Hogwarts Everything is Three

Chapter 216: Dark room secret mirror (modified)

Allen and Luna walked in this wide underground space, exploring the contents again and again, and Fang was sniffing hard along the wall. Except for the dim light, this basement looked very suitable for people to live in-living at home The supplies are all complete.

"But who will live here?" Allen whispered inwardly.

"Hufflepuff's dormitory is underground." Luna said suddenly.

Hufflepuff—underground—the magic of food—remembering the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw and the secret room of Slytherin, an idea flooded Allen's heart!

"Hurga Hufflepuff!" Allen blurted out.

"What?" Luna asked suspiciously.

"It's very possible that we accidentally entered the secret environment of Helga Hufflepuff." The excitement in Allen's tone could not be concealed.

Luna's big silver eyes fixed on Alan for a while, which made Alan regain his sanity.

"Huh, what is Yaya doing?" Luna asked suddenly.

Alan followed her gaze and looked forward, only to see that Yaya's tail was swinging behind a pile of high dishes, and he could hear what it was grasping hard.

"Ya—be careful!" Alan shouted. Instead of ignoring Alan, he grabbed harder. "Ya, what are you grabbing?"

"Mouse?" Luna said in a daze.

"Ya?" Alan yelled, bypassing the large dining table, passing through the neatly placed dishes that were shiny and wiped, and quickly saw Yaya scratching the floor.

"Hey, Luna!" Allen waved to Luna, "Ya found a secret door."

Without waiting for Luna to react, Allen knelt down and took the dog away from the door. "Let's see, what did you find!"

As soon as Allen hugged Yaya away, Yaya completely lost interest in the door. It ran to the side and began to sniff in another corner. Yaya's attention was easily diverted. Allen thought it might be a dog and a person. One of the differences between the two, it’s better not to learn Sirius...

The heavy rain continued to pour down, and there was a huge roar above Allen and Luna's heads, and the sound of the strong wind seemed to be heard in Allen's ears.

Allen thought it would take some magic spell to open the door. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the doorknob and lifted it slightly, and the crooked wooden door swayed open. He opened the door completely, and the chain There was a creaking sound, and there was darkness inside. He removed the door panel, temporarily shrunk it to a small size with Transfiguration, and threw it aside. This was necessary to prevent someone from locking them underground.

Allen hadn't forgotten the feeling of being peeped when he first arrived at the mushroom house-he didn't know whether the secretly peeping was the invisible person mentioned in the system, but it was very necessary to be vigilant at all times.

Luna and Allen climbed down the ladder overgrown with vines.

"Fluorescence flashes!" Luna and Allen's wands illuminated the small room below.

The room was dark, and the only bright light was the pale yellow light coming in from the door panel that Allen had just pulled up.

"It's really big here, it's not like a closet." Luna said, her voice more vague than usual.

"It's just a room, I think." Allen said, trying to adapt his eyes to the dim light in the room.

He held the wand high and took another step into the room. At this moment, he suddenly saw a dark figure approaching him. This shocked Allen and quickly took a step back, but the dark figure also jumped. gone back.

"That's a mirror, Ellen." Luna's voice came.

Alan looked at it intently. There was indeed a mirror in front of them. Under the light from the two magic wands, Alan saw it clearly.

This is a large rectangular mirror, two feet taller than Allen. The frame is made of brown wood. The mirror is placed on a wooden base.

Alan came closer, and Alan in the mirror moved forward to welcome him. To Alan’s surprise, his shadow in the mirror appeared very clear, even though the wooden door just now looked a bit decayed and opened as soon as he pulled it. , This mirror is spotless.

Allen stood in front of the mirror and looked at it. "Revealed!"

But the mirror did not respond.

"Tell me your secret." Allen tapped the mirror with his wand, casting spells again and again.

Allen looked around, it was empty, there was nothing but the mirror.

"Who would put a mirror alone in a room?" Luna asked.

Alan could see her black shadow in the mirror, just a few steps behind him.

"Maybe this mirror has other functions. Do you know the Mirror of Eris?" Allen began to think about what he wanted.

"The Mirror of Eris was taken away by Principal Dumbledore." Luna touched the mirror and asked, "Could it be Helga Hufflepuff's vanity mirror?"

"Hey, Luna, look!" Allen said.

He found a magic lamp attached to the top of the mirror ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ an oval lamp made of brass or other metals-a round object resembling a crystal ball suspended in it.

Allen stared at it in the dim light, trying to see it clearly, "How do I turn on the light?"

"There is a chain here." Luna walked to Ellen's side and said.

Sure enough, a thin chain hung from the right side of the lamp, just a foot from the top of the mirror.

Alan was a little undecided, and he hesitated and said to Luna, "I'll give it a try first, or do you go out first..."

"It's okay, it will do." Luna interrupted Allen.

Allen turned to look at her.

"There is no harassment fly here." Luna also looked at Ellen.

I don't know if he harassed Allen, but looking at Luna's curious appearance and calm tone made him appreciate it more-this is a real Ravenclaw.

Alan stood on tiptoe, stretched his arm to pull the chain, "Huh?"

But the chain didn't move.

"Perhaps using magic?" Luna widened her eyes, making them more protruding.

"I have to consider what kind of magic is appropriate..." Allen found it a little hard to guess.

"Perhaps like watching a crystal ball? Input magic power?" Luna sprayed a silver wire from the top of her wand and injected it into the crystal ball along the long chain of lights. "Did you choose a divination course?"

Seeing a glare flashing, the magic lamp lighted up unexpectedly, and then dimmed again. The brightness was no different from a normal lamp—bright white light reflected on the mirror.

"Hey, Luna is great!" Allen shouted, "The whole room is illuminated, and it's discerning. Have you previewed the third grade course in advance?"

No one speaks.

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