Chapter 763 Fanwai – Betsy Greengrass Fanwai!!

I, Betsy Greengrass.

The eldest lady of the Greengrass family.

From birth, I was a pure-blood noble lady.

I hated hemp wizards.

I also hate pure-blood wizards.

The former was scared when the hemp wizard saw me. The latter, of course, is because they’re crazy enough to make me sick. They all rot on the dance floor and are disgusting.

The surface is shiny, and the back is disgusting.

I hate them.

Not a joke.

I really hate everyone.

Of course, it also includes the mysterious man who ruled the entire British wizarding world more than ten years ago.

When he saw Mom and Dad kneeling at his feet, when he saw Mom and Dad kissing his robe, when he saw Mom and Dad reverently letting him hold it with imprints.

She was disgusting.

“Collect your expression, Betsy, if you can’t beat him, then you better let yourself adore him.”

This is at least to protect their own rights and interests, to maintain the dignity of their pure blood.

The dignity of pureblood?

Do you mean kneeling on the ground and kissing his robe? Little Betsy was disgusting.

But she had to comply.

She stood gracefully behind her mother.

She heard her respectfully say to the mysterious man, “May I be your servant.” ”

The mysterious man was in his glory at the time.

He reserved and said that he would wait for these little Death Eaters to grow up before leaving their mark.


She escaped.

That night, Mom and Dad rolled around in pain.

They constantly shouted for the master to spare his life.

She was at a loss.

She tried to get them well.

But it didn’t work at all.

Fortunately, they finally got back on their feet.

“Something happened to the Dark Lord, Betsy, take your sister and hurry up… Let the house-elves take you away, and after leaving, you look at the Daily Prophet If it says the information of the ancestral house auction, you will come back, if not, definitely don’t come back… Just when we died! ”

Little Betsy, Daphne, and her sister Astoria were taken away by the house-elves just like that.

They were brought to the Muggle world by house-elves.

They are hiding there.

Sometimes they are sent to the sewers by house-elves.

Astoria was very young at the time.

Because of those years of hiding, the courage became very small.

Even now, I dread every day.


They finally returned home when they saw in the Daily Prophet that the ancestral home was going to be auctioned.

Only then did they know that Mom and Dad almost gave away a large amount of property in the family, which allowed them to escape punishment in the name of suffering from the Soul Reaper Curse.

The ancestral home was handed over at that time. From then on, Betsy was even more confused.

What exactly is right and what is wrong? Or maybe strength is the most powerful.

That’s right, only if she is strong, then no one can force her to do anything.

She met Darren when she was sixteen and had just been drafted as a Slytherin prefect.

Because she had turned down Malfoy’s invitation at the ball, he kept looking for faults.

Even in front of the public, deliberately tripped her.

She held back her anger and prepared to return to Slytherin so that Malfoy could get a good idea of what education was.

Who knew Darren would come out.

He pulled a bunch of equal life words, which did not make her feel the slightest touch, only made her think that this little boy was really naïve.

It’s just that.

The boy’s theory is still interesting.

She can make friends with that kind of person.

Who knew that this guy actually rejected her? It’s crazy!

The friendship of the eldest lady of the Greengrass family also dares to refuse? Hum.

It must be a wild boy from the Muggle world.

That’s it.

She gave him another chance.


Raid! Sudden attack.

It’s a death curse.

The kid stood in her way.

Then his body fell into her arms.

She subconsciously hugged him tightly and aimed at the attacker.

After picking up the attackers.

She didn’t even dare to look at the guy in her arms.

Death curse.

How could anyone escape? He’s dead.

A hemp wizard, a first-year freshman, died on blocking her spell.

Moreover, this was the first person who did not want to protect her, which made her feel indescribable.


He’s alive? Betsy was stunned.

The death curse is all right, this guy won’t be some kind of freak, right?

Her first reaction was to send him to the laboratory at home to study what was going on with him.

If they could, maybe their family wouldn’t have to be afraid of the death curse.

But looking at the guy’s innocent eyes, she finally gritted her teeth and gave up the idea.

“Little cub, as your future senior sister, I give you a piece of advice: don’t tell the outside world about your experience, especially don’t say that you have been under the death curse, forget about this, understand!?”

Betsy said coldly.

That’s right, just because she is his senior sister! That’s right.

She also gave this kid thirty thousand gold gallons.

Used to buy life.

Although, when she handed out the card, she felt her toes curled up weakly.

Too little.

It’s really too little.

What can you do with such a gold gallon? But that’s all she’s saved over the years.

If she still wants to ask the family to pick it up, then she must make it clear.

This little cub is also likely to be discovered by his parents that something is wrong.

That’s it.

This kid should also know that blocking the spell for others will not only prevent him from getting rich, but he may also die.

Hope he learns his lesson next time!

Betsy, who returned home, interrogated the attacker.

The attacker was the one she provoked.

Because she has provoked some pure-bloods over the years, there are always some brothers who want to teach her a lesson.

The death curse is also intentional.

They wanted her to be a disgrace to the Greengrass family.

An eldest lady who can’t even block a spell.


Their attack fell through.

Inexplicably destroyed by a cub.

Betsy laughed badly.

In order to celebrate this incident, she dragged those sons and brothers out to beat the half-crippled.

Of course, they also robbed their wallets.

She prepared those purses to the vault.

In this way, the kid will come to get the gold gallon, and there will be more.

Who knew that when she got there, she found that Jin Garon had already taken it away?

This kid is quite fast!

So, she asked more, did the little cub get it himself?

Who knows that the answer is St. Mungo’s Nightingale Gained.

St. Mungo’s?

Nightingale? Betsy was puzzled.

Could it be that something happened to that kid? Need medical bills?

Worried about the impact of the death curse, Betsy came to the payment gate, she wanted to inquire which ward the cub was in.

Who knew that the woman was discussing with another woman, there was a little fart who donated money to Longbottom.



These two words reminded her of the day in the hospital, the little cub sneaking at the door of the Longbottoms’ ward.

At the time, she thought this kid was curious about the Longbottoms.

Who knew that she was thinking of giving her gold gallon to Longbottom!

She’s a Death Eater, Longbottom is the Aurors, and it’s a rat donating money to cats!

This little cub really dares to do such a thing!

And he also said the name of Betsy Greengrass, if her parents knew it, I am afraid that she would be directly angry!

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