Hogwarts Everything is Three

Chapter 166: The attack reappears (modified)

During the Easter holiday, sophomores have new things to consider.

They should choose the third grade course. This matter needs to be treated with caution, because it involves the scope of their future careers.

The Muggle-born little wizards are very confused, as long as they hear someone talking about course selection, they will listen carefully.

The little wizards who came from wizard families are also very upset, because the wizards of men and women in their family wrote to them one after another, giving them many different suggestions on the issue of choosing courses.

Therefore, many little wizards are at a loss and feel very nervous.

Some people even closed their eyes and used a magic wand to click anywhere on the course list, choosing wherever they clicked. soeasy!

For Allen, he is not short of money, and his desire for power is nothing more than a hope that his family can move closer. He himself is more greedy for learning, and he can engage in any profession he is interested in.

There are too many possibilities for him in the future.

Under normal circumstances, the little wizard will only take two courses. For example, Harry chose to protect the magical creature class and divination.

Hermione was different. She chose all the courses in the surprised eyes of Harry and Ron.

For Allen, although Allen wants to learn even for divination and Muggle studies, if you choose all of them, although it is estimated that you can get the right to use a time converter like Hermione, it will I'm too tired of doing it myself-in fact, Allen suspects that Hermione will make her age a lot because of this...

But fortunately, the books in the Ravenclaw Tower contain all other books on subjects related to magic, except for Muggle studies, and the modern knowledge is constantly copied through the library in the lounge in Ravenclaw. Entering the tower, Alan only chose the magical creature protection class and the ancient magic text class.

The practice of magical creature protection accounts for a large part. The relatively large amount of homework is the ancient magic writing, but apparently this is a small burden for Allen, and courses like divination, arithmetic divination and Muggle research, Ai Lun intends to teach himself only in the Ravenclaw Tower. After all, the important thing is to learn this knowledge. If you choose all courses like Hermione, there will be too many homework that is not necessary for him. , On the contrary, it delayed the time for me to learn something every day-as long as I took the OWLs exam and scored twelve Os and then applied for all NEWT courses for two years.

After choosing the course, Allen focused on Ravenclaw's next Quidditch game-their opponent was Gryffindor.

Roger insisted that the players train after dinner every day, so Allen had little time to do other than training and finishing homework.

However, such intensive and high-intensity training is very effective. Ravenclaws are getting more and more comfortable with training, and their cooperation is getting better and better.

The night before the Saturday game, when they finished training, everyone looked forward to the next day's game. Everyone feels that the Ravenclaw team has never won the Quidditch Cup with such confidence.

They woke up early the next morning, the weather was clear, the sun was shining, and the pleasant breeze was blowing gently.

Allen came to the auditorium early, and he found that the Gryffindor team members were already seated, and they seemed to have a mysterious confidence in winning.

The captain of the Gryffindor team, Wood, enthusiastically encouraged the players and gave each player their own favorite food. This made Allen wonder if Wood asked Percy Weasley to borrow a copy of "The Team How to win."

And their seeker, Harry Potter, seemed to be very worried.

Ravenclaws came to the restaurant one after another. They also yearn for victory, but they understand the importance of filling their stomachs and maintaining strength.

Until almost eleven o'clock, people crowded out from the auditorium, everyone chatting and laughing loudly, preparing to go from the front door to the Quidditch stadium.

The players walked to the arena amidst earth-shattering cheers.

Roger Davis and Oliver Wood soared into the air, flying around the goalposts for warm-up flight.

The two captains with extremely strong desire to win, every time they met, there seemed to be sparks of lightning and thunder in their eyes.

Ms. Hooch released the ball. The members of the Ravenclaw team, wearing bronze clothes, are gathering together at the moment to discuss tactics at the last minute.

Allen was about to ride his flying broomstick when Professor McGonagall suddenly walked across the arena, holding a huge purple microphone in his hand.

The calmness of the past few months and the busy and fulfilling study life made Alan a little bit careless. Seeing McGonagall's appearance suddenly reminded him that before Harry and the others completely solve the secret room, someone will be attacked!

And the person who encountered the attack was - Allen's heart sank like a stone.

"The game is cancelled." Professor McGonagall said through a microphone into the crowded bleachers.

The crowd booed and shouted dissatisfiedly.

"All students must return to the common room of the college, where the person in charge of the college will tell you more. Please leave as soon as possible!"

Professor McGonagall looked serious and his tone was beyond doubt.

The Ravenclaws returned to the common room of the tower. Roger was very dissatisfied and sat down in his chair dejectedly, grumbling complaining about the cancellation of the game.

And more Ravenclaws showed a nervous look, and they guessed that someone might have been attacked at the school again.

"All students must return to the common room of their college before six o'clock in the evening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Any student is not allowed to leave the dormitory after this time. Every class is escorted by a teacher. In the absence of a teacher No students are allowed to use the bathroom. All Quidditch training and competitions have been postponed. No activities will be held at night."

Professor Flitwick announced the urgently issued parchment document by the school in a shrill voice, and then said in a somewhat suffocating voice: "It is a pity that our female prefect Penello Klivat has suffered. After the attack, she was petrified!"

Professor Flitwick waved his magic wand, and a scene of Penello in the hospital emerged in the air in the lounge.

Ravenclaw was silent, and many of the little wizards were pale and worried.

For the first time, the wise Ravenclaws did not rush to express an opinion on one thing.

The thing is clear, Hogwarts has been attacked time and time again, the culprit has not been caught, and the school is likely to be closed.

Alan sat on a large chair, and he kept showing in his mind that Penello was lying on a hospital bed, stiff and dull like a stone sculpture.

Allen knew that the basilisk in the bathroom was the culprit that caused Penello to petrify.

But unfortunately, Alan is a snake-like voice. Although he can open the faucet in the bathroom by himself, it is obviously too dangerous for him to face a basilisk alone as a second-year student without external help. "Harry !" Harry must be found so that Dumbledore can send Fox over to help, and Alan, who is Ravenclaw, can't take out Gryffindor's sword even if he has a sorting hat.

Before that, Allen needed to go to the Forbidden Forest. He wanted to ask Gaia exactly what Tina had mentioned by "more than one monster".

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