Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 49: Professor Qi Yiji's Dark Defense

On Tuesday, Professor Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was almost a disaster.

Fortunately, Kyle's expectations for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were very low.

As early as the opening dinner, when he saw Professor Quirrell's appearance, Kyle gave up hope for this class.

Professor Quirrell was tall, with a pale complexion, often with scars between his wrinkles.

Although he was wearing a long robe, it was dirty and torn, and it seemed that it had not been repaired or washed for more than ten years.

Compared with the suave and gentle Professor Trembling of last semester, Quirrell's look is really not good.

Moreover, his stammering English was also mixed with a strong curry flavor, which was half-understandable.

Coupled with the strange headscarf wrapped around his head, it made him look more like Asan.

Hearing people talk behind their backs, Professor Quirrell used to be a top student in Ravenclaw, but he couldn't find a job after graduation, and he couldn't make a living, so he became poorer and poorer, and was reduced to risking his life to come to Hogwarts. When the Dark Defense Professor.

As soon as Professor Quirrell arrived in the classroom, the strong smell of garlic immediately filled the entire classroom.

All the little wizards pinched their noses in disgust.

Kyle hurriedly took out his wand and put a blister spell on himself, Hannah and Hermione, thus avoiding the danger of suffocation.

Seeing that the students were all disgusted, Professor Quirrell blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out: "I'm... to drive away the vampires!"

He told the little wizards about his experience of driving away a vampire with garlic in Romania, and explained that he kept the garlic smell on him because he was afraid that the vampire would come back and catch him.

After talking about his own legendary experience, Professor Quirrell's flushed face gradually recovered, and he began to talk about his other experiences.

He said that his big scarf was a gift from an African prince who helped him get rid of the zombies as a thank you.

But no one can say that they really believe the story he told.

A little Gryffindor lion raised his hand and asked him, "Professor, have you really beaten a zombie?"

Professor Quirrell looked at the little wizard who asked him with a disdainful look on his face.

The little eagle asked again, "Professor, how did you defeat the revived zombie?"

Professor Quirrell immediately showed a look of depression and anxiety, his face was covered with gray, and there was a curry-flavored English in his mouth. He didn't know what he was saying.

The students all burst into laughter, and there was a cheerful atmosphere inside and outside the classroom.

Professor Quirrell knew he couldn't continue on this topic, so he had to ask the little wizards questions.

He looked at a little wizard whose head was shrouded in bubble head spell and looked like a dragon.

"Mr. Dumbledore, do you know the definition of black magic?"

Kyle nodded slightly.

Professor Quirrell said, "Could you tell me a little bit?"

Kyle is a little bit disgusted. People like begging are also worthy of asking him?

But he still stood up and answered.

"Dark magic refers to those evil magics whose main purpose is to harm others and can cause serious harm to others."

"Very good, please take a seat, Hufflepuff adds five points."


The history of magic in the afternoon was extremely boring.

This is the only course in Hogwarts that is taught by a ghost, a course taught by a thousand-year-old antique. What can be expected of his teaching method?

During the class, Professor Binns kept talking in a monotonous voice. Kyle, who was sitting in the last row of the classroom, took off his wizard robe and put it on a life-size alchemy puppet.

Then, under the incredible gazes of Hermione and Hannah, Kyle sneaked out of the classroom.

Hermione: ! ! !

Hannah: ? ? ?

And this kind of operation?

It wasn't until dinner time in the evening that the two of them saw Kyle again in the auditorium.

"How can you skip class! Even if it's Professor Binns' history of magic! Your behavior..."

The moment she saw Kyle, the good boy Hermione put her hands on her hips and scolded Kyle with a bang.

Hannah nodded again and again next to her.

Looking at the aggressive little beaver, Kyle rubbed her head amusingly, "I'll bring you guys next time to escape from magic."

Hermione slapped Kyle's hand off angrily, "Don't try to spoil the two of us!"

The blond little Lolita also stood on the same line as Hermione.

"I'll take you to the Forbidden Forest to ride a hippogriff."

"Please take me with you next time you skip class!" Hannah instantly lost her original position.

Hermione: ? ? ?

Why did you defect so quickly! Hannah!


Wednesday night at the Observatory, where Hufflepuff and Gryffindor take astronomy lessons.

Hannah looked at the life-size alchemy puppet wearing Kyle's wizard robe beside her, and stomped her feet in anger.

"Kyle, you big liar!"

Hearing Hannah's words, Little Beaver rolled her eyes.

Hannah, this iron-handed man, even believed the words "Take you to the forbidden forest to ride a hippogriff".

She really doesn't know where to start complaining.

However, compared to Kyle's truancy behavior, Hermione felt that the most important thing right now was to ask Dumbledore to report Kyle's possession of arms.

However, until Friday, Little Beaver failed to successfully find the opportunity to meet the headmaster Dumbledore alone and report to him that Kyle and several people were hiding weapons of mass destruction.

It's not that she hadn't considered looking for Professor McGonagall, but she felt that it was better for Dumbledore to take care of the Dumbledore family.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry added sugar to the oatmeal and asked Ron, "What lessons do we have today?"

"Two potions classes with the Slytherin students."

Ron sighed.

"Snape is the dean of Slytherin Academy. They all say that he favors his students. Now we can see if that is true."

The frowning Hermione heard the conversation between the two, her expression eased a little, she turned her head and said to the two:

"Don't worry~www.NovelMTL.com~ I heard from Kyle that Professor Snape is a very good person."

"A very good person?" Ron exclaimed in disbelief.

"I heard from George and Fred that Snape was a big bat in human skin!"

A sinister voice came from behind the two of them, "Bat spirit?"

Ron almost fell under the table.

Hermione, who was also startled, gave Kyle a reproachful look, "Can you not be so scary next time!"

"Sorry, my fault." Kyle spread his hands insincerely.

Then he lowered his voice, "I can tell you one thing about Professor Snape, why he is always gloomy."

After he and Snape fought side by side in the Forbidden Forest before, Kyle went to Dumbledore and asked some Snape gossip.

About Snape's past, Dumbledore told Kyle some things.

Harry and Ron were obviously attracted by the gossip news. Although Little Beaver looked uninterested, he pricked up his ears honestly.

"Professor Snape used to..."

Before he could say anything, a black hand grabbed Kyle's ear.

"Professor Snape once taught me magic! That's why I said he's a very good man! My admiration for him is as steady as the waters of the Rhine!"

The black hand on Kyle's ear was released.

Looking at the old bat who was gradually walking away, the trio of Iron Triangle looked at Kyle with bewilderment.

How could this person be so flattering?


Regarding the question about where to find Xiao Nan as the heroine, I will answer it here—you guessed it!

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