Hogwarts: The Book of Chaos, the Power of Knowledge

Chapter 234 The Strength of the Spear and Shield\r

"Yes gentlemen, visualize yourself, and the gains from this visualization will be enormous. In all visualization previews, the effect of visualization itself is far greater than any other visualization. effect.99

"Even more than a few times the effect.""

"If the effect is so good, then there must be some restrictions. Otherwise, you won't say this method at the end, just say it at the beginning."

"Indeed, Mr. Lehnsherr, you are really keen, this way of visualization requires a premise first, that is, you must believe in yourself enough, believe in your strength, and believe that you can defend against any invasion.

"Judging from the results of my unconscious records in my daily life, there are only two people in the entire Hogwarts castle who can do this and completely believe in themselves, the two of you."

"Others can't achieve this effect, so they don't have the possibility to practice this highest-level view."

"Even if it is forcibly cultivated, the final result may not even be comparable to the simple visualization of a protective barrier."

When they heard Merlin say this, Colt and Dumbledore, who were present, looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking.

Harry is obviously not suitable for this last view, but fortunately, just last year, with the help of Colt and Professor Lupin, Harry has completely completed the form of the guardian beast~condensation.

That is to say, the current Harry has reached the fourth level, the precondition for visualization of advanced visualization.

If that's the case, then what else is there to say, it's natural for Harry to visualize his own guardian beast.

However, there is still a problem before that, that is, how defensive the concept is.

Merlin had said so much before, and he only talked about a few training plans about Kanchan, but he didn't mention the mental defense ability brought by Kanchan from the beginning to the end.

"I'm sorry sir, although I can calculate the mental protection ability brought by the mind, but I don't have the data on the magic of the spiritual invasion. If it's just some theories, there may be no way to correctly calculate the gap during this period."

"Oh, then what do you want me to do."

"If you can, Mr. Dumbledore, you can demonstrate some kind of spiritual invasion magic, so that I can have a more intuitive data through the magic power generated and the effect on the casting target."

Hearing this, this makes Dumbledore stumped, not to say that Dumbledore does not know this kind of magic, but because there are preconditions for this kind of magic to be used, and it is not simply that you want to use it, you can use it. of.

However, this was not difficult for Dumbledore, and with a snap of his fingers, a very small house-elf appeared in the headmaster's office.

"Next, I will target this little elf and cast related magic, Merlin, you will make a record."

"Understood, sir, if possible, you'd better divide your magical power into corresponding levels, which will help me make a corresponding comparison."

"Like what?

"For example, ordinary adult wizards, good wizards, Aurors, elite Aurors, and legendary wizards like you.

Dumbledore understood immediately after thinking about it. The benefits of doing so were very obvious. As long as the values ​​were roughly estimated, they only needed to look at the comparison of the numbers with each other, and then they could intuitively see the difference between the two.

Next, on the elf, Dumbledore cast the Imperius Curse and Legilimency five times in a row.

Originally, Dumbledore only wanted to release Legilimency. After all, this was more in line with Harry's current state, and he could better obtain relevant experimental data.

However, according to Merlin's suggestion, in fact, the Imperius Curse also has an effect similar to Legilimency, and according to the data simulation, Imperius Curse can also be resisted by the vision.

So, Dumbledore worked harder and cast the Imperius Curse again.

And the final result made them very satisfied.

Comparing this series of data obtained by Merlin, the mental protection strength brought by the Patronus incantation idea, although compared to the elite Auror-level ability, may still be slightly inferior.


But it is only the upper limit, it is not comparable to the upper limit of the elite level. As for the higher level of the legendary level, it is really embarrassing, so I will not consider it for the time being.

However, this result made Dumbledore very satisfied.

You must know that this is only the protective ability brought by continuous practice for one year. According to Merlin's estimation, it will only take more than three years for the spiritual protective ability brought by the Patronus Mantra concept to reach a rock-solid level.

At that time, anyone who wants to gain the mind of a Vipassana practitioner through Legilimency, or use the Imperius Curse to control Vipassana practitioners, will only have one result, and they will run into a bloodbath.

At that time, let alone an elite Auror, it would be extremely difficult to break this layer of protection even if it was a Legendary rank.


Because according to the data obtained by Dumbledore's last attempt, he tried his best to exert his limit.

Even if it is his current mental intrusion intensity, if he has practiced for more than five years, he may be helpless.

After having such a result, the rest is simple.

In the spirit of doing nothing else, Dumbledore handed over the character who taught Harry's perspective to Colt.

In this regard, Colt did not refuse, just as he took this opportunity to teach this idea to several other people.

Of course, Hermione was definitely not included. As one of his girlfriends, Hermione had obtained a more complete method of spiritual cultivation not long after the relationship was established.

This is not a simple method of improving the protection ability of the spirit, but a complete method of improving the soul, that is, the spiritual power.

The protective ability and so on are only incidental, as long as the mental power is strong, then the other things are nothing at all.

Now that Hermione's soul is powerful, other wizards want to invade Hermione's brain through Legilimency or Imperius, the only result is that the effect of this magic will directly bounce back on them, so that Hermione Get something from their brains, or, directly reverse the control of the caster to complete the anti-kill

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