Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 607: Rowena, run (modified, sincere thanks to the silver leader for love...

Alan was silent, he realized the problem-he had been missing Luna, although Luna is Ravenclaw, but Ravenclaw is not Luna now.

In this time and space, I was just a passenger, and the upper half of the sand flowing in the time converter was running out, which showed that there was less and less time left for him and the current Ravenclaw.

I accidentally broke into the life of Rowena Ravenclaw, and when I left this time and space, I guess I could see her again in an instant, but what about her? But I don't know how many years I have to wait alone to see myself again. Thinking about the future Ravenclaw's beautiful but full of seriousness and lack of joy, Allen felt bitter in his mouth-he had always thought it was because of changes in status or divine relationship, and now it seems that there is also Part of my own reason...

Alan wanted to say something but found that he could not speak. He then thought, when Luna met him, for the Ravenclaw, she had been waiting for this for a thousand years, and Alan's heart sank. His eyes are firmer and he must go back.

"Sorry, Rowena." Although there were many reasons for wanting, Allen could only suppress his emotions and ended with a simple apology-and for the first time called the other party's name, not Luna but Roy Satisfied.

Sitting in the front, Ravenclaw did not speak, but leaned back gently, letting Alan's body rest on her back. Alan felt the temperature close to him, and put his forehead on Ravenclaw's shoulder.

The two let their mounts wander around in the forest blindly, no one spoke, only the Hellhound in the distance made some movement from time to time.

Deep in the forest, countless birds flew between the branches, chirping, and it was very lively, but with the return of a few hellhounds, these birds were frightened and fluttered in all directions. Suddenly, they heard the sound of songbirds in the bushes, and then the roar of wild animals.

Alan, who was depressed, prepared to adjust his mood. He exchanged his arms around the witch and raised the wand with his dominant hand to prepare to hunt the unknown bird of prey-but he was randomly caught by Ravenclaw in front of him. Backhand pulled down, "We are here to have fun-this time I should show you the traditional hunting methods."

In Alan's somewhat suspicious eyes, Ravenclaw waved at the hellhounds, and the six hellhounds suddenly jumped out and rushed into the undergrowth. "Wait for the hounds to exhaust their prey and stop to make the final resistance before making the final blow."

Allen shrugged, knowing what this presumably was the hunting rules of the nobles in the Middle Ages.

Not far away, a rustling sound rang out. Allen saw a deer leaping high and swiftly across the undergrowth. The hellhounds intercepted it separately and chased it continuously, leaving the deer only Ran blindly in a range.

After a while, the exhausted deer stopped exhausted, ready to do its best to make the final resistance, "It's time." Ravenclaw waved her magic wand, and the branches of the tree snapped and deformed instantly. For a sharp arrow, "Wadi Wasi!" This sharp arrow seemed to be ejected by a full bow, and slammed into the eye socket of the panicked deer. It only had time to let out a short wailing of despair. , Fell to the ground.

Alan watched Ravenclaw poured out a drop of mercury and turned it into a floating saucer, and then used his magic wand to direct the dead deer to fly onto the floating saucer-he himself was put on the floating saucer in this way by Ravenclaw several times Up...

Although it is understandable to do so, the smell of hellhound sulfur is too strong, and the saliva also contains toxins. If they are dragged back, the meat will not be eaten.

"Each of us took turns shooting only one arrow, to see who got the most prey in the end?" Allen no longer looked at the floating dish and proposed to the witch-he didn't want to entangle the discussion just now, at least temporarily.

"Okay." Ravenclaw tilted her head, the sun passed through the dense branches, and the mottled shadows throbbed on her face.

As they continued on their way, six hellhounds jumped up and down in the bushes, frightening all the animals. Alan did what Ravenclaw did, and shot a deer to death. He also harvested a few small animals with dark green markings that were slightly larger than normal hares.

"'Mara' agouti." Allen happily said the name of this rodent.

Ravenclaw shot a few authentic hares, and there is another animal. This animal looks like a hedgehog and an anteater. It has sharp claws, a long and thin beak, and the end resembles a bird's beak.

"The smell of this thing..." Allen said uncertainly.

"Like premium beef," Ravenclaw replied.

Allen suddenly stopped speaking, and he was not very interested in anything related to cattle recently. A few wild boars were also found on the road, but they did not attack them, and Alan and Ravenclaw, who had enough prey, ended the game, did not harm them.

In the end, when they got out of the forest, they found themselves at the other end of the Black Lake.

"Take care of it here and then go back." After ordering the hellhounds to return to the camp to be on guard, Ravenclaw said casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~Alan directed the deer on the floating dish to fly to the lakeside, ready to be there. Deal with these prey-they don't plan to go back to the campsite last night to do it again, lest the campsite is contaminated with the smell of blood and filth.

They used magic wands to disassemble all the deer meat, and put the whole deer skin on the grass beside it. Ravenclaw received the cut into strips of meat on a clean plate, and Alan took it down. I took some deer ribs and thigh bones and decided to use it for the soup. At this moment, an angry man in the distance roared: "You will be flogged! I wonder if deer hunting is forbidden in the forest?!"

A tall, sturdy middle-aged man with a yellowish beard on his face and a strong physique ran towards Allen and the others. He had a bow and arrow hanging behind his back, and his linen shirt had a few patches on him. He was the guard of the hunting ground. After seeing the clothes of the two of them clearly, he was slightly taken aback and asked uncertainly: "Master and madam, are you nobles?"

"Hunting is the entertainment of the nobles, and it is also a great source of their profits. In addition to providing game to the local lords, hunting guards are also responsible for protecting the forest and prohibiting the poor from poaching. The caught poor will be punished heavily." After explaining, Ravenclaw’s wand slipped into his hand, but Allen blinked and suddenly threw the thing on his hand, grabbed Ravenclaw’s hand, and cried out with a strange cry: "Royna, Run!"

Ravenclaw was taken aback for a moment. Such a Muggle could scare him away with a curse. She didn't understand why Ellen had to run, but she could only pull the bottom edge of Ellen with a stunned expression. Ran towards the campsite quickly along the lake.

The hunting field watcher hurriedly chased after him, yelling as he ran: "It really is a poacher! God will punish you! You will be punished the most!"

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