Hogwarts Everything is Three

Chapter 121: Punishment (modified)

   After being announced that they could return to the dormitory, these little wizards who made mistakes left their heads down.

  Professor Flitwick asked Allen to go to his office again next Wednesday. That's it for today's duel class. Allen respectfully bid farewell.

   "Although I slapped Malfoy in the face, that's great! But Ravenclaw was deducted two hundred points and will be detained!" The scores lost by Ed Huawei's own academy were painful.

   "Didn't you get a penalty free card in the curse class? It seems to be useful!" Seeing Edward's grin, Allen couldn't help but smile.

   The punishment of confinement came quickly, probably because of the large number of people. Every day, people were punished to help Filch with voluntary labor, and some people needed to help Hagrid take care of his animals or patrol the forbidden forest.

   Edward succeeded in avoiding punishment with the penalty free card he got in the spell class, which made other Ravenclaws very envious.

Soon, Allen also received a penalty notice that he was going to visit the Forbidden Forest on Saturday night. He said that he had no pressure. The Forbidden Forest was about to become his third home—the first one was Mr. Harris's. , The second is the Ravenclaw Tower. And Alan can also take the opportunity to see Tina and Bird Snake.

"I'd rather go patrolling the forbidden forest than help Filch clean up! Last time I was fined to clean the trophies in the prize showroom. Not only could I not use magic, but Filch supervised me to wipe those trophies with oil over and over again. I wiped the Quidditch cup fourteen times, and fourteen times, he was satisfied! The hand hurts terribly, but now I can smell the polish when I raise my hand!" Ron With lingering fears, he raised his hand and asked Allen to smell his hand.

   Allen avoided with an awkward but polite smile.

"Ellen, I always thought that Slytherin and Gryffindor would fight. I didn't expect that it was Ravenclaw who shot first!" Harry looked yearning. He had wanted to beat Malfoy for a long time. He never I have never hated a person so much, even Dudley is cuter than Malfoy!

   "Harry, Ron! We can't give Gryffindor any more points!" Hermione saw the eagerness of her two friends and warned.

   In the first grade, they were arrested for sending Norbert in the middle of the night, but they lost an extremely large score to Gryffindor, which made the three of them feel very difficult in Gryffindor for a long time.

"I heard that many students in Slytherin were arranged to help Professor Snape deal with the raw materials of the potion. This is a disguised exemption from punishment!" Hermione felt that there was even a taste of reward, and helped Snape. The professor dealing with potions should be able to learn a lot of ways to handle potions!

   "If that's the case, I would rather write a reply for Professor Lockhart than Snape!" Harry frowned and looked disgusted!

"Fortunately, no one was really hurt. Marcus Flint looked seriously injured, but Madam Pomfrey completely cured him in less than a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, someone might really be expelled! "Hermione added.

   Alan touched his nose. The culprit who caused Marcus's injury was him. If it hadn't been for his coma spell to hit Marcus, he would not have been hit by so many other spells cast by Ravenclaw. But Allen didn't regret it at all. He was healed so easily. Allen felt that he had done it too lightly. He knew he would put a few more evil curses.

   Harry and Allen had the same thoughts, he wished Marcus was hurt more.

"That's not good at all! On Saturday, the Gryffindor Quidditch team will be playing against Slytherin. The opponent is riding the fastest broomstick that money can buy! If Gryffindor loses, think Think about what Wood would say!" Thinking of Saturday's game, Harry was a little nervous.

Hearing this, Allen couldn’t help but complain to these Gryffindors, “You weren’t the fastest flying broomstick that money can buy at the beginning of last year... Although I still have a money-based broomstick. You don’t necessarily get a flying broom..."

   Slytherin Quidditch team is what a threat, it is the house elf that really needs to be watched out-Dobby!

   On Saturday morning, Alan finished his workout and came to the cafeteria to have breakfast. He found the little wizards of the Gryffindor Quidditch team huddled together, all looking nervous and taciturn. The entire Gryffindor table is exceptionally quiet.

   Everyone knows the importance of equipment, but the morale is so low that it really doesn't look like Gryffindor's style. Like a spring, the lower the Gryffindor team is now, the stronger the resistance will be in a while!

   As eleven o'clock was approaching, Allen followed the crowd to the Quidditch Stadium. The weather is hot and humid, thunder is faintly in the air, and a heavy rain is coming.

   As Alan expected, Gryffindor showed an extremely tenacious fighting spirit on the field. What they did their best to fight against was not only the fierce attack of the opponent, but also the bad weather of heavy rain, and the crazy walking ball!

   The crazy wandering ball chased after Harry, trying his best to knock Harry out of the air. Harry was very embarrassed to avoid the stray ball, and Allen heard bursts of laughter from the Slytherin stands.

   "It's a terrible opponent!" Roger and Allen have seen the same thing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two looked at each other, their faces solemn.

"Harry has demonstrated extremely superb flying skills. If it were me, I would have already been broomed! Malfoy is definitely not Harry's opponent." Roger spoke highly of Harry and regarded Gryffindor as Gryffindor. Ravenclaw's strongest opponent.

   Just as the two were talking, an exclamation came from the stands, and the wandering ball finally hit Harry.

   Harry's body slid to one side on the rain-drenched broomstick, the knee of one leg was still hooked to the broom, and his right hand hung unconsciously beside his body.

   "He's going to hit Malfoy!" Roger yelled! In the hazy rain curtain, Harry rushed to Malfoy with a sarcastically smile.

   "No, he caught the Golden Snitch!" Allen added, then quickly got up and ran under the stands.

   There was an exclamation from the crowd. With a bang, water splashed everywhere, and Harry fell into the mud and rolled off the broomstick. His arm hangs there at a very strange angle.

   When Alan hurried to the field, the rain poured on Harry's face ruthlessly, and Harry lay on the ground groaning.

   "I don't know what he's talking about." Lockhart said loudly to the Gryffindor students who were anxiously gathered around, "Don't worry, Harry. I'm about to heal your arm."

   Allen heard Harry's refusal: "No! Just let it be like this, thank you..."

   "Lie down, Harry," Lockhart comforted him, "It's a simple spell. I have used it countless times."

   "Stand back." Lockhart said, rolling up his emerald green sleeves.

   "Don't-don't have auspicious hiccups~" Harry weakly refused to Guidro Lockhart, and finally let out a hiccup.

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