Chapter 788 Fanwai – Kassandra Fanwai!!

Hogwarts has finally started anew.

Lockhart hosted a duel club.

It was a contest between the Dean and Lockhart.

Looking at the stupid fellow’s worried gaze and the trepidation at the dean, Kassandra felt speechless.

Does the dean still need him to worry?

The Dean did not know to others, but he was absolutely stable with Lockhart.

Moreover, I don’t know if she was mistaken.

When the stupid guy said that he was worried about the dean, a smug and conspicuous look flashed in the dean’s eyes.

Of course, she didn’t look at it again. Maybe she was wrong? Kassandra thought uncertainly.

And then Lockhart flew.

Yes, Lockhart’s flying action amused her.

Watching the stupid guy anxiously run up to help Lockhart, she approached with interest.

I don’t know if that stupid guy will see that Lockhart is a waste firewood.


Haven’t seen it yet?

Stupid guy really believes that Lockhart didn’t play well? Forehead.

This time, the dean was a little uncomfortable.

Lockhart flew again.

The stupid guy was obviously shocked. He hurriedly wanted to save Lockhart.

It’s just that.


Stupid guy, this spell fell on Lockhart.

Looking at Lockhart’s hideous expression, Kassandra sympathized with him a little.

But seeing the stupid guy’s panicked and apologetic look, I felt that Lockhart was too pretentious.

Isn’t it just smashed, and it didn’t fall off!

Even if something really goes wrong, isn’t there still Madam Pomfrey? She thought unpleasantly.

Then I saw that Lockhart seemed to threaten the stupid guy, he wanted to compare with the stupid guy?

Which tendon is this out of order? Stupid guy, he definitely can’t beat it.

But the stupid guy who was threatened might actually release water.

Forget it, release the water, release the water, after all, if the stupid guy does not do something, he will definitely feel guilty.

And it is estimated that few people will think that Lockhart can win dignifiedly.

It’s just that she still underestimated Lockhart.

It is clear that it is enough to start directly, let the stupid guy release water for him, and also deceive a few ignorant girls.

As a result, he even mentioned what had happened before.

Looking at the stupid guy’s gradually reddening eyes, Kassandra glared at Lockhart, and just when she thought she was going to secretly put a curse on Lockhart, she saw that Lockhart actually attacked the stupid guy.

The stupid guy knocked him off with a wave of his wand.

Looking at Lockhart’s situation, he fainted almost instantly.

Deserve it!

Unexpectedly sneak attack.

Did he think the stupid guy was him?

For Darren, they are not afraid of being attacked at all.

How else did he catch so many Death Eaters alone? But the stupid guy was freaked out.

He was almost crying, and quickly sent Lockhart to the school infirmary.

However, he was stopped by the dean.

The dean was particularly devastated.

He even threatened him with Lockhart’s reputation.

It seems that the dean really dislikes Lockhart as rumored.

Lockhart compromised.

He stood up and wanted everyone to duel together.

However, he should never laugh at the stupid guy again.

The stupid guy was just careless, he didn’t mean it, why didn’t Lockhart say that it was his own meanness?

Kassandra herself petitioned to talk to Lockhart Seventy.

Lockhart saw that she was a girl and underestimated her, but as a result, she cast a curse and her body was covered with moss, like a toad.

She thought it was a prank.

Who knew that Lockhart actually started scolding, he called Slytherin but Darren, a despicable and shameless guy.

Kassandra subconsciously looked at the stupid guy.

Stupid guys wouldn’t think the same way, would they?

Although she is angry with him, he is always so kind… He should be unwilling to accept such a prank, right?

Kassandra suddenly felt a little depressed.

She looked closely at his expression again.

His expression grew more and more serious.

Maybe he really couldn’t stand her doing this.


Kassandra pursed her lips, and she suddenly became aggrieved.

Look, you always think about that guy, he’s not actually the same as you… You should have realized it this time, right?

Not all the way… Like my mother said, wolves fall in love with sheep!

Kassandra even wanted to turn around and leave.

She didn’t care what Lockhart thought of Slytherin, after all, that’s what everyone thought.

But she couldn’t help but care about that stupid guy’s impression of Slytherin.

yes, it was Slytherin who attacked him last time…

And she seems to be doing too extremely.

It must be unforgivable in his opinion, right? It’s just that.

“Professor, I think Slytherins are friendly!”

Kassandra, who was held by the stupid guy’s hand, blushed her whole face.

She hadn’t actually heard what the stupid guy had said, and she had forgotten what she had said, so she returned to the Slytherin common room in a daze.

Before entering the dormitory, Pansy said in her ear with some jealousy: “Someone seems to have been pulled today, gee, looking at someone’s appearance, I thought someone was stupid!” ”

“I, I was just so shocked that I didn’t break free!”

That’s right, that’s it! As she said this, the corners of her mouth quietly rose…

“Feel it!”

Pansy pouted, passing in front of her.

Kassandra’s fingers curled quietly, and it took a moment to remember that she had to go back to the dormitory and Christmas was coming.

The stupid guy still has to stay in the dormitory.

She didn’t come home either.

She told her dad that she needed to write something, and by the way, the homework wasn’t done yet

Isn’t it normal for second-grade homework to be heavy?

She thought righteously.

Then she saw the stupid guy and Crabbe and Goyle, and Malfoy walked in together from outside.

Hey, today’s stupid guy seems a little different.

Malfoy was the same.

He secretly winked at her, as if to let her pass, and he wanted to speak.

Who does Malfoy think she is?

Will she, Miss Warley, listen to him?

She sat in her chair and just didn’t speak, listening to the taunts of the stupid guys

Say it’s a mockery, in fact, whether it’s stupid guys or them, they understand that this is a concern for stupid guys.

But the stupid guy shed tears.

Kassandra frowned and looked at the stupid guy.

Malfoy gave her a wink. Apparently Malfoy had felt wrong from now.

Could it be a Death Eater?

But this person really behaves like a stupid guy, does she think too much?

Still, she was a little skeptical.

So, she let the guy into the dormitory.

She quietly clenched her wand, and if he couldn’t get in, then she was right to grab a Death Eater.

Nani? Got in? Kassandra was stunned.

The wand in her hand spun around, but she couldn’t figure out why.

Is it really a stupid guy?

She really couldn’t figure it out and was in a daze there for a long time.

Listen to Crabbe and Goyle’s stupid clichés underneath…



Crabbe and Goyle couldn’t be stupid, right? And……

Their faces are starting to change? Compound decoction!

She thought almost subconsciously.

And she was also annoyed to find that the person disguised as a stupid guy seemed to be the jack-of-all-trades lady.


That stupid guy actually gave his identity to someone else? Did he ask himself?

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