Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 743: Hagrid's request

Chapter 743 Hagrid’s request

 After the opening party, Dumbledore came back to give Harry a weekly memory lesson.

But by the time Kyle received the news from the portrait and came to find him, he had already finished the course and left the school again. Only Harry was left in the office, who had just finished reading a memory and had not yet fully recovered.

"Kyle, are you also here to see Professor Dumbledore?" Harry said: "He just received a message from the fireplace, saying that the Dark Mark appeared somewhere, and then he hurried over."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Kyle said, "I don't have anything important to do with him anyway. Let's talk about it when I have time."

After running in vain twice in a row, Kyle was not so concerned about it at first. Anyway, he had the time turner in his hands, and Dumbledore would naturally come to him if needed.

 The two of them left the principal's office at the same time.

When Harry came to the corridor outside, he turned to look at Kyle next to him, and the corners of his mouth moved, "Kyle, you..."

 But at this point, he suddenly closed his mouth again.

 “What’s wrong?” Kyle asked confused.

"It's not that difficult." Kyle glanced at him and said, "And there is a little trick to this magic. If you can be revealed once with a follower before learning, it will be much easier after that."

He dared to say that everyone who was carried by the phoenix could easily master this magic when learning to apparate.

 It’s just that not many people have this opportunity.

The other party's unique appearance quickly captured the hearts of the students, and they gathered around him one after another.

 Hagrid's unusual behavior actually improved his favorability among the students.

“This is normal, you’ll get better as you get used to it.” Kyle said. "Besides, if you have experienced something more exciting, you will definitely feel that there is nothing wrong with being a stuffed toy."

The topic seemed to have stagnated at this point. Fortunately, they had already arrived near the Gryffindor common room.

 After Harry left, Kyle also went downstairs from the other direction.

The day after the holidays, it snowed heavily at Hogwarts, and a thick layer of snow accumulated on the grounds overnight, almost five inches thick.


“I don’t know… maybe it’s more convenient to prepare the Moon Crazy Beast.” Kyle said.

Harry glanced at the huge portrait of the Fat Lady and breathed a sigh of relief.

“He couldn’t have been controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse, right?” Ryan on the side whispered, obviously thinking about them.

 “No, it’s nothing.” Harry shook his head.

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid looked absent-minded. He got a batch of moon-crazed beasts from the empty pumpkin patch.

“In that case, Professor Dumbledore actually took me once to…well, follow me to reveal myself.”

"That's right..." In order not to arouse Kyle's suspicion, Harry quickly said: "I just want to ask you, is it easy to learn Apparition? We can learn this magic on Saturday.

"I can't believe it," Connor whispered, "that Hagrid would show the Moonstruck Beast in his seventh-grade class instead of some other creature with fangs and claws."

 “See you tomorrow, Kyle.”

The same goes for students taking Care of Magical Creatures classes.

Harry said, "It was the night I went to see Professor Slughorn, but the experience was not very comfortable. I felt like a stuffed toy stuffed into a washing machine."

 A group of first-year wizards had to go to the greenhouse for herbal medicine classes, so they could only walk forward with difficulty on the snow.

They walked through the thick snow to the pumpkin patch. As they got closer, he noticed that Hagrid looked absent-minded and not as enthusiastic as he had been in class before.

Harry has also never had this experience, so it is difficult for him to understand what Kyle means.

However, no one felt dissatisfied. On the contrary, everyone was very happy, especially the girls. They wanted to do this from the first moment they saw the Moon Chi Beast.

Kyle is indeed a good candidate. He is smart, knows a lot, and has even personally participated in several secret plans.

 But it is precisely for this reason that it is difficult for Harry to treat him as a peer. He would rather discuss this with Ron or Hermione.

The scope of the N.E.W.T. exam is very large, and there are not many restrictions on the course content. They have recently turned the Care of Magical Creatures course into a "Comprehensive Collection of Ferocious Magical Creatures".

Students under the fifth grade are okay. Because of their age, Hagrid can only find magical animals below the XXX level when teaching them. But it is different for the students in the sixth and seventh grade.

“Originally, Sirius said he would teach us, but he left school not long after school started, and he hasn’t found time yet.”

"See you tomorrow."

It’s no secret at Hogwarts that Hagrid likes less friendly-looking creatures.

Last time it was a scorpion-tailed monkey...Last time it was a megalodon...To be honest, even Kyle was curious about where Hagrid found these. At the same time, he had to sigh that there were so many species in the Forbidden Forest.

 “Then why did he suddenly become so strange?”

Now that Hagrid had suddenly brought in such a harmless thing as the Moon Crazy Beast, Kyle was still a little unaccustomed to it.

"Although I think so too, it's probably not the case," Kyle said. "If you want to control Hagrid, it's only possible if the Imperius Curse is released by the mysterious man himself."

“Yeah.” Kyle nodded in agreement.

"More exciting?" Harry asked doubtfully: "What do you mean, doesn't everyone's Apparition differ?"

“It’s not a human, it’s a phoenix.” Kyle glanced behind him with lingering fear.

After seeing that everyone had arrived, he simply said a few words, gave each person a cabbage, and asked the students to try feeding the Moon Chime Beast on their own.

Because Dumbledore was temporarily busy and left early after reading the memories, Harry accumulated a lot of doubts and he needed to find someone to talk to and share...

“Kyle, do you have time now?” Just when Kyle was about to get the cabbage in the basket, Hagrid suddenly came over and said in a low voice.

"You are the professor of this class, Hagrid." Kyle shrugged, "If you think I have time, that's fine."

"That's it..." Hagrid took Kyle further away and said in a low voice, "Do you still have the spider tonic you gave me before?"

"What?" Kyle didn't realize what Hagrid was saying for a moment, and it wasn't until he repeated it again that he finally remembered.

He did brew a spider tonic before, and also bought a large bottle of Acromantula venom from Hagrid's pit... um.

“I gave it all away,” Kyle said. "But that stuff isn't too complicated. I can always get a few more bottles if you need it."

"That's great." Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief, "Just...can you hurry up a little bit? Aragog is too old. I should have come to you earlier."

“Oh, by the way, I can pay you, and I can give you the venom you need in the afternoon.”

 Because he was so nervous, Hagrid didn't even realize that he had let something slip. When he asked Kyle for spider tonic before, he used it as an excuse to give it to a friend, but now he directly called out Aragog's name.

This is an Acromantula he kept in the Forbidden Forest. Counting the time, it has been almost sixty years.

Kyle has also dealt with it. It is a very talkative spider, and the two parties got along very happily...at least Kyle found it very pleasant.

“It doesn’t matter what the reward is.” Kyle waved his hand and said, “I didn’t use up the spider venom last time, so there’s no need to get any more.”

  Today is different from the past. Because of Aragog's generosity, he had already achieved freedom from spider venom. Now there are several bottles in the box, and they are all large pint bottles.

Originally, I wanted to sell it for some Galleons, but I never found the opportunity. Now I just need it. In addition, Kyle also really wanted to help Aragog. After all, he wanted to harvest another wave of venom before graduation, so it was appropriate for him to help get some tonics.

“Forget it.” Kyle glanced at the students gathered in the pumpkin patch. “There’s still some time before get out of class ends. If we start now, I should be able to give it to you by the end of get out of class. I’ll find a place first…”

"No need to look for it." Hagrid stopped Kyle, "You can go to my cabin. It's warm there and no one can disturb you."

 “Alright.” Kyle nodded, turned around and walked into the wooden house next to him.

The fire was burning brightly in the room, and as soon as the door was opened, a wave of heat rushed over me.

But such a hot stove was definitely not usable, so Kyle could only change a smaller heating stove next to it and set up a crucible on it.

Hagrid stood at the door, guarding the door while looking in from the window from time to time.

It went on like this until thirty minutes later, when get out of class was over, Kyle just came out of the cabin and handed him a large bottle of blue tonic.

 “These should be enough for three months.”

"Thank you, Kyle." Hagrid said happily, took the bottle and ran into the Forbidden Forest.

"What's wrong with him?" Kangna came over and asked curiously: "What did you give him, a magic potion?"

“It’s spider tonic,” Kyle said. “Hagrid has a group of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest.”

Hearing the name Acromantula, Kangna's expression suddenly changed... Even Kyle couldn't accept a spider as big as a car, let alone Kangna, a witch.

“You can also brew spider tonic?” She looked at Kyle incredulously.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Who makes their venom so valuable?" Kyle shrugged, "Don't tell Professor Snape, otherwise I won't be able to share the venom."

 “Isn’t that Hagrid’s?” Connor asked.

"There is no conflict." Kyle put away the empty crucible and walked out of the cabin. "If the spiders gave it to me voluntarily, I can't refuse it."

Kanna curled her lips, not believing a word of what Kyle said.

Although she doesn't like Acromantulas, she has learned a little bit about them because of potions. That kind of creature has a ferocious character and is extremely aggressive towards wizards.

Professor Snape also specifically reminded her that she could just buy some special potion ingredients directly, and never think about saving money.

 The venom of the Acromantula is one of them.

However, Kyle just smiled mysteriously and did not explain.

Of course he has his own tricks, but this method is not suitable for Kangna. He can just do it by himself.

 After leaving the wooden house, the two followed a long row of footprints on the field and returned to Hogwarts Castle.

When they came to the foyer, they happened to meet Hermione, Harry and Ron walking side by side from the direction of the stairs. The three of them seemed to have an argument.

"No one requires you to stay and help." Hermione looked at Ron with a hint of impatience in her tone, "But can you please stop making bad ideas?"

"bad idea?"

 Ron screamed: "Am I right? Harry is Slughorn's little potion prince. As long as Harry asks, he will definitely not refuse."

"You think Professor Slughorn can't see that, isn't that Harry's true level?" Hermione became even more impatient, "And even Dumbledore can't get it. He must be determined to conceal the truth, and How would you tell a student.

"Horcrux... Horcrux... I have never heard of it. It must be a very advanced magic. I think it will be difficult to get this information. I must think of a strategy."

 “Why do you need so much trouble? You just think too much!”

"It's better than you not thinking about anything." Hermione was furious.

"Why didn't I think about it..." Ron was also angry.

While the two were arguing, Harry stood by and watched them helplessly. It was obvious that he was used to this kind of quarrel.

Whenever he wanted to ask for some advice, the two would quarrel because of different opinions.

However, the three of them quickly noticed Kyle and Kangna walking towards them. Whether it was out of confidentiality or something else, they changed the subject in a tacit understanding.

"Ron, this is the point of the Potions homework." Hermione's tone changed and she said slightly stiffly: "Remember to finish writing quickly. Professor Slughorn will check it in the next class. You can't do it again." Points will be deducted from Gryffindor for this."

"Yeah, that's right." Ron said equally stiffly, "But if you could lend me your homework..."

 “Don’t even think about it!”

Kyle listened to their words and shook his head slightly. It had to be said that their ability to change the topic was really not very good.

The Horcrux that is the focus of Potions homework? How did they say this?

This is no longer a potions class, but a cram school set up by Voldemort.

But in order not to embarrass them too much, Kyle did not expose it. As if he had not heard anything, he walked over and said hello to them, then turned and walked into the auditorium.

"Hermione, actually you don't have to be like this." After Kyle walked away, Harry whispered: "Kyle also knows about the Horcruxes. The last time Dumbledore showed me that memory, he Also there."

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Hermione glared at Harry. Fortunately, she thought her change of topic was seamless just now, but now it turned into a joke.

 “You didn’t give me this chance either.” Harry whispered.

He only noticed that Kyle was opposite when Hermione suddenly changed the subject. There was no time to remind Hermione.

However, Harry's explanation obviously did not satisfy Hermione. Her face turned red and she glared at him again angrily.

"Wait, Harry." At this time, Ron thought of something and said: "Since Kyle also knows about Horcruxes, why don't you ask him, he must know something."

"I, I can't say it." Harry shook his head and whispered: "I don't know what's going on... When facing Kyle, I always feel that I am in front of a professor. Of course, It's just a feeling."

"Really?" Ron blinked, "Why don't I think so?"

“Maybe I’ve seen him in the principal’s office more times.” Harry thought for a while, “You also know that few students can go there, right?

“But Kyle has been there many times, and even the previous principals know him.”

"That would be easier." Ron said, "You don't have to ask, just ask Kyle to ask about Slughorn's Horcrux. In this way, the possibility of success will be greater." ”

Harry just shook his head and said nothing.

Reason told him that Ron was right. With Kyle's help, he probably wouldn't have to worry about this matter. Kyle must have a way to get Slughorn's real memory.

 But from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to do this, and Harry couldn't explain why. Maybe it was because this was the first time Dumbledore had given him a task, and he wanted to complete it by himself.

  You can try Ron's method first...

Harry thought to himself.

Maybe I can ask Slughorn directly after the next Potions class. After all, he can't think of any better idea besides this.


 (End of this chapter)

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