Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 444: Live A Peaceful Life

Dumbledore reminded Harry and then continued: "Have you ever wondered why Professor Snape is the one teaching you Occlumency and not me?"

Harry looked at him.

"Vesey told Sirius that there was a red light in your eyes when you looked at me that night. She was very worried. She suspected that Voldemort could control you.

I believe her, because every time I look at you, I see Voldemort's shadow swaying behind your eyes.

Harry nodded.

"I looked at you and wanted to kill you.

Dumbledore looked at him sadly.

"It seems that we all realized this, and I understood at that time that I can't have too much to do with you.

Because Voldemort might notice that when he finds out that we meet often and that my relationship with you is extraordinarily good, he will definitely find a way to take advantage of you.

I don't want you to become a pawn, so I found Professor Snape. He is a profound master of memory. It should be enough for him to teach you.

However, I overlooked one thing. The deep hatred between you and him makes it impossible for both of you to get excited. "

Harry's eyes soured.

Guilt overtook him.

"I haven't practiced well, and I rarely clear my mind. I, I yearn to have those dreams. I think this allows me to grasp Voldemort's dynamics...

That day, Hermione asked me to go to Umbridge's office to contact Sirius, but Kreacher told me that he was in the Department of Mysteries and said that he could not come back..."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Kreacher betrayed Sirius. On Christmas Day, Kreacher grabbed Sirius and said, 'Get out' and went to another member of the Black family.

She is Malfoy's wife, Narcissa. He probably thinks that she is the most noble person in the Black family.

Then they discussed how to lure you to the Ministry of Magic and the Department of Mysteries.

"how do you know?"

Harry looked at Dumbledore.

"Kreacher told us, after you go to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

Professor Grubbly-Plank looked at your faces and knew that you had something important, so she quickly wrote a letter to inform Minerva.

Minerva contacted Severus and I, and we quickly asked Severus to find you.

He looked for you everywhere, and finally found Umbridge's office. Malfoy and the others told Severus that they were attacked by you.

Severus couldn't find you, but after hearing Malfoy and the others mentioning your use of the fireplace to contact people, he quickly contacted Lupin, and we reviewed Kreacher together.

Kreacher admitted everything in front of Sirius, and Sirius quickly led his people to rescue you.

Severus was a double agent and we couldn't let his identity be known to Voldemort, so he was ordered to stay at Hogwarts.

That night, after I brought him the news that Vesey and Sirius fell into the curtain, he was even more angry than you and almost blew up my office, but I deserved it々々

Dumbledore said bitterly.

Harry wanted to laugh at Snape, but he couldn't.

"Five years, Harry, it's really time for me to tell you everything."

Dumbledore's blue eyes studied Harry through the lenses.

"Five years ago, you came to Hogwarts. I can see that you have suffered a lot. Nine of the first ten years of your life were spent in pain.

At that time, many people advised me to give you to wizards for adoption, such as Mrs. Weasley, who was happy to adopt you.

But I refused, because I knew that the first thing I had to consider was that you could survive.

Although you have a very bad life staying at your aunt's place, the protection spell your mother gave you allows you to live well there.

As long as you consider that place your home and go back once a year, this bloodline spell will last until you reach adulthood.

Harry looked at Dumbledore.

"I don't understand. What does this have to do with Vesey and Sirius?"

"Listen, Harry, just over a month before you entered school, we received news from Vesey.

She was in an orphanage, and that orphanage was a very dark place. If we hadn't gone there in time, something might have happened to her.

Severus was very happy, he quickly accepted Vesey, sympathized with her experience, and wished he could hold her in his hands.

Unlike him, I am worried about the impact Vesey's appearance will have on you.

Harry looked at him in shock.

"Vesey is very good, she has always taken good care of me..."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Yes, that's the case, but I didn't think at the time that I had to think about your safety, so I always paid attention to her, and even used Legilimency and Veritaserum on her.

Harry glared at him.

Dumbledore covered his face in guilt.

"I'm sorry for her. I have to admit it. I even doubted her purpose and used the time turner to hide beside her and observe her every move.

At the chessboard, Vesey made a saint-like decision. She planned to sacrifice herself in exchange for your safety.

Then you continued to move forward, and she was left there. I thought about taking her away to prevent her from experiencing the impact of Voldemort's soul again, but I didn't do it.

I was still afraid that she was Voldemort's conspiracy, so I allowed Voldemort to attack her soul. I comforted myself that this would make her and Voldemort never able to cooperate.

Also comfort yourself, the time turner cannot change the future.

But I couldn't comfort my heart, and later I didn't even dare to look into her eyes again.

Dumbledore sighed.

"||Later, the vampire wizard attacked you, and Vesey filled himself in for everyone's sake.

I was completely conquered by her in my heart. I searched everywhere for her traces. Finally, we found her.

She was lying on the ground, her clothes were open, and her eyes were dull. I thought something had happened to her, and I could hardly stop shaking.

Fortunately, nothing happened to her, and she got through it strong. With you by her side, she gradually became mature.

I was wondering if I should tell you the whole story, but I shook my head no.

You are too young, even if Vesey has proven that he is strong and strong, even if you have shown your responsibility and your bravery this year.

When you were fighting with a student who laughed at Vesey, I finally shook my head. I wanted you to be able to relax. You went through so much that year.

In the second grade, Vesey almost killed the basilisk. You, (Wang Li's) she and her friends were clever and resourceful and found the clues to the secret room. You also killed the basilisk and that Tom Riddle.

I should tell you, but Vesey was unconscious in the school infirmary. At that time, you were worried. After telling you what happened, you wanted to see her. I asked myself, "Should I tell you?"

I shook my head and rejected the idea again. You should take good care of your injuries. You should live a normal life as a child. At least wait until you are better.

Then, in your third grade, Vesey blocked hundreds of dementors in front of the train before school, I should tell you all.

At that time Sirius ran out. I thought Sirius was a bad guy and I should tell you everything to make you more vigilant.

But I hesitated again. I think you have experienced too much and the truth is too cruel. Can you really accept this?

And then carry this life on your back?

Harry, your happiness and peace are what I have always wanted to give you, although I can't always stop too many things. "

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