Hogwarts Everything is Three

Vol 2 Chapter 376: Goblet of Fire (modified)

Right in the center of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake...

A long black rod slowly rises from the center of the whirlpool...

"It's a mast!" Michael said to Allen excitedly.

Slowly, in a magnificent manner, the big ship rose out of the water, shining brightly in the moonlight.

It looks weird, like a skeleton, as if it were the remains of a sunken ship that had just been salvaged. The porthole shone with dim, misty light, and it looked like ghost eyes.

Finally, with the sound of splashing water, the big boat came out completely, bumping on the undulating water surface, and began to sail towards the lake shore.

After a while, they heard a plop, and an iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then there was a slap again, and a wooden board was placed on the lake shore.

A lot of very large wizards walked down from the boat. When they got closer, everyone realized that they looked huge because they were all wearing fur cloaks with unkempt fur on them—and their posture was similar to the previous one. The elegant Boothbatons are different, they look more like an army when they walk neatly.

But the man who led them to the castle wore a different kind of fur: silvery white, silky and smooth, much like his hair.

Dumbledore! "The man shouted enthusiastically as he walked up the slope, "My dear old buddy, how are you?" "

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied.

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet. When he walked into the light from the front entrance of the castle, they saw him as tall and thin as Dumbledore, but his white hair was short, and the small curly goatee on his end did not completely cover his. Thin jaw.

When the eyes of the little wizards were attracted by Karkaroff, Allen’s eyes were caught by a wizard behind Karkaroff with a striking hook nose and two thick, black eyebrows. Attracted-Krum.

Krum's thick eyebrows became a ball, and his eyes stared at Allen unabashedly.

Although Allen doesn't care about Krum's opinion of him, he is somewhat curious. Compared to when he was in the World Cup, Krum is more hostile to him.

At least then, Krum remained polite to him. And now, his hostility is almost naked without any cover.

For the little wizards of Hogwarts, Krum’s arrival is not worth a fuss. He is just a top Quidditch player, and the best seeker in the world is in Hogwarts. Among them.

In order to welcome the arrival of the guests, the entire auditorium was refurbished. The enchanted ceiling glittered with stars, the goblets and plates gleamed, and the administrator Filch put on his moldy old tuxedo and set up the teacher's seat-and to Alan's embarrassment, Huo Under the leadership of their principal, Dumbledore, the Gewarts students began their school song chorus to welcome the guests of the other two magic academies-and the lyrics were sung by the students in their favorite tunes and needed to be accompanied Cooperate with some crude and childish wave movements.

"Hogwarts~Hogwarts~Hogwarts, please give us some knowledge, whether we are the old man who is gloomy or the child who has hurt our knee, our mind can accept all interesting things, because now our mind Empty, full of air, dead flies and trivial skin."

The scene was once caught in a very embarrassing situation because the Weasley twins used the funeral march tune-Allen only moved his mouth, he could detect that Krum seemed to be observing himself, but he could barely maintain Don't look at him with dignity.

Draco in Slytherin first heard a scream from the Ravenclaw table as if a boar stepped on a trap, and then the noise from around made him kick the maker of this sound directly. Fat Vincent Crabbe, he was so devoted and happy that he attracted the attention of many Busbarton students.

At the end of the performance, there was a burst of mechanical applause from other academies, and Dumbledore invited them to the seat-the expressions of the students of the other two academies seemed to be a little uncertain whether this was a prank by Hogwarts against them.

"Well, at least my perception of Draco has changed a bit." Edward glanced sideways at Draco and exclaimed.

Allen turned his gaze from the faculty seat to the Slytherin long table. Victor Krum and his Durmstrang alumni were already seated at the Slytherin table.

Allen is very happy to see that Malfoy entertains these guests from afar without being courteous and not overly flattering. He is already much better at dealing with people than when he was in first grade-at least he would not want to be with others. The situation where the friend turned into a mortal enemy.

"Can I sit with you?" A crisp voice sounded, and a long waterfall of silver hair fell to her waist. Her big blue eyes stared at Michael.

Michael's face flushed all of a sudden, he stared at the Bussbarton girl in front of him blankly, opened his mouth to answer, but only made some strange little noises, as if his throat was stuck.

"Of course, I think Michael will be happy, Fleur." Allen smiled and pushed Michael.

Michael, who finally recovered, stood up with a wink and made room.

The other Busbarton girls followed Fleur to sit down at the long table in Ravenclaw.

"She's a Veeva." Ron sat down hoarsely on the long table at Gryffindor, and said to Harry in his voice, "Allen was fascinated by her."

"Definitely not!" Hermione said sharply, "I didn't see Alan staring at her like an idiot!"

After speaking, Hermione raised her head proudly, glanced at Ron, picked up the plate and walked away.

Although Hermione knew it well, Fleur sat next to Alan, mostly towards Albert. But when she heard Ron say Ellen like that, she couldn't help but sit in a position where she could observe Ellen and Fleur, and glanced at Ellen and Luna from time to time.

Luna, sitting at the Ravenclaw table, looked the same as usual, and even had dessert in front of her. She played with herself, using a spoon to pick out the strawberries from the creamy muffin and pile them into small towers.

Hermione didn't need to worry soon, because the three people who appeared on the teacher's bench attracted the eyes of the wizard in the audience.

And one of them is Albert.

Crouch, Ludo Bagman, and Albert appeared in the teacher's seat.

"You didn't tell me that he would come!" Fleur looked at Albert on the teacher's bench intently, and then suddenly remembered the Hogwarts school song just now and started to giggle on his own: "So, Albert Have you ever sang like this before? Or do you like to go through the stage like you?"

"I don't know he will come, but Albert is much more open about singing than me..." Alan smiled embarrassedly, and baked a plate with a layer of sauce. Juicy toast was placed in front of Hibiscus, "This is the Welsh roast rabbit."

"Is this rabbit meat inside?" Fleur looked suspiciously at the plate of Welsh roasted rabbits with golden sauce and aroma.

"It's not even a meat dish. Brush the slices of bread with butter, bake them until they are fragrant and crisp, and then put them on a delicate porcelain dish, and top with cheddar cheese, malt, mustard, chili, and white sauce. The sauce, a delicious Welsh rabbit is ready! One bite is crunchy." Allen's introduction made Furong interested in this dish.

"I guess they came to witness the opening ceremony of the Triwizard Tournament." Fleur extended his fork to the Welsh Rabbit again.

When Dumbledore stood up again. A feeling of excitement and tension seemed to permeate the auditorium.

Dumbledore briefly introduced the three of Alberts and asked Filch to bring the box up.

The audience was crowded, and the little wizards were all wondering what was inside this ancient box.

This is a large wooden box inlaid with jewels, which looks very old. Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped the lid of the box three times.

The lid slowly creaked open. Dumbledore reached in and pulled out a large, rough-cut wooden goblet. The cup itself was not eye-catching at all, but it was full of blue and white flames dancing inside.

Allen talked to Fleur about some interesting things about Albert while listening to Dumbledore's introduction of the rules of the Goblet of Fire and Triwizard Tournament.

"You already know that three warriors will be selected to represent his magic school to participate in the competition. After the three events are over, the warrior with the highest score will win the top three cup. The person responsible for selecting the warriors is an impartial selection Or, it is the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore closed the box and placed the cup on the lid so that everyone in the auditorium could see it clearly.

Every student who wants to run for the Warriors must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw them into this goblet," Dumbledore said. Sign up within hours. Tomorrow night, the night of Halloween, the goblet will select the names of the three students from the three schools it thinks best represent. Tonight, the goblet is placed in the foyer, and all students who are willing to participate in the election can access it.

"In order to avoid the temptation of underage students," Dumbledore said, "After the goblet is placed in the hall, I will draw an age line around it. No one under the age of seventeen can cross this. Age line."

After the banquet, the little wizards who returned to the dormitory talked about how to get through.

For Allen, strength is the best key, especially with Dumbledore's permission.

Early the next morning, Allen and Albert met in the tower. Before going to bed last night, Allen sent Benny to send a text message to Albert and made an appointment for breakfast today.

"Albert, do you remember the beautiful French witch who came to the house to thank you during the World Cup?" Allen's smile made Albert's face burnt~www.wuxiaspot.com~Furong Dracou You. Albert blurted out, then realized that he was a little blushing when he answered too quickly, and coughed slightly, "Why did you mention her?" "Slightly calmed down, Albert put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at Allen.

"She is one of Boothbarton's candidates—" Allen paused, looking at Albert's expression, and realizing that he was listening carefully, so he continued, "You probably have no other arrangements this weekend. Take a walk to Hogsmeade and she will go too."

Alan winked his eyebrows and looked very weird. Albert's ears were red.

"Why don't you sign up for the Three Witches Tournament now? With your strength, you have a great chance of winning the championship." Albert stood up and filled the milk cup in front of Allen.

In Albert's mind, as long as his younger brother wants to accomplish something, he will never fail, even if there are more obstacles.

"Of course I want to participate, you know my appointment with Dumbledore?" Allen drank the milk in the glass.

"I know a little bit from Dad." Albert said.

Allen fully told Albert about the details and plans of the agreement between himself and Dumbledore.

"Is there anything I can help?" Albert leaned forward slightly, looking at Allen with concern.

"Yes." Allen nodded firmly, "Albert, you arrested a lot of troublemakers to Azkaban. I need you to provide me with memories of your time in Azkaban."

Albert Feature nodded, and pointed his wand at his temple without hesitation. Wishes of white memory emerged from his temple and poured into a white porcelain bottle.

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