Walk through the bar of the Leaky Cauldron to the small patio.

Agareth was about to pull out his wand when the little witch he was holding was the first to strike.

"Count the bricks on the top of the trash can three upwards – two more horizontally, and tap the wand three times ......."

As she spoke, the little witch waved her wand and struck three times on the bricks in front of her.

"Whoa, whoa!".

A stone arch quickly appeared, and Diagon Alley, which was bustling with people, suddenly appeared in front of Agareth and Hermione.

"Let's go!".

Agareth withdrew his wand, expertly grabbed the little witch's hand, and entered Diagon Alley.

The little witch blushed slightly, but still did not refuse.

Although they had visited the whole of Diagon Alley two days ago, for little Hermione and Agares, who had lived in the Muggle world for eleven years, everything about Diagon Alley was still full of attraction for the two of them.

The two of them stopped and walked all the way, and after walking around, they finally came to the magic fried chicken restaurant.

It's still the old rules.

Agareth treats Hermione to chicken, and Hermione asks Agareth to drink water.

Florin cold drink shop.

The two of them were drinking cold drinks, and you and I were chatting one by one.

However, the main content of the chat is all about magic and spells.

You can see it.

The little witch had been studying spells for the past two days, but it was clear that she had not achieved much success.

This is actually normal.

Hermione was not a child of a wizarding family, she was a child of a Muggle family, and she had never been exposed to magic before, and even if she had a high talent for magic, it was difficult for her to be self-taught without a teacher's teaching.

Seeing the little witch's depressed look, Agareth silently retracted his original words, but also complained of "bitterness".

I have to complain.

The little witch is so sad and distressed, and at this time, if Agareth comes to say that I have mastered a certain spell and even all the primary spells in the book, what will the little witch think?

It's definitely going to be sadder and more frustrating.

Under Agares's "complaints" and comfort, the loss in the little witch's heart gradually dissipated.

Seeing this, Agareth suddenly said, "By the way, Hermione, you just said that you have been mainly researching the repair spell for the past two days, right?"

"Uh-huh. Hermione nodded quickly.

"Coincidentally, in fact, I am too, where are you stuck? What do you think is the difficulty? There is a saying in the ancient country of the distant East: Three stinkers are Zhuge Liang. Maybe we can complement each other?".

As soon as Agareth said this, the little witch's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm mainly interested in ......".

Hermione was about to speak about the difficulties she had encountered while trying to repair the spell when two witches suddenly opened the door in front of the store.

Both witches were holding two children, about five or six years old.

Ever since they even entered the door, the four imps have been making noise attacks and shouting non-stop.

The children's voices were quite sharp and harsh, not to mention the four of them who came at once.

The four imps seemed to be screaming louder than anyone else, screaming and shouting, and the brains of those who listened to it were buzzing.

I can't stand it at all.

As a result, Agareth and Hermione couldn't talk normally.

Every time Hermione was about to speak, she was interrupted by the screams of the four imps.

The two of them had planned to endure it for a while, and then wait for the four imps to leave.

But I didn't expect that the four little ghosts had no intention of leaving at all, and they kept yelling.

The angry little witch's cheeks bulged.

"Hermione, let's go, find a quiet place, it's too noisy here. "

Looking at the puffing little witch, Agareth suddenly stood up and said.


Hermione nodded.

After leaving the cold florin cold drink shop, the two walked side by side quickly on the crowded Diagon Alley, only to find that the huge Diagon Alley didn't even have a quiet place.

As they walked, the two drove to the Leaky Cauldron Bar at the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Looking at the Leaky Cauldron in front of her, the little witch suddenly thought of something, and looked up at Agareth with excitement and excitement on her face.

The little witch's eyes were blazing, and her face was full of expectation: "By the way, Agareth, let's go open the room!".

Agares: "Meow meow?".


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