Chapter 791 Fanwai—Hello, fellow!!

My name is Polyflynn.

I am ten years old.

I’m about to receive my acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

And my brother Conterflynn is even more annoying.

In fact, his appearance is quite cute.

I’ve always liked foreigner babies.

Because they were really lovely after hours.

When I was working as a front desk before, I once saw a colleague leading a client’s foreign baby in, which was really cute.

I went home and told my parents.

They made fun of me for wanting to have a baby.

However, they advised me to find a white baby if I really wanted to have a mixed-race baby.

If it’s black, they don’t quite accept it.

I think they’re racist.

But think about it, in fact, I can’t accept a black baby.

I’m a face controller!

Mom and Dad are obviously just like me.

Of course, they finally said that they actually liked domestic babies more.

I think they’re urging marriage.

I didn’t want to get married.

How good I played alone.

Why find a man?

Especially when I saw that the only child on the Internet was arguing about who the child was surnamed, I refused to get married.

After all, my child, I just want him to have my last name.

Maybe this will make those men very angry.

Forget it, I’ll do an IVF in the future.

But Mom and Dad carefully offered me an idea.

I can find a scumbag to fall in love with.

Then I can get a baby of my own without a test tube.

They said, they would bring me children.

It’s an exciting proposition.


I crossed before implementing this plan.

I kind of regret it.

I should have planned a little earlier, but now that I think about it, I just feel sorry for them.

It doesn’t help to think about this now.

I still think about how to make myself look more mediocre.

By the way, the things that are done should be mediocre, so that when the Sorting Hat looks at it, it will understand that I am a Hufflepuff through and through.

Although witches from Hufflepuff are not good at marriage.

Sounds a bit silly after all.

But it is always a marriage, but it doesn’t matter if you marry rich and you are richer.

That said, when will I receive my acceptance letter.

In the original book, Harry Potter was received on his birthday, what about me? Will I be earlier?

After all, I had my birthday in early July…….

In the middle of August, I received my acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

Pretty secure.

Cante laughed at me for a long time.

He kept saying I was a squib.

How can it be?

I can use magic secretly, how can it be a squib?

Of course, I’ve been worried all this time, could it be that because I am a traverser, the Book of Access at Hogwarts does not have my name on it?


Finally delivered.

But my surprise at receiving my acceptance letter didn’t last long at all.

Because Mom and Dad brought back another news.

Harry Potter also has a younger brother named Darren Potter.

How can it be?

There is no such character in Harry Potter at all! Could it be my butterfly effect?

But where are my butterflies?

In the past ten years, I have rarely even left my home.

Fear of changing something and making the future uncertain.

Why exactly?

Will the appearance of this person change the future? Could it be that my previous arrangement is gone? It’s terrifying!

I stayed in my room, shaking hard.

But in order to get more news, I had to tremble while eavesdropping on their discussion of Darren Porter.

“That child is also a miserable life, he has been living in an orphanage, and he is raised thin and pitiful, how miserable!”

Outside the door, came the mother’s slightly pitying voice.

Dad laughed at her.

“This is just what you see, who knows what that old madman from Dumbledore wants to do, is there really such a child in fact?”

I subconsciously wanted to believe my father’s statement.

But I also understood that if Dumbledore really said it, it was true.

But…… I didn’t mention it in the original book! Or is it really a joke by Dumbledore? I thought in a panic.

But then the news from my mother made me understand that Darren Porter existed.

For example: “I went shopping for clothes in Diagon Alley today, and guess who I ran into?” ”


The younger brother asked smartly.

Mom said happily: “It’s that Darren Porter, he is very similar to that Lily Evans.”

Lily Evans is also the courtyard flower of Gryffindor, and that Darren Potter absorbs the advantages of Evans and Potter, which is very good-looking. ”

In addition to praising that Darren Porter’s appearance, Mom also said what happened in Diagon Alley.

…… He also said that everyone is equal, that it was wrong for Miss Greengrass and Master Malfoy to look down on Muggles…”

Mom narrated word for word… The more I listened, the more I felt that something was wrong.

The life should not exist, look good, and shout that everyone is equal.

Is this person sure he is not a crosser?

With the idea that Darrenport was a traverser, I asked the house-elves to collect information about Darrenport, and the more I looked, the more frightened I felt.

There is also a touch of jealousy.

I am so mediocre, but he is so good.

But I felt like crying.

I’m not alone, there are people with me.

I even wanted to rush to his side quickly, and then patted him on the shoulder and shouted, “Hello fellow! ”

He must be shocked, right? I thought maliciously.

But I still couldn’t help crying all night. The next morning, my eyes were swollen. Conte laughed at me for a long time.

I pretended to be angry with him and cry.

In fact, a trace of courage welled up in my heart. I’m not alone.

I also have a backer.

But the thought didn’t take long for me to dismiss.

No way.

I can’t get involved in his business.

Obviously, he is also the protagonist.

There will definitely be many disasters around the protagonist, even if it is a fan protagonist, it is very easy to cause accidents.

I can’t.

I can’t go there.

I’m so mediocre, I just want to live and see.

He has goldfingers, and I don’t.

Why should I be by his side? No, no, my plans can’t change.

Maybe when the war is over, I will show up in front of him and say hello to him.

Now I will definitely not appear in front of him.

I think Dumbledore should also pay attention to him, whether it is protection or surveillance, my current appearance is like a handle.

That’s right.

I can’t be stupid and feel that I have a backer, I am like this, in the plot, I am definitely cannon fodder.

By the way, and those materials on Darren Potter are also thrown away… No, it can’t be thrown away.

Throw it away but conspicuously.

Now there are many people collecting Darren Porter’s information, and I will not be very conspicuous, at most it will make people think that I am curious.

When I enter Hogwarts, see Darren Potter, and find a flaw for him, then I can throw away these materials, and say that Darren Potter is also an ordinary person, and there is nothing unusual.

This will be the end of the matter.

Next time, I definitely can’t be so reckless…

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