"But how I feel it seems painful."

Harry Potter looked at the rat jumping up and down between the seats with a hesitant expression.

"It's okay, it's like this just after surgery."

Li Jianguo grinned and looked unimpressed.

However, he secretly complained in his heart:

"If you know what this rat did to your parents, you probably want to stew it in its basket."

But at the moment, he didn't plan to tell the other party the truth.

After all, this kind of thing has no basis for talking, and it is easy to be taken away as a mental illness.

The current Ministry of Magic would rather believe that Li Jianguo is Merlin than believe that Voldemort is still alive.

"That's right!"

At this time, Ron on the side seemed to have thought of something and suddenly shouted.

I saw him pointing at Li Jianguo and asking with some uncertainty:

"You won't be the student from the Dragon Kingdom, will you?"

"It's me, whatever."

Li Jianguo nodded.

After getting a definite answer, Ron first glanced at Harry Potter and muttered in his mouth:

"No wonder I always feel that you are different from everyone else."

"I couldn't imagine I could sit with two celebrities."

With that, he stretched out his hand and introduced himself

"My name is Ron Weasley, and this one next to me is Harry Potter, you should have heard of him."

"It's an honor to meet you."

Harry Potter also stretched out his hand and smiled a little shyly.

"I heard Hagrid say that you are a very gifted wizard."

"That's all reported by the newspapers." Li Jianguo smiled and said.

However, at this moment, the door of the compartment was pulled open again.

This time it was a little girl with thick brown hair who had changed into a new Hogwarts robe.

"Did any of you see a toad, Neville lost a toad."

Her tone was haughty.

But unlike Kassandra's pride that flows in her blood, she is closer to the confidence of a top student.

And behind her, stood a chubby boy with a round face.

The three protagonists of the original work are completely complete.

Plus a hidden child of destiny, the future Gryffindor Sword Lord.

"We haven't seen it."

Ron seemed to dislike the tone of her voice and shook his head decisively.

"I'm sorry, if you see you later, please go to the eighth car and tell me."

Neville said a little sadly

"I always lose it, and if my grandmother found out, she would scold me."

"What's the name of your toad?"

At this time, Li Jianguo suddenly spoke.

"You..... Are you asking me? "

Facing the strong Li Jianguo, Neville's first reaction was similar to Ron's.

Some nervousness and stuttering.

"It seems that no one here has toads except you." Li Jianguo chuckled.

"Nope.... Excuse me. Neville quickly apologized: "His name is Laifer." "

"Okay, wait a minute."

Li Jianguo nodded when he heard this, and then took out a cut yellow paper and a brush stained with cinnabar from his pocket.

I saw him writing and scratching on the paper with a pen, and finally what appeared in the eyes of Harry was a mass of patterns that they couldn't understand.

"Please reach out."

Li Jianguo raised his head and smiled at Neville.

The latter was stunned for a moment, but still obediently stretched out his right hand.

But immediately following his fingertips was a pain.

It turned out that it was Li Jianguo who pierced his finger with the tip of his wand.

Before Neville could retract his hand, Li Jianguo grabbed the other party's wrist, and then forcibly squeezed out a drop of blood and landed on the yellow paper.

At the same time, he chanted:

"Heart God Danyuan, make me true!"

In the next second, to the great surprise of everyone present, a scene happened.

I saw that the yellow paper actually burned out of thin air, and then a three-inch tall small paper man came out of the flames and deftly jumped off the table.

"Follow it, it will lead you to your pet."

Facing Neville, who was sluggish, Li Jianguo smiled at him.

"Ahhh... Good! "

Although a little confused by this magical scene, Neville nodded and turned to follow the little paper man.

The remaining few people looked at Li Jianguo blankly.

"This... Is this also magic? "

After a moment, Ron asked with wide eyes.

"Think so of it." Li Jianguo nodded.

As soon as the words fell, Neville's surprised shouts came from outside the compartment.

"I've found Leif!"

"It's just amazing!" Harry Potter was also completely shocked.

At the same time, two successive system prompts sounded in Li Jianguo's mind.

Harry Potter and Ron dropped him a purple reward and a blue reward.

The former is a magic enhancement talent, and the latter is a magic shadow without a blade.

"This should not belong to the category of European magic."

At this moment, Hermione said with a frown.

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