Chapter 623 You know?!!

Mrs. Weasley was moving with her back to Harry directing every tool in the kitchen, and she didn’t see Harry’s expression.

It made much easier for Harry.

He diverted from the topic and asked, “Is Mr. Weissnai still at work?” ”

“Yes, he’s still in the Ministry, and you and Albus went to find Slughorn tonight, who entered the school with Dumbledore.

He especially liked students who studied well and were talented, and the ministry was full of his students, and he liked those people very much.

But he never looked down on Arthur, and he didn’t think Arthur would be able to make a difference. But he didn’t know that Arthur was very talented.

He was recently promoted, and he is now in charge of the ‘Shoddy Defense Spell Defense Magic Items Collection Office’, and he has more than a dozen people under his control! ”

Mrs. Weissy said happily.

Apparently, she said that much. It is to lead to this sentence.

Harry took a sip of the snail soup she had just served. Then he was burned.

He quickly put down the bowl and said with tears in his eyes: “That’s really good.” Mrs. Wess laughed at his reaction. ”

She probably thought Harry was happy to learn that Mr. Weiss’s promotion had been promoted.

“So, is he very busy right now?”

“Yes, Arthur came back so late during this time, and today seems to be exceptionally late.”

She looked back at the clock in the basket next to her with some concern.

The pointer on it bears the name of everyone in the Wes family, and everyone’s name points to the mortal danger.

“Don’t worry, they’ve been like this all this time, and I’ve always felt like something is wrong with the clock.”

Mrs. Wess said disguisedly.

In fact, Harry and she knew that they were in mortal danger. Fortunately, Arthur’s pointer pointed to the sign on the road.

Mrs. Wess immediately raised her wand.

“Honey, is that you?”

She asked, putting her face against the door.

The sound of Weiss’s dish outside the door was a little tired.

But he still said with a smile: “It’s me, but if it were a Death Eater, he would answer like this, so you hurry up and ask questions!” ”

“Seriously, me.”

“Hurry up and ask!”

“Well, what’s your ambition?”

“Figure out why planes stay in the sky.”

Mr. Weissa said.

Mrs. Wess nodded.

She was going to open the door, but Mr. Weasley wouldn’t let her.

He smiled and said, “No, you have to ask that question, or I won’t let you open the door!” ”

“I don’t.”

Mrs. Wess stole a glance at Harry, her face flushed?

“Then let me ask, what do you like most when we are together, what do I call you, Harry doesn’t even dare to look at Mrs. Weiss’s face.”

In fact, he now finally knows the meaning of the light bulb.

He really didn’t want to face this kind of scene.

“Molly shuddered.”

Mrs. Weissy said in a very low voice.

Mr. Weasley finally burst out laughing, and he opened the door.

He was probably going to go in and hug Mrs. Weiss, and then he saw Hargi.

He gave two dry laughs, and he abandoned the idea.

“Harry, I thought you wouldn’t come tomorrow!”

They stood up and hugged. Then Harry yawned.

He was sleepy and kind of didn’t want to disturb Mrs. Weasley on their small date.

Mrs. Weasley noted this thoughtfully.

She smiled and said, “Let’s go, Harry, your box has been carried up.”

You stay in Fred and George’s room tonight, and they’re doing good business right now and live right there in Diagon Alley! ”

Harry felt as if he was lying down for a second, and then a loud voice rang out.

A slap on his head.

“Brother, you are too rude…”

It’s Ginny.

Harry opened his eyes, and he noticed that Ron and Ginny were smiling at him

But Ginny looked at him with a strange expression. As if he were some strange thing.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Harry asked strangely.

Ginny quickly turned her gaze away.

“What’s wrong with her?”

Harry looked at Ron. Ron shrugged his shoulders.

“What else? She was hesitating to tell you the news that Darren was still alive. ”

“I already know. Harry interrupted him. ”

Ron and Ginny both had shocked expressions on their faces.

“You know?”

“How come? Hermione? ”

The two of them asked suspiciously. Harry said angrily.

“It’s Dumbledore, he told me this fact last night, I still can’t imagine that you are hiding it from me!”

He looked at Ron questioningly. Ron avoided his gaze weakly.

“They won’t let me tell you, Ginny threatens me.”

If she had told me, she would have told her mother that I was a prefect, but she knew Fred and George were going to run, but she didn’t stop them.

Harry snorted.

Then he forgave Ron.

Because he knew what Ginny wasn’t telling him why, he wasn’t in a position to blame them.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a knock on the door of Harry’s room. It’s Hibiscus.

She appeared in the room with a bowl of porridge. Ron was in a trance.

Ginny jumped to the side. She glared angrily at Fleur.

But Fleur didn’t care.

She walked gently to Harry’s side and then put down the tray with the porridge.

“Oh, Harry, try it!”

Harry looked at Fleur blankly. Fleur said with a smile.

“It’s okay, you just think it’s my fawning over you, I want to pursue Darren, he’s already a sixteen-year-old boy, isn’t he?”

Harry knew every word he had, but he couldn’t hear them.

“Don’t dream, Darren won’t like an old woman like you who is so much older than him!”

Ginny huffed.

“But I look good!”

Fleur spun in a circle.

Harry couldn’t help but think that the boat was indeed beautiful.

But Ginny’s twisted face made him turn his thoughts back. He knew that Hermione and Ginny liked Darren.

This was something he realized last year after he thought Darren had died. He thought he had thought a lot, but he didn’t think that Fleur liked Darren too.

“But, aren’t you only together for a year?”

“Oh, I’ve been working for the Order of the Phoenix since I graduated, and in fact we’ve been together for a long time.”

What’s more, I’m still pursuing him now, and I think we can get married after he graduates before this war is about to come!

Fleur said with a smile. Harry was dumbfounded.

He wanted to say that Darren was still a child!

But immediately he realized that Darren was not small, but it was too early to get married just after graduation, right?

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