Chapter 712 You are a trash!!

Darren is gone.

Harry and Hermione’s lives were back to their original ways.

Their idea now is to find a way to draw the sword out of the sorting hat

They had asked Phineas and the Sorting Hat, and they had said that only a real Gryffindor could draw ~ the Gryffindor sword.

But for some reason, Harry and Hermione just couldn’t pull out the Gryffindor sword.

Harry also heard Phineas taunting afterwards.

It seemed to be saying that Darren could pull out a Slytherin, but he couldn’t pull out a Gryffindor.

Harry was furious.

But he really couldn’t pull it out.

He now regretted a little that he should have let Darren pull it out for him that day.

But now it’s too late to say anything, they have to figure it out on their own first

No, the two of them Gryffindor, counting on Darren, the Slytherin, to figure it out.

As for Darren’s situation.

Analyze from the words brought by Phineas.

It should be getting worse and worse.

He was no longer allowed near Snape’s office.

In addition to this, Snape sent two more Slytherin students to monitor him.

And his independent dormitory has also been canceled.

Snape seems to have canceled all the privileges given to Darren, and Darren cannot contact Phineas at any time.

Harry couldn’t say anything.

Because of such punishment, Darren did not care.

What Darren should care most about now is whether he finds the Horcruxes outside and whether he destroys the Horcruxes.

As long as everyone can return to their previous lives, Darren can even sacrifice his life.

Harry sighed softly.

Maybe all he could do was pull out the Gryffindor sword and quickly destroy a Horcrux first.

But until now, he and Hermione still had no clue.

At night, Harry sat at the entrance of the tent, shivering with his sorting hat, begging the hat to hurry up and hand him the sword.

Of course, this will only usher in the mockery of the sorting hat.

Harry was extremely irritable.

In the end, he decided to go out for a while with his hat and put on the invisibility cloak.

Hermione told him to be careful.

No way.

Harry still couldn’t control that mouth.

He would always accidentally say Voldemort’s name, and then a Death Eater would chase him.

So, they changed places several more times.

Hermione was worried, and he was outside saying Voldemo’s name without hesitation.

Then Harry will be chased by the Death Eaters and will clean him up.

Harry was speechless about this.

“I’m wearing the cloak of invisibility and I won’t talk to anyone.”

Hermione had to let him go.

Harry walked out with his hat.

He kept thinking about what the Sorting Hat and Phineas had told him that only a real Gryffindor could pull out…

What would a real Gryffindor look like? Guts?

But he tried to think of facing Voldemort bravely, but he just didn’t draw his sword.

If it hadn’t been for the Sorting Hat telling him that the sword was in it, he would sometimes even suspect that Darren was wrong!

But what is a real Gryffindor? Harry crouched by the river.

He took off his cloak of invisibility.

He looked at the clear surface of the river and reflected his face.

Harry couldn’t tell for a moment if it was him or his father.

Then he thought of his mother.

Thought of Darren.

Why was Darren able to draw his sword? Is it because of what qualities he has? Because of his goodness? Because of his innocence? Because of his compassion?

Because of his piety that is willing to die with Voldemort? Or all of them?

Harry wore a hat. He thought a lot.

Finally, he understood.

He was willing to draw his sword and swing it at the Death Eaters, at Voldemort, at everyone who left him without a home.


Yes, he had the courage to pull it out!

He felt as if something had hit him above his head.

He slipped under his feet.

He fell into the river. The river water and its coldness.

Harry wanted to get up.

But not knowing what it was, grabbed his ankle.

He kept sinking.

But he found out right away.

What keeps him sinking is the Horcruxes.

The Horcrux was constantly tightening his neck.

Harry couldn’t breathe.

He thought he was going to die.

But at this time, a pair of hands pulled him up.

Harry felt that someone had removed the Horcruxes.

The feeling of suffocation disappeared.

Harry opened his eyes.

He looked at the man.


It’s Ron.

He was holding the Gryffindor sword in his hand.

Horcruxes with severed chains were also thrown on the ground.

He said angrily, “How dare you? How dare you go into the water with a Horcrux? Harry looked at him blankly.

His teeth were constantly chattering with cold.

But his eyes didn’t leave Ron.

He put on the invisibility cloak, picked up the sword and horcrux, and suddenly asked, “Why did you come back?” ”

Ron was a little unnatural.

He rubbed his hands and said, “I’m back, if, if you still want me…”

There was a silence.

Ron was clear.

The topic of his departure was between them.

Harry cleared his throat.

“How did you find us?”

“It’s a long story……… It was an amazing experience, and I’ll tell you. ”

Ron said with some apprehension.

Harry walked forward.

Ron hurriedly followed him.

Harry was silent for a long time.

Suddenly he took the initiative and said, “Do you want to destroy the Horcruxes? ”

“Huh? I, I don’t dare…”

Ron said quickly.

Harry firmly handed him the Horcruxes.

“You dare! You can do it! I’ll make it open in a moment, and then you’ll stab it! ”

Ron took a step back in horror…

“No, no, Harry, I can’t, I can’t do this……… You don’t know that Horcruxes have a very big impact on me.

Every time I bring that thing, I get very cranky, and as soon as I take it off, I especially regret losing my temper with you………

But just the thought that I still have to carry this thing makes me even more irritated Harry, I can’t do it, can you come? ”

Harry shook his head.

His eyes were a little red.

“Ron, it’s been affecting us for a long time, hasn’t it? Kill it! You can do it, overcome them, okay? ”

Ron looked at him.

He thought of the emotions he had felt once with the chain.

Thought of the introspection since this time.

He finally plucked up the courage.

“Me, what should I do?”

“I’ll count three, two, one, and then you’ll prick!”

Ron nodded nervously.

He raised his sword.

Harry rushed into the locket and said in a snake language, “Open! ”

There was a puff of smoke.

Then Darren appeared in front of Ron.

Darren is as handsome as he is in reality, but the domineering on his face destroys these aesthetics.

He said loudly to Ron: “Your favorite prefect position, I am not rare at all, I rejected it!”

The woman you love, she secretly sends me infatuation water, don’t you know? Your good buddy, Harry Potter, will always be the first thing that comes to mind!

Your mom and dad, the one who loves me the most, they have said more than once that they want Ginny to marry me, so that I will be their youngest child!

And what’s more!

Even Fred and George, Percy, told you, let you let me a little, don’t you really understand, you are a trash! ”

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