"How ignorant are you to say such nonsense!" A congressman roared loudly, out of anger, without caring about his demeanor.

"You have to understand that casting magic is an innate talent, and it is not something that can be learned after learning, not to mention, you actually said that you want to use technology to control magic?!!"

However, Jess is also fighting for it at this moment, regardless of the identity of the other party, but directly confronted him, "What I said is the truth, I have made some progress, as long as you give me a little more time, I will definitely be successful!

But Jace's words, not only did not win him this opportunity, but aroused the opposition of everyone.

"Impossible, it's impossible! Magic, what a distant word!"

"We didn't come here to build Piltover just to avoid those war lunatics. Now, you actually want to study this again. I think we need to reconsider the sentence against you. Maybe exile will be a good one. Select. 09"

"No, I don't think it's that serious. It's just a subject for him. He hasn't researched it yet. Besides, as a scientist, his whimsical and unrestrained imagination is the source of their inspiration. Big mistake. Heimerdinger clearly didn't want to give up a good student like Jess.

However, as an academic representative, although Heimerdinger is also one of the founders of Piltover and even the former Zaun, his right to speak is not very large.

It is obviously not enough to want to use such words to change the views of other MPs on this matter.

At this moment, Jace spoke again, "You don't understand at all, my idea is achievable, those runes, those runes can help us master the power of magic, and what we need to do is just It's just a try, and I already have an idea for the stable design of the hex crystal, and I will be able to produce results soon.35

"Think about how great it would be when we ordinary people could master magic!

It's a pity that his speech this time has made Heimerdinger seriously doubt whether he should continue to speak for Jace, because his thoughts are too dangerous.

Originally only a group of magicians mastered magic, it was already very dangerous.

If ordinary people have the power to master magic, what kind of scene will it be!

"No, you don't understand, we shouldn't study arcane magic at all, arcane magic is a very dangerous thing, and it is not something we can touch."

"Only I have really experienced that kind of war. For the sake of strength, the mages exhausted resources and sacrificed everything in order to be able to study magic more deeply. However, the final result was not as good as we thought.

"I have seen with my own eyes one country and another civilization, disappearing into the long river of history because of magic. You don't understand the terrible power of that kind of power."

Heimerdinger's trembling words not only reminded the councillors of the dangers of arcane spells recorded in books, but also awakened the very excited Jess.

Although he had only seen records about magic in a few books, before that, he didn't care about it at all.

However, this time in Heimerdinger's eloquent narration, he gradually realized that the people here reject magic.

At the same time, it also made him understand that his research on magic may not be able to continue.

Just when the entire parliamentary hall fell into a brief silence, a vibrant voice sounded in the hall, "You have always said that magic is dangerous, so, have you really understood magic."

"You have been saying that magic has destroyed one civilization after another, so do you know what role magic played in the history of Rune Continent?

"You keep saying that magic only consumes resources in vain, so do you really understand how much value magic can create. 99

As Colt said a sentence, everyone present looked at him at the same time.

They didn't understand why Colt, who had always been a listener, suddenly spoke at this time, and he was still speaking for Jace.

Among all the people, perhaps only Heimerdinger, the wise man and the elder, and Mel, who had a quick mind and had seen the outside world, could faintly perceive why Colt would say such a thing.

Sure enough, just when everyone was in doubt, Colt, who was the focus of the crowd, stood up straight, stretched out his fingers, and began to outline in the void in front of him.

Then a miraculous scene happened, and as Colt's fingers swiped gently, in front of him, one after another flashing blue-and-white runes were suspended in his hand so quietly.

"Magic is a kind of natural energy, and it itself has many different categories, and the most profound is arcane magic, but it is also the most traceable.

"One by one, runes can form what we often call magic, just like 537.

As Colt's finger lightly tapped in the rune formation in front of him, he saw that a lotus flower composed of flame energy slowly flew out from the rune formation.

The flaming lotus flower looks so stunning and dazzling, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's a lotus flower of fire, capable of attacking anything, but, in addition to that, it can also act as a source of fire, it can illuminate, it can heat it."

Colt clicked again, and a round blue water ball appeared, floating quietly beside the fire lotus.

"And this, water, the source of all things, which any creature needs to sustain itself.

"This is just one of their manifestations, in fact, they have more magical effects.

"You always think about the dangers of magic, but in fact, isn't it a helper for us to explore the world and discover the world? It facilitates our lives and helps us achieve things that are impossible under normal circumstances in special circumstances. 39

'Is it the danger of magic, or is it menacing?"

"It can only be a weapon when you only want to destroy it, but without magic, wouldn't we make weapons?"

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