Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 759: Big Bad Wolf and Little Lamb

Chapter 759 The Big Bad Wolf and the Little Lamb

 Hermione has always believed that every decision she makes is carefully considered, so she rarely regrets her decisions.

For example, when she was in third grade, she was so busy every day that she almost collapsed, and she never regretted all the courses she chose.

 But today she regretted it, and she still wanted to beat her head when she mentioned it.

"Have you really seen Hogwarts a thousand years ago?" She stared at Harry. "And you also had a class?"

"Yeah." Harry, who was talking to Ron, responded casually, "To be precise, I only had ten minutes of class, and I couldn't understand anything he said."

 Then he continued to talk to Ron: "Did you know? The Fat Lady was not there from the beginning. There was a portrait of a knight hanging there before."

 “Is it that Sir Cadogan?” Ron asked.

"No, it's another one," said Harry. "It's very tall, but I've never seen it in the castle before."

Seeing the two of them chatting animatedly about a painting, Hermione suddenly felt even more annoyed.

 The unique touch of bread comes from your fingers.

But Kyle was even more confused, the key was always in his hand, how did the house elves deliver the food here.

This is real?

After all, ten minutes ago, Kyle didn't know that he would be locked up here and couldn't get out. How did the house elf know?

Had I known it earlier, I wouldn't have let them come.

Kyle subconsciously walked over.

The wizard from thousands of years ago taught in person, what a precious opportunity, Harry actually missed it...just to see a painting?

And more importantly, how did the house elf know to bring him dinner.

Kyle muttered, but just when he turned around to look elsewhere, he accidentally saw a very conspicuous gold plate in the auditorium.

Hermione didn't understand. She really regretted that she didn't agree to go there in Harry's place last night.

 I don’t know if the cold drink had an effect, but Hermione suddenly thought of something.

 Meanwhile, on the eighth floor.

 As for the water problem... both the golden cup and the clear water like spring spell can be solved.

He has eaten this taste for seven years and is very familiar with it. It is the craftsmanship of a house elf.

Kyle encountered a very embarrassing thing and he couldn't get out.

 There is no food in the Room of Requirement, and even Rowena Ravenclaw cannot break Gamp's law of transformation.

Kyle couldn't figure out why he was suddenly locked up here. To make matters worse, he felt a little hungry.

 What a great opportunity, so missed!

Kyle tentatively stretched out his hand and pressed it on the sandwich.

There are two ham sandwiches on the plate, as well as a piece of fried sausage, a piece of baked potato... If you add a cup of pumpkin juice, it will be a standard Hogwarts dinner.

He shouted Ravenclaw's name a few more times, but no one answered.

 The door to the Room of Requirement seemed to be blocked from the outside. No matter how hard Kyle tried, he couldn't open it, including using a bronze door knocker.

"Harry." She asked hurriedly: "You said before that Kyle took you to the Room of Requirement?"

"Hermione, what's wrong with you?" Ron finally noticed something was wrong with her and asked.

Among the surrounding silver tableware, this golden plate looked very abrupt, and Kyle always felt that it looked familiar. From the shape and color, he felt that it was very similar to the kind of plates that students often use nowadays.

"No, we still have to find a way." Kyle frowned, he couldn't stay here forever.

After all, there were many warthog legs prepared in advance in his box, as well as groups of Tebo warthogs and ordinary livestock. In addition, there were fish in the lake... This was when he was bored some time ago, so he asked Hagrid to help him. Come.

Originally, he did this to save trouble. Since there were more and more magical animals in the box, preparing food for them became a big problem. With these, Norbert and the others could hunt by themselves, and he didn't need to worry about them all the time.

And the Big Four?

 Hermione had never wanted a Time-Turner so badly that she could go back to the night before and slap herself hard when she rejected Harry.

"Yes." Harry said, "He has a key-like thing there. You can only open the door to the Room of Requirement by putting it on the wall. What's wrong?"

By this time, Harry had finished talking about the painting and started talking about the appearance of Helga Hufflepuff, one of the Big Four. He didn't notice at all that Hermione on the other side of him had red eyes.

Kyle was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

Kyle couldn't help but think of Dumbledore and Harry. It was such a coincidence that problems would arise in the Room of Requirement when these two came.

 In this case, Kyle...well, he can last a long time.

So, Kyle doesn’t need to think about food for the time being. Although there is no seasoning, the taste is definitely not very good, but it can still fill his stomach.

Ravenclaw should not make this mistake, there must be something wrong.

Had she agreed then, now she would not only have heard those valuable lessons, but she would also have been able to see what the original library was like.

"I'm fine." Hermione took a deep breath and drank a large glass of ice-cold pumpkin juice.

 How could there be real food in Ravenclaw's memory?

 He picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

"Nothing." Hermione shook her head and stopped talking. She just stared at the plate in front of her blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Now I can be sure that this dinner is indeed real, and it is not something in my memory.

Kyle ate his sandwich and thought about it, but he never came up with the answer.

It can't be Ravenclaw... Putting aside whether she can still control the Room of Requirement, what's the point of keeping him here?

 Let him have to spend all his time studying?

 It's not necessary. He only spends half an hour on eating every day. What's the use of having more time?

Because he was so absorbed in his thoughts, Kyle didn't even notice that he had finished the food on the plate, leaving only a little residue.

 The next second, these food remnants disappeared, the golden dinner plate became as bright as new again, and everything was the same as in the auditorium outside.

“Is this the reason for this?” Kyle thought to himself, picked up the plate, and looked at it for a while.

He specifically tried before. The house elves couldn't bring food in here, but now they can. The only change during this period was this plate.

The Hogwarts plate on which house elves carry food from the kitchen to the corresponding Great Hall table.

Now it appeared in another Hogwarts hall, and Kyle had no memory of how it appeared here.

Who did it? The key to the Room of Requirement has always been in his hand. Can he bring things in...Ravenclaw?

Kyle tapped her fingers on the table a few times, thinking about the purpose of her doing so.

 To save yourself time on the way to eat? Or some other reason.

At this time, Kyle suddenly thought of something, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the other people in the auditorium.

They were still eating and chatting as before, but Kyle found that their bodies were lighter than before, and it felt like they had faded.

 The first time he discovered this was when he was in the Charms classroom a few days ago. He noticed that old Professor Lagore's bald head was not as bright as before.

However, he was preoccupied with studying the issue of changing magic at the time, and subconsciously ignored it.

Now that I think about it, could this mean that the Room of Requirement is about to be restored to its original state?

 This is the only explanation available now.

 If this is the case, then it is necessary to save some time.

Thinking of this, Kyle did not stay in the auditorium anymore, but returned to the common room, preparing to have a good night's rest.

 He also took out a double-sided mirror and prepared to explain the situation to Kangna... The gift he prepared really came in handy.

“You are trapped in the Room of Requirement and can’t get out?” After receiving the news, Kangna also looked very surprised and said hurriedly:

“I’ll go ask Professor McGonagall for you.”

"No need." Kyle quickly stopped her, "Professor McGonagall didn't know there was such a place in the school before. She shouldn't be able to help, and I don't need it for the time being."

 “What do you mean?” Kangna asked, “How do you eat in there?”

“Someone brought this.” Kyle raised the golden plate in front of the double-sided mirror and shook it. “Someone must have renovated it, and now the food from the kitchen can be sent directly here.”

Seeing that Kang Na was still doubtful, Kyle said directly: "You guys have sandwiches for dinner, fried ham and baked potatoes, and there are pickled cucumbers in the sandwich."

This time, Kangna believed it.

"I didn't know what to do just now." She frowned slightly, "If Professor McGonagall can't help, other professors will definitely not be able to get you out of it!" "Where is Dumbledore?" Kyle asked.

 “He just left school an hour ago.” Connor blurted out.

 “How do you know? The time is still so accurate.”

"Of course." Kangna said, "He suddenly received a letter while eating dinner, and then left in a hurry. Almost everyone saw it...but you definitely didn't see it."

“You don’t need to remind me,” Kyle said angrily.

 I don’t know if it was an illusion, but after knowing that there was no need to worry about food here, Kyle always felt that there was a hint of schadenfreude on Kangna’s face.

 But Kangna definitely wouldn’t admit it.


The two chatted for an hour before Kyle put down the double-sided mirror.

 After that, he stayed in the Room of Requirement.

 During this period, the colors of the people around him became lighter and lighter, and Kyle no longer chose to combine work and rest, but took advantage of every moment to travel to and from different classrooms.

 He has to attend classes for almost sixteen hours every day, and half of the remaining time is spent in the library.

If you really can't hold it any longer, just use a refreshing potion or the resuscitation potion Kangna gave you.

The golden plate was always there and provided Kyle with three meals a day on time, never even a minute late.

And it is not fixed in the auditorium. Kyle can take it anywhere, which also saves a lot of time.

 Until a certain day.

  When Kyle, who had just finished writing his notes, looked up again, everyone in the classroom had disappeared.

Kyle came outside again, but there was no one in either the library or the auditorium, and the surroundings became extremely quiet.

Then, before Kyle could react, the castle began to disappear bit by bit.

 It's like someone took an eraser and erased it.

 The classroom on the second floor, where classes were taking place five minutes ago, has now turned into a vast expanse of white, leaving nothing behind.

 Then the library, stairs, auditorium…

Almost in the blink of an eye, everything around him disappeared, and Kyle seemed to be in an extremely empty place.

Just when he was hesitating whether to hide in the box or not, he felt a sudden pulling sensation, and the scene in front of him changed again.

 He appeared in a familiar corridor, with a blank wall in front of him and a tapestry of dancing trolls behind him.

 He is out?

Kyle reached into his pocket, but found nothing...the key Ravenclaw gave him was missing.

Just as Kyle was thinking about what was going on, a harsh noise brought him back to reality.

It’s not the sound of students playing and playing, but the sound of roaring and magic exploding!

 “No way!” Kyle’s heart skipped a beat.

 He had no idea how long he had been trapped in the Room of Requirement.

 A week? Two weeks? Still longer.

 Perhaps the Death Eaters have already entered through the disappearing cabinet during this period.

But didn’t Dumbledore know about the Vanishing Cabinet? He also let the principal's portraits look at him, why would he let Death Eaters into the school!

 Too many doubts crowded into Kyle's head.

 But now was obviously not the time to think about this. Kyle didn't stop at all, turned around and ran in the direction of the sound.

Fortunately, he didn't meet any students along the way. Everyone seemed to be staying in the common room.

This is good news.

"You think you can run away?" Kyle suddenly heard a hoarse roar like a beast.

 He speeded up again, turned a corner, and came to another corridor.

 Then, he saw a man covered with long brown hair jumping up high, stretching out claw-like nails, and pounced on a man who was lying on the ground.

With no time to think about it, Kyle immediately took out his wand and waved it fiercely.

An invisible rope pulled the man on the ground over and also helped him avoid the attack.

 Handnails scratched on the floor, making a harsh sound.

 “Thank you!” the man said. He turned his head and was suddenly stunned for a second. "Kyle? Why is it you?"

“Cedric?” Kyle was also a little confused. He thought the man looked familiar just now, but he didn’t expect it to be Cedric.

 “Why are you here?”

"I came here with Mr. Weasley," Cedric said quickly, "He told me that Death Eaters might attack Hogwarts tonight."


"Look who's coming, a little lamb..." Kyle's words were interrupted by a roar.

The beast-like man was not angry because his prey was rescued, but there was a touch of excitement in his voice.

"Be careful!" Cedric said quickly: "He is Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf. He is incredibly powerful, and the effect of the spell on him is also very weak."

"Aren't you going to run away? You still know you can't run away." Greyback approached the two of them step by step.

“I thought I wouldn’t encounter those tender and delicious lambs today, but you delivered them to my door. What a pity, it’s not a full moon today.”

His pupils are small, and he shows his wolf-like fangs when he talks.

 That's right, he was originally a werewolf.

"Wait a minute." Kyle stretched out his hand and pointed at himself in confusion, "The little lamb you just mentioned, is it me?"

"That's right." Greyback licked his lips and his eyes fell on Kyle's school uniform. "Only wizard students who have not graduated can be considered fresh lambs. I miss the feeling of teeth biting into their bodies."

 As he got closer and closer, Kyle's expression became more and more strange.

 “Is there something wrong with this man’s brain?” He looked at Cedric and asked.

"Greyback likes to bite underage wizards the most. Turn them into werewolves." Cedric said nervously, "Be careful Kyle, don't be careless. Greyback is not that easy to deal with. The Ministry of Magic has caught him a lot." years, but he ran away."

“Of course those losers can’t catch me!” Greyback roared and rushed towards the two of them.

 But the next second, he flew backwards at a faster speed and landed heavily on the wall.

“Tsk, tsk, the big bad wolf was hit in the teeth by the little lamb.” Kyle said with a smile, waving the wand in his hand gently.

 A braised bean that someone dropped on the ground floated into the air and turned into a spear about five feet long.

Kyle waved his wand again, and the spear came to Greyback in an instant. Although he tried to avoid it as much as possible, it was still pierced in the shoulder.

Greyback let out an angry roar, feeling the severe pain in his shoulders and the feeling that all the bones in his body were about to be smashed. He suddenly realized that the student he met did not seem to be someone who could be kneaded at will. lamb.

 In other words, maybe he is the lamb.

 The beast's intuition is often the most accurate, and Greyback, who has escaped death many times, is particularly convinced of this.

 He wanted to run away.

 But Kyle did not give him this chance.

 In fact, he had already prepared the second spell when the spear flew past.

A huge force hit the tail of the spear, like hammering a nail. The spear that had penetrated deeply into Greyback's body was shortened by one section again, directly nailing him to the wall. No matter how much Greyback struggled, The spear didn't move at all.

“I still have some experience in dealing with werewolves.” Kyle said with a smile.

He opened his suitcase, and a black shadow jumped out of it so fast that Cedric didn't even see what it was.

Just before Kyle could make his next move, Professor McGonagall rushed over from the other side of the corridor.

She held the wand in her hand, pursed her lips tightly, and strode towards here.

Seeing Professor McGonagall, Kyle could only wave his hand calmly. Cedric heard a rustling sound coming from behind him, but it quickly disappeared again.

 (End of this chapter)

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