Hagrid takes Dumbledore to the Dark Forest to examine the unicorn’s body!

They hoped to find the hidden traces of Voldemort from the unicorn’s body, but unfortunately this was in vain.

Voldemort was able to hide for ten years without being discovered after his body was destroyed. Naturally, he was extremely cautious, not to mention that at Hogwarts at this time, all the tail he left behind had been wiped clean.

Ye Shu, who had known this for a long time, did not follow the two of them. After finishing what he was doing, he returned to the Room of Requirement and began to study his magic spell in seclusion.

He has developed many functions for physically casting spells, but many spells have great attack power. Even the crazy Ye Shu dare not experiment on himself easily.

“Since you don’t dare to experiment with these magic spells on yourself, then you can only find a test subject!”

“Sure, Scabbers… or call you Peter Pettigrew!”

Ye Shu turned around and looked at a big rat trembling in the corner!

This mouse is very big, at least as big as an adult’s hand, and its fur is extremely smooth. It looks like it eats well.

This rat was the pet rat raised by Ron, which was the Animagus form of Peter Pettigrew, but at this time, it was kidnapped here by Ye Shu.


The big mouse huddled in the corner and squeaked, looking extremely flustered, as if it was really a frightened mouse.

But when Ye Shu said the name “Peter Pettigrew”, his body couldn’t help shrinking, showing that his heart was full of turmoil!

“Stop pretending, let’s just be honest!”

“After you betrayed the Potter family, you faked your death, then turned into an Animagus form and hid in the Weasley family.”

“I’ve been hiding for a whole ten years!”

“By the way, in the past ten years, have you ever felt guilty for your friends, the Potter family?”

Ye Shu pointed his finger at Peter and cast a floating spell, controlling his body to float in front of him.


Peter was still struggling, his fat body kept twisting, and every move he made looked like a mouse!

Ten years, a whole ten years, has been spent in the form of a mouse. To be honest, it has been so long that even Peter himself can’t tell whether he is a mouse or a human!

“If you dare to act stupid with me again, I won’t mind having a rat feast for lunch!”

“Don’t forget, I told you all the delicious ways to make mice on the day you entered school. Don’t doubt whether what I said is true or false. There is nothing in this world that we Chinese people cannot eat!”

“If you don’t believe it, you can try it!”

As he spoke, Ye Shu casually conjured up a variety of tableware. These tableware were all-encompassing. Western knives and forks only accounted for a very small part, and more were various kitchen utensils from China.

When these things appeared, Pettigrew’s body shook even more violently. Seeing that it still refused to admit it, Ye Shu simply took a sharp knife and stretched it towards the other person’s throat.

Under the illumination of the light, the blade flashed with a sharp white light. There was no doubt that this was a good knife that could seal one’s throat in the face of blood.

Seeing the blade getting closer and closer to his neck, as if it could cut the blood vessels in his neck in the next moment, Pettigrew finally gave up!

“No, don’t eat me, I admit that I am Pettigrew!”

The palm-sized mouse’s body quickly expanded and turned into a short, fat man. The opponent’s pair of front teeth were particularly conspicuous!

“Haha, I thought you were so stubborn, but now you’re giving in!”

“But that’s right. If you were really so stubborn, you wouldn’t have betrayed the Potter family to Voldemort back then!”

Ye Shu did not hide the ridicule and disdain in his eyes at all!

“How on earth… did you recognize me?”

“I turned into a mouse and hid with the Weasley family for ten years. They lived with me day and night and never discovered this secret. How on earth did you know?”

“My Animagus form has never been revealed to strangers, and I have never registered it with the Ministry of Magic. Logically speaking, no one knows!”

Peter Pettigrew’s eyes were full of confusion!

“Oh, I know a lot of things, how can you understand it?”

“Not only do I know that you betrayed the Potter family, I also know that you framed the incident on Sirius, causing him to be imprisoned in Azkaban for ten years.”

“Tell me, if the other party knows that you are still alive, will they come to fight for you?”

“Even if Sirius can’t come out, don’t forget that there is another Lupin. Compared to you,

A guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, the two of them are James Potter’s real good brothers. ”

“I think once the news gets out that you are alive, the expressions on their faces will be wonderful!”

Ye Shu raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a meaningful expression!

As if thinking of the consequences of the other two knowing that he was alive, Pettigrew was so frightened that he shrank his neck, his face full of fear.

“No, please, as long as you don’t kill me or expose the news that I’m alive, I can do anything to repay you!”

“By the way, if you come here to catch me, there must be something you need my help with. As long as you tell me, I will go up to the mountains of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, and I will do my duty!”

Pettigrew knelt down in front of Ye Shu directly. He had no choice but to be cowardly!

In order to survive these years, he has done nothing. In his opinion, both face and brotherhood are empty. Living alone is the most real thing!

“Oh? You said that yourself!”

“Yes, yes, I said it myself, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you!”

Pettigrew hurriedly nodded, as if he was afraid that Ye Shu would regret it at any time!

“Very good, then, lie down on me now!”

Ye Shu pointed at the stone bed in the middle of the room and ordered!

“What? Tell me to lie on the bed, what do you want to do to me?”

“I…I don’t have such a hobby…”

The expression on Pettigrew’s face was wonderful. He was holding up his pants and trying not to cry!

“Ugh…you are so damn good that you will die…”

Ye Shu, who was disgusted by Pettigrew’s words, waved his hand angrily, and the other person’s fat body was thrown away and hit the wall heavily.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Pettigrew’s mouth, and the other person’s face was full of pain!

“I don’t even look in the mirror to see how ugly I look. Are you interested in me? Are you worthy?”

“I’m looking for someone… bah bah bah… I like women, and you almost led me astray!”

“Now, immediately, go to bed and lie down for me!”

Under Ye Shu’s gloomy order, Pettigrew did not dare to say anything more. He supported his injured body and lay down on the stone bed!

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