Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma

Chapter 346 The gap between the 2 generations of Dark Lords, being an enemy of me is an enemy of the

In the principal's office, in front of Grindelwald was a magic net register, and Alvin's three-dimensional projection was displayed on it.

Alvin said this casually.

Where is the Dark Lord? It's simply the vinegar king of the magic world!

Alvin looked at her with interest.

Alvin smiled and congratulated him.

"Utilize your strength back then and turn Europe into our back garden. The wizards in this land have been silent for too long and need a strong leader."

'If they will continue to follow me, then higher, even if they choose to turn a blind eye, I will understand.

"Congratulations, Mr. Grindelwald, no, it should be Principal Grindelwald now."

But life is impermanent, and now she and Grindelwald have become the same people. Strictly speaking, the status of the two is similar.

Judging from the dialogue between Alvin and Grindelwald, the primary and secondary status between them is very obvious.

This is Grindelwald. She and Gladence, who were chasing and killing in Paris, have nowhere to go.

Alvin felt that everything had been planned long before Grindelwald promised him to come to Durmstrang.

Grindelwald didn't have the slightest smug look on his face, he never thought it was anything special~.

Alvin tilted his head and did not refute.

"I'll never forget how fascinated and engrossed I was when I heard this man speak. He was the enemy, but I couldn't afford to fight him."

As long as he can complete his mission, it's okay to carry a little private goods.

It's hard to hurt him, because even Luna can't tell what a cockroach hook looks like, and his polymorphism is useless.

In Grindelwald's year, he could capture everyone just by speaking.

No way, dozens of portraits scolded him together, and the Dark Lord couldn't stand it.

The Death Eaters were busy clearing themselves of their crimes, and when he returned, there was only fear, not joy.

Back then, Voldemort relied on his powerful strength to win over a group of wizards who were willing to follow him.

And the condition of his saints.

Some people even ran away, and no one in Karkaroff knows where he is hiding.

Hearing this, the more than 100-year-old Dark Lord became rebellious.


This is all to force Dumbledore to take the initiative to see him.

Although Nagini was carefully dressed in Alvin, she was looking at the man on the screen with a complicated look that she used to be terrified of.

"But I'm not sure if my principal wants to know this information.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Alvin comfortably enjoyed Nagini's massage.

And what about Grindelwald?

Instead of hurting spring and autumn, he asked about Grindelwald's next plan.

Looking at her so old, Alvin also sighed that it is easy to grow old.

"There are not many old friends left, and many are controlled by the Ministry of Magic of various countries. 99 Grindelwald is a little sad.

He never had to, and even Grindelwald never considered himself a Dark Lord.

"Miss Vida Rosier? Mr. Grindelwald's best assistant, the most beautiful black rose in France.

Grindelwald made such a big move, the Ministry of Magic must not sit still.

"Mr. Grindelwald, Harry is a vital part of dealing with Voldemort, he is the son of prophecy in Professor Trelawney's mouth, and he is also one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

In this case, the International Federation of Wizards will definitely ask Dumbledore to deal with Grindelwald.

He indulged himself and indulged his men to spread fear and kill.

Is this to warn him?

Without Newt's help, she might not have made it out of the city.

Still leaning on his mouth, he persuaded Gladens to work for him for several years.

In just five minutes, he can change those who oppose and disagree with him.

He is the helm who leads the wizard with the same ideal and moves forward together.

Grindelwald looked at the successive Durmstrang principals on the wall, all of whom he had cast a silencing spell on.

"I advise Mr. Grindelwald to give up the idea of ​​dealing with Harry, Dumbledore will not let you have too much contact with him.

This is why, after so many years, so many wizards on the Continent still miss and respect Grindelwald.

At best, it is on the path of pursuing ideals - just a few more companions.

"Actually, I don't remember what he said at the time, but his firm eyes, reckless face, and simple body movements all converged into one concept."

"As for the plan, let's take it one step at a time."

"My goal is to have more friends and fewer enemies.

"At that time, all those who are my enemies will find that they are facing the whole world! Earth.

"That's right, after all, your request was to let me contain Dumbledore, which is a good method.

I am afraid that even the two parties involved do not know about this matter. The combination of extreme killing and extreme protection will create such a wonderful thing as a humanoid Horcrux.

Compared with Voldemort, Grindelwald's strength lies in his unparalleled charisma.

Grindelwald's pupils shrank, he didn't expect this to happen.

Alvin shook his head, love really makes you dizzy.

Vida Rozier frowned slightly, she couldn't figure out Alvin's way.

(You watch first, I'll be stabbed)

In Alvin's view, Voldemort's black magic power will be better, but the power of the mind, the two are not the same.

But they alone are not even qualified to have a positive dialogue.

・・・・For flowers・0

But being able to have such a casual conversation with Grindelwald is definitely not an ordinary person, so he quickly said hello.


As long as he wants to completely destroy Voldemort, the soul of Harry is an inescapable hurdle.

In the movie, this one is the highlight of the whole show, and he is a mess of elegance.

Thinking of the rumors circulating on the market, with his black magic attainments, he quickly understood what was going on.

Grindelwald is not a puppet, it is normal to have his own mind.

Then, relying on threats and intimidation, he persuaded a part of the wizards.

"I find it interesting to be a well-respected principal, and I'm ready to teach my students well during this time."

"You want to wait for Dumbledore to come to the door, right?" Alvin hit the nail on the head, piercing the thoughts in Grindelwald's heart.

Grindelwald's heart froze, and after a long time, he got the news there.

Before leaving, Alvin kindly reminded him.

"Then I wish you success."" Alvin looked at his watch, stood up, and he wanted to accompany Luna to the Forbidden Forest to find the cockroach hook.

And in England, after Voldemort's side disappeared, the tree fell and hozen scattered.

"The Killing Curse? And Miss Evans' Curse?"

Until no one dared to mention his name, everyone shivered when they saw the Dark Mark.

"Then I'm really going to try, what will Dumbledore do for this?

A Gallic Auror who had heard him speak at the time recalled it in his autobiography:

At this time, Vida Rozier also completed Grindelwald's account and came to report the progress.

"I heard that Grindelwald seems to want Harry to study at Durmstrang?"

Grindelwald was not at all embarrassed and admitted frankly:

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