogany desk by the window on the second floor, opened her laptop, and Lin Su also walked in, bringing her sister.

Noticing Lin Lan's figure, Chen Qing frowned slightly, without saying anything, and began to check today's email.

The first is the boss.

The materials sent by Chen Qing and Simon to Simon usually have to go through the assistant office in charge of girl a. However, the two women also have a direct channel to contact Simon, but neither Chen Qing nor Lin Su will disturb someone too often. , usually only write one or two emails a week.

I don't know what Lin Su would say to him. Although the topics Chen Qing talked about would involve work, they were not too formal, like a little girl passing a small note to her sweetheart, which was trivial.

It is a kind of careful machine to maintain a man's feelings for her.

In the last email, in addition to talking about the construction progress of the man's two properties in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he also talked about a group of waitresses recruited in China who were personally responsible and helped their bosses, all of whom graduated from universities across China. the best girl.

Then she also learned from Mou Zhonghua some time ago, helped matchmaking, and exchanged a batch of amber from Ukraine for a boat of TV sets on the Chinese side.

Great sense of accomplishment.

In addition, she noticed a very popular jj disco in Beijing last year, and she wanted to get involved for a while. After continuing to pursue and inquire, she accidentally discovered that there were some very powerful brothers behind the disco, surnamed Tang, who used a family A company called Delong is playing capital operations in the wild market of China. She has asked the Cersei Capital China Economic Research Institute team to follow up on the Tang brothers, which may have investment value. And one last little thing.

The nightclub in Beijing called 'Heaven and Earth' has successfully obtained ten thousand US dollars through the shell company in Hong Kong after contacting it during this period of time. This is a bit expensive for Chen Qing. It doesn't seem to be anything special.

However, several executives selected here have successfully joined the job. Chen Qing plans to meet the owner of the nightclub this weekend and ask her man if he has anything to convey, such as reserving a special box or something?

Open your inbox and someone already has a reply.

Others didn't say anything, only a very simple sentence: "China is the era when you can do things seriously, don't always think about speculation."

Hmm...it's been taught a lesson.

Chen Qing, who was learning someone to play with a pencil in her hand, pouted, and then looked at the back, there was one more thing, it was a serious matter, she was asked to contact to make a version of the vcd disc of the past few episodes of the Victoria's Secret show, and asked to attach all the Chinese and English subtitles of Victoria's Secret Angels.

Chen Qing was confused about this.

Then he couldn't help but chuckle.

Her own boss obviously knows why China's vcd industry can rise rapidly. No, she personally instructed her to make pirated copies.

This is a big deal.

After pondering for a while, Chen Qing also quickly understood that her boss was planning to promote the Victoria's Secret Army in China. Perhaps, it is possible to promote the Victoria's Secret brand.

In fact, because of its great reputation, the past few Victoria's Secret show vcds have also been quite popular in China, but apparently no one has thought of putting names on every angel who appears. When the audience sees these CDs, they think To know who is on the runway, you can only get information through some newspapers and magazines.

Now, with the name attached, if you quietly promote it, the Victoria's Secret Legion will definitely become famous in China.

Next is to start business.

Chen Qing is still a little puzzled about how her boss plans to promote it.

Just as I was thinking, a reading sound came from outside the window.

This is Li Youhu and Zhu Momo practicing their lines by a small lake in another part of the garden. Thinking of Zhu Momo's tall stature and the news from the United States these days, Chen Qing suddenly understood.

If there are Chinese models in the Victoria's Secret show, known as the "Super Bowl" in the fashion industry, it will definitely attract the attention of the Chinese media. Then, the Chinese media will transmit it to the Chinese audience, and then cooperate with the Victoria's Secret show vcd with the name, and the Victoria's Secret Army will naturally increase its popularity in China.

Learned another trick.

This should be called pushing the boat with the current, um, no, or taking advantage of the situation.

Thinking about the man's brief email for a moment, Chen Qing hesitated a little, but didn't.

Reply immediately, but instead close the page and start checking for work emails. From yesterday morning to now, there have been more than 30 letters.

More important is the progress material sent by China Telecom i team.

There is also a letter from Jared Buckley, president of the China business of Cersei Capital's Apollo Management Company, who was in Guangdong at the time.

The layout of the Westeros system in China is non-stop.

Jared Buckley, who is nominally the boss of Chen Qing and Lin Su, has basically been here since Simon's visit to China in the first half of the year. At present, the China business department in charge of Buckley has expanded to three teams with a total of more than 200 people. Responsible for the three major areas of food and beverage, real estate and electronic technology.

The team of more than 200 people, most of whom are from China, these people will be delegated to become executives of relevant investment companies in the future.

In terms of funds, in addition to the $1 billion in the hands of Barkley, there is also a $1 billion investment fund in the hands of Charlotte Brenita from Switzerland, totaling $2 billion. Moreover, the money will be spread among several different sub-funds.

Although ostensibly a crowdfunded investment fund, in the final analysis, it is someone’s money.

Chen Qing also understood that her boss did this mainly because he didn't want the Westeros system to appear too ubiquitous.

Jared Buckley's email was mainly to inform the progress of the acquisition of a condiment company in Foshan, Guangzhou, named Haitian Condiment Co., Ltd.

Compared with the grain and oil field, which is strictly regulated by the Chinese government, condiments are not only necessary for the life of the Chinese public, but also do not have too strict supervision. Moreover, the profit margin of condiments is the same as that of the beverage industry, which is very high. Therefore, it has become a recent investment focus of the food and beverage team.

Corresponding to the current general trend of investment promotion in China, the local government has given a very positive response to the acquisition offer of the Barkley team.

The problem now is that scale.

Haitian is currently a state-owned enterprise, and it is a very well-known local company. The Barkley team hopes to acquire the entire company, but the local government and Haitian management do not want to sell all of them. The compromise solution discussed by the two parties is that Apollo Management will use capital injection and shares. There are two ways to acquire about 60% of the equity of this company. The local government gives up the controlling stake. Apollo Management promises to keep the existing management unchanged, and at the same time assists the company to further expand at home and abroad, and will carry out at an appropriate time in the future. The listing operation allows shareholders to obtain more inspiration.

Now that the email is in, this is basically the final solution.

In addition, Barkley also talked about two other projects in the email, both in Guangdong.

The first is an investment in a real estate company headquartered in Shenzhen that was just established this year. The name of the company is Evergrande. The company’s founder, Boss Xu, made a net profit of 2 for the company through a large-scale real estate project in Guangzhou two years ago. 100,000,000. As a result, when I was talking about money with my former employer, I was chatted about feelings, so I came out to go it alone.

Barkley said in the email that the big boss personally made the decision of the investment, and generously spent 20 million yuan, only buying 40 shares of this small company that had just been established for three months, and also provided 100 million US dollars in credit funds for The next real estate development.

The second project is a preliminary investigation for a real estate company also located in Foshan.

The company is called Country Garden.

Currently living in Foshan for a while, and it was also when Barkley was negotiating with Haitian that he accidentally noticed that although the company is small for the time being, it has a set of hotel-style management ideas that are different from other real estate companies in China.

Jared Buckley also attached details of the two companies in the vicinity of the email.

Chen Qing read all the unread work emails, opened the two real estate company information attachments sent by Barkley, pressed print, listened to the humming sound of the printer next to her, raised her hand and stretched out, looked at the watch, it was already It was seven o'clock, so I turned off the computer and got up for breakfast.

Sister Jiang Shanwu skillfully bound the materials printed out by Chen Qing, divided them into two folders together with the sorted newspaper clippings, held them up and followed them downstairs.

For the past half an hour, Lin Lan, who had been by her sister's side and accompany her to read the document about the Zhejiang Province investment project last night, saw Chen Qing get up and leave without saying a word, so she couldn't help but snort at her sister again.

Lin Su was also helpless.

Although she didn't want to admit it, in fact, she felt more and more that she couldn't keep up with Chen Qing's rhythm.

Fortunately, I don't really want to argue with her too much.

All women, or, all his women, what is there to fight for?

However, this time about my father, I still have to discuss it with Chen Qing, and even have a little fight.

Followed back to the restaurant in the inner courtyard next door and waited for the waitress to serve breakfast. Lin Su looked at Chen Qing who was eating and reading materials without wasting any time, and finally said: "Xiaoqing, regarding that film and television city project, I hope In Zhejiang, what do you think?"

Chen Qing raised her head, glanced at Lin Lan, and then asked Lin Su, "Do you know Simon's layout idea?"

Lin Su nodded, of course she knew.

That man intends to create a 'brocade book' system according to the ideas of the Hollywood studio era. Lin Su has also studied what the Hollywood studio era was like. The most typical example is undoubtedly MGM in its heyday. In one sentence, the business model in the era of large studios is vertical integration.

The main film production and distribution, the upstream film and television base, entertainment stars, the terminal cinema line and peripheral distribution are all arranged.

For the current stage

For the Chinese entertainment industry, which is basically not an industry, vertical integration is undoubtedly the most effective operation idea, because the current Chinese film and television industry lacks everything, and wants to be like a Hollywood brokerage company, production company, theater chain A clear division of labor in the company is simply impossible.

If you want to make a difference without being constrained, you can only deploy the whole industry chain.

Seeing Lin Su nodding, Chen Qing also said: "I have already contacted Wu and the Suzhou Municipal Government. Since you understand Simon's thinking, you should know that if you want to achieve vertical integration, tax incentives and policy support at the government level must be It is indispensable. Wu Ben is from the broadcasting and television system in Jiangsu, he will be able to negotiate a general preferential plan for the film and television industry with the Suzhou Municipal Government in about a month, your side..." Chen Qing said here, shrugged slightly: "In the same month, when the time comes, we will compare the two plans and hand them over to Simon. Which one is better, and Simon will definitely use that one."

Before Lin Su could speak, Lin Lan couldn't help but said, "One month is not enough time."

Chen Qing looked at her and bent her mouth: "So, it depends on the sincerity of the local government. If they really intend to cooperate, a month is more than enough, and we don't have much time to waste here. Morning and evening, Xiaolan."

Lin Lan didn't give up, and continued: "Suzhou is different from Hangzhou. Hangzhou is the provincial capital, and Suzhou is just a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu. It is very difficult to make a decision, and as you just said, you have already started to do it in advance. work, it's not fair at all."

"It's not fair. In fact, A Su can also do work in advance, but she didn't do it. It's not my fault."


Lin Lan was speechless for a moment, then looked at her unsatisfactory elder sister, with an expression like what are you doing on weekdays.

Lin Su felt her sister's eyes and felt a little guilty.

On weekdays, in fact, Chen Qing does what she does, and she does a lot. It was mainly because of the man's arrangement that the two of them were a couple, and they had nothing to hide from each other. However, because of Chen Qing's strength, Lin Su unknowingly ceded a lot of decision-making power to the other party.

Thinking of this, Lin Su felt a little aggrieved for some reason.

So I handed the thick document I started reading last night to Chen Qing on the opposite side, and said angrily: "This, take the time to read it today, and tomorrow I will give my father and them a reply. If you don't get any results, I'll just... I'll take out all my money."

"you dare!"

Chen Qing also blurted out subconsciously, and then saw Lin Su staring and only remembered the appearance, and realized that although the other party did not fight or snatch on weekdays, he was really stubborn, and he might not be able to hold it back, so he had to soften his attitude: "Okay, okay? , However, I am very busy today, and I only have one day to read it all."

Lin Lan felt that her old sister had finally regained the initiative, and hurriedly said to the side: "If you squeeze in time, there will always be something. Sister Qing, it's just a matter of time."

Chen Qing: "..."

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