Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 96: 55 with Voldemort

The turmoil in the Forbidden Forest the night before had obviously not caused much disturbance in Hogwarts.

Most of the students didn't know that this happened. Even if someone noticed the vision of the Forbidden Forest burning into the sky last night, they would not take it to heart.

Ever since Fred developed the blasting clay, there has been a loud bang from time to time in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

The students are used to it.

The thing that made the students concerned was something else—the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had changed.

A notice was posted on the notice board outside the auditorium. Professor Quirrell has resigned due to physical discomfort. From today until the end of the semester, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be replaced by Professor Snape.

In fact, Quirrell wasn't just unwell, he was "people gone".

Dumbledore's ultimate light arrow, the storm, directly vaporized Quirrell.

Snape, who had always wanted to teach Dark Defense, finally got his wish, and he should be very happy.

But the lion cubs in Gryffindor were not so happy. They had only one potions class a week and needed to see the old bat's stinky face.

But now there are two more Defence Against the Dark Arts classes.

When Kyle came to the auditorium with the two little loli, he found a wailing sound by the long table of Gryffindor.

Hufflepuff's little badgers were unmoved.

Snape's targeting of Gryffindor, it was the little lion's business, and their Hufflepuffs were completely true.

Because their dean, Professor Sprout, is the largest herbal supplier in Hogwarts.

Most of the potion materials used in Snape's potions class were produced in the large greenhouses outside the castle.

Otherwise, with the little materials they bought in Diagon Alley before school started, they wouldn't be able to support the consumption of two potions classes.

In addition to basic materials, Snape also asked Professor Sprout for some more advanced herbs.

In terms of potion materials, although Snape wouldn't be nice to their Hufflepuffs, at least he wouldn't show a bad face to anyone other than a certain little devil among them.


A soundproof barrier was propped up beside Hufflepuff's long table.

The surrounding students are no strangers to the fact that these few parents who are worried about their parents gathered together to whisper.

"So, the one who fought us last night was Professor Quirrell?" George was a little surprised.

Quirrell was on the street, and there was no need to keep Dumbledore's savior training plan a secret.

Of course, the Salvation Trio has to be kept secret.

"To be precise, it's Voldemort." Kyle directly identified his identity, "He was attached to the back of Quirrell's head."

When he heard the name, a trace of panic appeared on Cedric's face, "How is it possible? Isn't the mysterious man already..."

Fred shook his head, "It's impossible for such a powerful wizard to die easily."

"My parents are convinced that he will come back one day." George also looked solemn.

"There is no need to doubt the authenticity of this matter. It was said by Professor Dumbledore himself."

Born in a Muggle family, Penello had no fear of Voldemort.

Voldemort had been down for several years when she first stepped into the wizarding world when she received her acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

She was fortunate to be staggered from that horrific era.

As for Voldemort's deeds, she has only read it in the history of magic.

"If you say that, you fought with Voldemort last night. Does this mean that each of you is equivalent to a quarter of Voldemort?"

Penello's words caused a brief silence in the soundproof barrier, and then there was a burst of excited cheers in the barrier.

"Sister Penello! You are such a genius!" Fred grinned excitedly.

George respectfully served Penello a glass of pumpkin juice, "Sister! Please use it!"

Taking the pumpkin juice from George, Penello leaned forward slightly, his beautiful eyes firmly locked on Kyle across the table.

"No matter how bad Quirrell is, he is still a professor. Are you already so powerful?"

Kyle shrugged, "You don't even look at my last name."

He currently has two surnames, one Dumbledore, and the other, unknown, Grindelwald.

No matter which of these two surnames, it can cause a sensation in the magic world.

"Okay, okay, I know you're very powerful, little Dumbledore." Penello deliberately emphasized the word "little" in a stressed tone.

Kyle rolled his eyes, "Where am I so small? Mine is very big. Would you like to take it out and show it to you?"

After being molested by Penello more times, Kyle has learned to fight back now.

After all, Penello is not a Qiu Mingshan female car **** who masters inertial drifting. Facing Kyle's rants, he was immediately defeated.

And Kyle is indeed right, his phoenix is ​​really big.

When it was built, its length was adapted to the adult Kyle.

For Kyle, who is currently only twelve years old, it is indeed a bit older.


After breakfast, Kyle walked out of the castle, crossed the lawn outside, and walked towards the hut on the edge of the forbidden forest.

Thanks to the physical fitness and resilience brought by the blood of the giants, when Hagrid woke up, although his appearance was still a bit miserable, Madam Pomfrey had already announced that he could be discharged from the hospital.

If this injury was put on other people, Madam Pomfrey would definitely insist that they stay and continue the treatment.

Can be replaced by Hagrid...

Oh, half-blooded giant, that's all right, just drink more hot water.

When he came to the wooden door, Kyle raised his hand and knocked, and the bark of licking dog teeth sounded immediately inside the house.

The door creaked open, but it wasn't Hagrid's big, furry face that showed through the crack, it was Harry.

"Hi, Kyle." Classmate Savior opened the door.

Kyle didn't have many surprises about meeting the Savior trio here. After a brief greeting, Kyle sat down on a stool.

"Hagrid, didn't you study the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation I sent you at Christmas?"

Hearing Kyle's words, Hagrid's face was a little ashamed.

"Eight-door Dunjia formation? What is that?" Hermione asked curiously.

"A forbidden technique that can make the body gain powerful power in a short period of time," Kyle spread his hands, "After it is turned on, it allows you to easily fight with an adult fire dragon hand-to-hand."

Hearing the word forbidden technique, the little beaver's eyes widened instantly.

"Forbidden art!? What can be called a forbidden art usually consumes a lot of energy of the user! Or it will cause great harm or even death to the user!"

She looked at Kyle sternly~www.NovelMTL.com~ How could you let Hagrid learn something so dangerous! "

Kyle leaned against the wall behind the stool with an indifferent expression, "The acquisition of power is never free."

Little Beaver opened his mouth to refute, but Kyle continued:

"As a half-blooded giant, Hagrid's physique is strong enough to minimize the damage to the body caused by the eight armors."

"And this access control technique was developed by me. I am fully aware of its side effects, but at the same time, I am also aware of its help to Hagrid. It can be said that it is completely tailored for Hagrid."

He tilted his head to look at a certain innocent little beaver, "It's so dangerous in the Forbidden Forest. Could it be that every time Hagrid is in danger, he happens to run into us nearby?"

After being scolded by Kyle for a while, Little Beaver didn't know how to speak for a while.

Harry and Ron, who were beside them, didn't know what to say.

They have absolutely no concept of forbidden art, they don't understand it, but they think it's very powerful.

Hearing that Bamen Dunjia was tailor-made for him, Hagrid's eyes were a little red, and tears of remorse swirled in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kyle, I shouldn't be lazy. If I hadn't been lazy, you and George wouldn't be hurt."

Looking at Hagrid who started to babble, Kyle had a headache. There was no other reason, it was too hot for his eyes.

"Don't cry, what does a four-meter-tall man cry and cry like? When your injury is healed, you can start learning the eight-door Dunjia."

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