Chapter 740 He has only one way!!

Darren also thought that something had happened and that Hagrid had been killed or something.

As a result, he looked back and realized that Hermione had called out happily.

Hagrid was already getting up by this time.

He pulled out Group.


Ron exclaimed.

“Well, what’s good, they’re coming at us!”

Hermione pointed at the giant.

Both giants spotted them and rushed towards them.

Hagrid quickly grabbed a giant.

But another giant rushed towards them with a shocking step.

“Darren, don’t stun him, he’ll crush the castle!”

Darren was speechless.

Giants are indeed these problems.

For him, it is easy to clean up these guys, but trying to get these guys away is equivalent to pushing a mountain away.

It really doesn’t happen for a while.

He could only give up the idea of killing the giant here and ran after Harry and them.

“Beating Willow, run to Beating Willow!”

Hermione exclaimed.

They ran frantically towards the beating willow.

Harry felt like he had never run so fast in his life.

While their chests were filled with the smell of blood, they finally saw the beating willow.

As usual, the beating willow flicks branches like whips, guarding the secrets under the tree.

“How do we get in? Crook Hills? Le Z? ”

Ron asked anxiously, standing in front of the tree.

This made Hermione roll her eyes fiercely.

“Are you a wizard after all?”

She raised her wand, then pointed it at a branch on the ground and shouted, “Yugadim Leviosa!” ”

The branch flew up, and then, under Hermione’s command, poked the scar on the beating willow.

The beating willow suddenly stopped moving.

It revealed the big hole underneath.

“How about I go down alone?”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

Darren asked suddenly.

But Hermione they stopped him.

“Don’t be silly, we can’t let you in alone……… Put on the cloak of invisibility, we can’t let them see. ”

Hermione threw Harry’s invisibility cloak over.

She was visibly nervous, too.

But try to calm yourself down.

“Then, let’s go!”

Ron pushed Darren.

Darren sighed.

Then he was the first to get into the big hole underneath.

He felt Hermione right behind him.

The passage was already a little narrow when they were in third grade, and now they can only bend over and walk through it.

Hermione let her wand glow a little faintly, and they followed that light with difficulty.

Finally, they saw a glimmer of light that did not belong to Hermione’s wand.

This light gradually grows.

Hermione immediately extinguished the light of her wand.

The passage here is even narrower.

They had to crawl in.

Until they came across a box.

The box blocked the exit.

Instead of moving the box away, they lay on top of it, luring them to peek into Voldemort’s movements through the gap between the box and the wall.

Of course, it’s not easy.

Most of the time they could still hear Snape’s voice.

“Master, their resistance is disintegrating…”

Snape’s voice was filled with joy.

Hermione and they stole a glance at Darren.

They were worried that he wouldn’t be able to accept it, and Snape spoke so smugly behind his back.

But Darren said nothing, he lay there, frowning and listening.

Because at this time, Voldemort interrupted Snape’s words.

“There is no credit for you, yes, Snape, you are a brilliant wizard, but you are of no use now!”

Voldemort said in a loud and clear voice.

Hermione’s heart tightened.

Listening to this, it seemed that Voldemort really wanted to kill Snape.

Darren guessed right, but why?

Snape should have found out too.

He said anxiously: “Master, I am still useful, I can still bring those two boys over, I can…”

“Enough is enough, Snape, I’ve put up with you for a long time, I hate that my bloodline treats you as a father-like character!”

Hermione and Ron’s eyes widened.

They looked at Darren at the same time.

It seemed that he wanted him to say that he had nothing to do with him.

But when they looked at Darren, they saw Harry’s sad look.

Darren also seemed stunned.

He seemed to want to say something, but he didn’t say anything in the end. He even took a slight step back while looking at them.

Harry tried to touch him, but Darren shrunk.

His face was filled with self-loathing.

Snape in the room was still saying slyly: “The subordinate does not know why Darren Potter treated his subordinate like this, the subordinate just obeyed the master’s orders…”

“Enough, Snape, the Dark Lord did let you take care of Darren for a while, but that didn’t stop the Dark Lord from hating you.

Of course, you are a very useful wizard, and if it weren’t for the Dark Lord’s problems, the Dark Lord wouldn’t have done anything to you right now…”

Voldemort raised his wand. He waved his wand.

Snape was tied up.

He said softly, “Look, I used this old wand, I thought I could exert more power.”

But no, it’s no different from a normal wand, it doesn’t live up to the name, I thought about it for a long time…”

Snape interrupted Voldemort.

“Master, the subordinates will go to find the two boys first…”

“No, no, Severus, don’t you understand yet?

I got the Elder Wand from Dumbledore’s grave… I don’t think it’s any different from that wand I was before! ”

“Master, I can catch those two boys for you, my subordinates are very sure…”

“Severus, you don’t understand them as well as me, whether it’s Harry Potter or Darren, they’ll come to me.

Neither of them will want to, someone will die in front of them, so they will take the initiative. ”

Snape’s face turned pale.

Voldemort laughed.

“Leave them alone, I called you back just because I remembered something, the Elder Wand will only obey the orders of their master………

It’s a pity, I originally planned to give you to Darren Potter and let my bloodline personally take revenge, but it’s a pity… It’s a pity. ”


Snape begged. He quietly raised his wand.

But it didn’t work.

Voldemort flew his wand.

Then Voldemort commanded Nagini to entangle Snape.

Snape struggled.

Voldemort shouted in a parseltongue voice, “Kill! ”

Nagini bit into Snape’s neck.

Voldemort laughed lightly.

Nagini slipped off Snape’s body.

Voldemort took Nagini, and he walked outside, whispering as he went: “Tonight, when the Dark Lord kills Harry Potter and completely defeats Darren Potter.”

The Demon King will declare Darren Potter’s bloodline, and he has only one way to follow the Dark Lord. ”

He’s gone.

Hermione and Ron looked at Darren in horror…

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