The shells condensed by the spray grew larger and louder in mid-air, and the uproar in the audience became louder and louder.

“This level of water and iron cannon, I’m afraid even the water array wall can’t be blocked.”

“Terumi is dead this time.”

“Deserve it, whoever let her raise it, has to fight one against two, this can not blame others.”

In the face of the terrifying water and iron cannon technique, no one doubted whether it could break through the water array wall of Terumei.

And as long as the water array wall is broken, then the result after that can be predicted.

“Break it for me!”

In the roar, the huge water element cannonball had already blasted towards Terumi.

The walls of the water array spread out and took the initiative to meet the whistling shells.

The two soon collided.

On one side is a water bullet that is pervasive from all directions, and on the other side is a water and iron cannon that plays a role in attacking fortifications in the front.

The water array wall surrounding Zhaomei’s body suddenly looked a little weak.

Under the huge impact, the entire water element cannonball was embedded in the water array wall.

The water array wall collapsed slightly under this impact.

But that’s not all.

When the water array wall retreated three steps in front of Terumi’s body, its defensive power increased because of the shrinking area.

The shells could no longer penetrate.

Offstage, Tian Tai, who had already been bombarded before, showed an unwilling look on his face.

If his two companions also lose unfortunately, the consequences will be truly unimaginable.

How can the position of water shadow be easily given to others.

As soon as he thought of this, he drank loudly, got up from the ground, and rushed towards the stage again.

“Tiantai, you have already lost, how can you still come to power again.”

“You are so unruly, it is simply a disgrace to our Wuyin Village.”

“It doesn’t seem to say no, after all, Terumi himself said that there is no limit to the number of people before.”

The audience exclaimed endlessly, but for Tian Tai, who was the party concerned, it was unheard.

At this time, he only wants to help his companion solve Terumi, and as long as Terumi dies, everything else is easy to say, and the face is not enough.

Before he was bombarded with Mizhao, he didn’t even have time to pull out his ninja knife, and at this time, he used his weapon as soon as he struck.

Flew away, and a straight split from top to bottom.

A huge light blue water blade immediately came to the water array wall.

The three upper Shinobi shot at the same time, and even Terumei, who had shadow-level strength at this time, couldn’t help but shake his body and take a step backwards.

“Good opportunity.”

Seeing this, the other two Shangnin hurriedly, the water array wall immediately twisted, and then in the eyes of everyone, it shattered.

And Terumei, who had long anticipated this, rose from the ground at this time.

Realizing that it was not good, she had already dodged the moment the water array wall shattered.

The light blue blade and water element fell to the ground, and suddenly exploded into a splash in the sky.

Only the pervasive water bullets continued to sweep towards Meizhao from all directions.

The party’s face suddenly turned cold, and said, “Find death.” ”

Her hands were sealed, and Mei Zhao’s expression became solemn.

Unlike the previous Shui Duan, this time she urged her blood succession limit.

“Dissolved: The Art of Dissolving Monsters!”

The two chakras of the fire element and the earth element were combined, and the cheeks bulged up, and the next moment, the magma spewed out from the mouth.

Whether it is fire or earth, both can be said to be the nemesis of water, and when the two are combined in one place, this restraint power is greatly improved, and the boundless water ball evaporates into a flood of water vapor.

But it’s not over.

The solid magma solution spread, and after evaporating the water balls in the sky, it spread towards the caster.

The terrifying power contained in it can be seen by any random observer around.

“Everyone, stay away, don’t get involved in this thing.”

Some people exclaimed, and soon, the surrounding onlookers began to withdraw to the rear to ensure their own safety.

However, even so, the terrifying lava aura emanating from the distance still made this group of ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village feel pale.

“It turns out that unconsciously, Meizhao’s strength has become so strong?”

“Perhaps, she really has that qualification to become a water shadow?”

“Everything is still unknown, if you want to become a water shadow, you must at least pass this level in front of you.”

With the discussion, the battle on the scene has entered a white-hot state.

In the face of dissolution, the ninja who cast the water bullet bore the brunt of it.

And if this dissolution is allowed to spread, the other two will definitely not be spared.

The three quickly came to an agreement.

It is necessary to join forces against the enemy.

Unlike the other ninjas in the Mist Hidden Village, although the three are upper Shinobi, they usually do not act alone, but often get together.

They have practiced together since childhood, and the tacit understanding is excellent, and the combat power that three people can exert together is often not as simple as three upper patience.

Even the three of them can even fight at the shadow level.

In particular, they have a ninjutsu that can superimpose the power of the three together, and they can fully exert their strength.

This is also their real hole card.

It is not necessary to use it on weekdays, but now it has reached the moment of life and death.

They didn’t expect that Mei Zhao could actually force them to this point.

The three of them soon arrived at one place.

Each stretched out two palms, six palms against each other, and the chakra of the three was quickly connected.

Then, centered on the three of them, the huge Chakra began to expand around, but in an instant, a giant condensed from the water element Chakra was formed.


The water element giant roared, facing the spreading dissolution, protected the three with his huge body, and even separated them from it with a punch.

No one would have expected such a change in the Water Shadow campaign.

Or rather, no one expected this level of battle.

This has even reached the duel between shadow levels.

Whether it was the dissolution of the beautiful underworld or the giant of the water element, it brought great pressure to the onlookers.

And after the dissolution was briefly contained, even if it was a beautiful photo, his face couldn’t help but become solemn.

She didn’t expect that her opponent actually had such a hole card.

For a while, her expression also began to become determined.

Since she promised Char that she would get the achievement of Water Shadow, she would never give up lightly.

Since she couldn’t break through the defense of this water element giant in a short time, she had to play her hole cards, even if she was not very mature. _

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