Only a few people in the academy are qualified to know about the Philosopher’s Stone, so people in the school don’t know that there is a magical object hidden in the room on the third floor that can make people immortal.

The news that made the entire Hogwarts explode that day was that Harry Potter became Gryffindor’s Seeker and the youngest Quidditch player in the history of Hogwarts.

Yes, Professor McGonagall approached Harry that very day and invited him to become Gryffindor’s Seeker!

Harry was extremely uneasy at first. He thought that Professor McGonagall was looking for him because of his private fight with Malfoy. Because of his own reasons, Gryffindor had already been deducted fifteen points. If he was deducted again, points, then this year must be the last one without a doubt.

Don’t think that since Professor McGonagall is the Head of Gryffindor, he won’t punish the people in his own house. As the Head of House, the first thing you have to do is to treat the people of the four houses fairly.

Snape: Why do I feel like someone is clicking on me…

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen. Professor McGonagall took Harry and went straight to Professor Quirrell’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class and called away Oliver Wood, who was also in class. He was also a Gryffindor Quidditch. Captain of the odd team!

With Professor McGonagall’s guarantee, Harry successfully joined the Quidditch team and became a member of it. As for the specific training, it would not start until the next day.

However, as the news spread among students and ghosts in the college, it spread throughout the entire college in just half an hour.

The youngest seeker in the history of the Quidditch team, which in itself represents a great honor, not to mention that the opponent is the famous Harry Potter, the son of the prophecy.

In addition, Harry Potter’s outstanding performance in perfectly avoiding the entire flock of birds in his first flying lesson was also known to everyone in the academy, which made his reputation even more famous.

Soon, the entire college knew about this!

However, Harry who joined the team was not as happy as others thought. Although he showed strong flying talent, he had never been exposed to Quidditch and had no idea whether he was qualified for this position. .

Fortunately, Hermione, one of the three little ones, took Harry to a corner of the academy where the honors of all Quidditch players throughout history were stored.

Harry’s father, James Potter, is surprisingly one of them!

Such a discovery made Harry more confident and changed his previous anxiety!

After visiting the collection, the three little ones wanted to go back to the dormitory to sleep. Unfortunately, due to this delay, they missed the time.

The stairs in the college will change at any time. On the day of admission, the prefects of each college warned them. When they stepped up the stairs and the corridor behind them began to change, Hermione was the first to notice something was wrong.

However, they have no way out at this time!

“Harry, Ron, look!”

Hermione pointed forward and said to the two of them!

“What? There is just a door, nothing else!” Ron looked puzzled!

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, obviously not wanting to talk to someone with a low IQ like him!

“It’s the corridor on the right side of the third floor, do you remember? Senior Ye Shu said that the things Hagrid brought back were hidden there!”

Harry’s reaction was obviously much faster, and he understood what Hermione meant immediately!

“Yes, that’s right there!”

“The corridor has changed. We have no way out now. If we don’t go back to the dormitory, we may be caught by Filch, and then we will have points deducted!”

Hermione retracted her finger and said with a serious look on her face!

“So, now we can only go to the restricted area mentioned by Professor Dumbledore and find the way to the dormitory?” Ron’s IQ finally came online for once!

“Come on, we’re just finding our way back to the dormitory, aren’t we?”

After saying that, Harry took the lead in opening the door to the corridor and walked inside!

But what disappointed them was that it was pitch black inside, and apart from the clutter all over the room, there was only dust and cobwebs on the floor.

Obviously, the things Hagrid brought back from Gringotts are not hidden here as Ye Shu said!

“Oh…there is nothing here. Could it be that Senior Ye Shu lied to us?”

“It’s impossible. Don’t forget, Professor Dumbledore said the same thing, but no one has ever paid attention to it!”

“Then how do you explain this?”

The three little ones looked confused, wondering if they had gone to the wrong room!

“Forget it, let’s go back quickly, otherwise…”


Just when Hermione was about to leave home, a shrill meow sounded behind them, and the three of them were instantly frightened.

“Oops, it’s Filch’s

Cat, run! ”

This is Filch’s cat, named Mrs. Norris. Wherever there is this cat, Filch will definitely arrive immediately.

In desperation, the three of them didn’t care much and ran towards the inside of the room. A huge portal came into view in the darkness.

“This place is locked, we can’t get in!”

Harry pulled hard on the door lock, but the door didn’t budge. It was obviously locked.

“Get out of the way!”

Hermione took the lead and took out her wand and pointed it at the door lock: “Open the Alaho hole!”


There was a sound of the door lock turning, and the next moment the originally closed door opened automatically. Seeing this, the three little ones ran in without much hesitation!

“Mrs. Norris, what are you doing?”

“Let’s go, there’s no one here!”

After the three of them entered, Filch limped in, holding a lamp. He inspected the room with the lamp, and then left straight away with Mrs. Norris.

“Opening the Alajo Cave? When did you learn it?”

In the room, Ron couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Filch’s footsteps retreating. He turned his head and looked at Hermione in surprise.

We obviously entered school at the same time, so why did you secretly learn a spell that we don’t know? Who are you trying to get involved in?

“It’s in Chapter 7 of the standard spell book. If you study hard, you would have seen it long ago!”

“Don’t tell me, Harry doesn’t know, right Harry?”

The two argued softly and looked at Harry, only to see the other person standing there motionless!

“Harry, what’s wrong with you?”

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry in surprise. Could it be that they were frightened by Mrs. Norris? Harry is not so courageous!

“I finally know why this room is locked!”

“Not just to prevent someone from breaking in, but also to prevent…what’s inside from coming out!”

There was a tremor in Harry’s voice. Ron and Hermione followed his gaze, and the next moment their pupils shrank!

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