Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 412 Are You Crazy?

Vesey and Harry have become the subject of discussion among the whole school these days, and students discuss their affairs back and forth.

Even the professors started discussing what happened that night at the end of fourth grade.

But they always discussed it in a low voice, and every time they discussed it in the corridor. When they saw students coming over, they quickly stopped talking.

"They obviously can't talk casually in the teachers' lounge."

Hermione said helplessly.

Because the day after the Death Eaters escaped from prison, Umbridge posted a new notice.

Teachers are prohibited from providing any information to students that is not relevant to the subject being taught.

This decree allowed Li Qiaodan and others to play tricks.

He deliberately played the thunderbolt card on Umbridge's class, and then when Umbridge came to find him, he pointed out very seriously that she had no authority to accuse them.

Because this is something that has nothing to do with the subject she teaches.

But Umbridge imprisoned him arbitrarily.

When I saw Li Qiaodan the next day, the back of his "747" hand was bloody.

Vesey got him some painkillers, and he relaxed comfortably.

"She's getting really crazy."

Hermione whispered.

After the collective escape from Azkaban, Umbridge not only failed to restrain her power, she even began to think of ways to enact various laws.

In an attempt to capture Hogwarts.

She has now begun to think about firing someone to ensure her authority.

And that lucky person is one of Hagrid and Trelawney.

Hagrid is very nervous in class now, fearing that she will get caught at some point.

I even only dare to get Florob caterpillars for everyone to feed.

And his state obviously pleased Umbridge.

She just likes Hagrid to play with animals that are harmless and will not make students feel like forming an army.

As for Trelawney, she cries all the time now, and then drinks, and is no longer the pretense she was before.

She didn't even give Harry a death prophecy anymore, which Harry and the others were still a little unaccustomed to.

Umbridge now stands next to Trelawney every divination class, staring at her, laughing, and taunting her.

Vesey couldn't stand listening anymore.

But Cassandra held her arm every time, making it impossible for her to step forward.

Harry was also very angry and worked twice as hard on DA.

He wasn't the only one doing this.

Students whose families had been tortured by Death Eaters all began to practice consciously. Their faces no longer looked like the playful smiles they used to have, practicing for exams.

Neville worked really hard. Harry and Ronald told Vesey that Neville had to practice Kai in the dormitory at night.

Bellatrix's escape made a fire burn in his heart.

He is no longer the student who could do nothing.

Harry was very envious of Neville's state.

He really wished he could progress as quickly as Neville in Occlumency.

But it's simply not possible.

The first practice was terrible, and subsequent Occlumency lessons were even worse.

He even felt that Snape was making him particularly vulnerable.

In the past, he could only feel Voldemort's emotions at night when he was sleeping, but now he felt Voldemort's emotions almost all the time.

His scar hurts every day.

And he now dreams about the corridor in the Department of Mysteries every day, which makes him more and more eager to go there.

He did not tell Vesey about this, fearing that she would have to go to Dumbledore.

Only told Hermione and Ronald once.

Hermione was very worried.

"Is it like an illness that gets worse first and then gets better gradually?"

Harry shook his head.

"I really hate this feeling..."

"But that's really good for you. You should clear your mind every day. Dumbledore and the others don't want you to see that again!"

Harry glared at Hermione angrily.

"I have worked very hard. You have no idea how uncomfortable I feel every time Snape enters my brain and sees my painful memories.

Going through those painful memories over and over again..."

Hermione looked at him pitifully.

"I know.....…"

"No, you don't know if you have ever been Legilimency!"

Ronald speaks to his good friend.

Hermione glared at them.

"I want to say, could it be that Harry's dislike of Snape caused him to have no choice..."

"I think it's possible that Snape did it on purpose. He opened Harry's head like Voldemort!"

Ronald said speculatively.

Hermione shook her head disapprovingly.

"No way, I believe Snape, he wouldn't do that!"

she said insistently.

She knew Snape's feelings for Vesey. In this life, Snape also got the diary. He would know that world where the mysterious man killed Vesey, so he would never cooperate with the mysterious man again.

In that world, he was even killed by a mysterious man for Vesey!

So she insisted:

"We all have to believe in Snape, and he is also someone Dumbledore believes in. If we don't even believe in him, then the Order of the Phoenix is ​​nothing!"

Harry and Ronald finally shut up...

Unconsciously, the slightly warmer February finally arrived.

The trip to Hogsmeade is about to begin.

Harry made an appointment with Qiu Zhang last time to go together this time. Since the last appointment, Harry has not been able to spend time with Qiu Zhang for a while.

He planned to take a walk around Hogsmeade with Qiu Zhang this time.

But Valentine's Day morning.

Hermione received a letter.

She opened it and looked at it for a while, showing an expression of surprise.

"Harry, could you come to the Three Broomsticks at noon?"

Hermione asked.

"whats the matter?"

Harry looked at her in shock.

Hermione handed over the letter as if she felt guilty.

to Hermione:

I agree to meet with you, talk to you about what happened that night in person, and write an article about it.

But you must also promise that after this meeting is over, you will not threaten me with that matter again!

Rita Skeeter

After Harry read the letter, he showed an expression of disbelief.

"You're meeting Rita Skeeter?"

"Don't be so loud. Listen to my plan. I want you and Vesey to tell you and Vesey what happened that night so that...

Hermione wasn't done yet.

Harry stood up abruptly.

He pointed at Hermione and said angrily: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I..."

Hermione covered his mouth and forced him to sit on the chair.

"I told you, stop barking, do you want Umri to send it over?"

Harry glanced at the teacher's seat above, where Umrich was looking at him with meaningful eyes.

He quickly lowered his voice, but he was still angry.

"You're crazy. You asked me to forget about what happened that night. You went to Vesey and asked her to recall the pain of that night?

You know it’s hard for her to sleep, but do you want her to die?”

Hermione let out a sullen breath.

"What do you think I want to do? This is necessary.

At a time like this, we need to tell the story of that night across the UK and let people know what happened that night.

The Ministry of Magic ordered everyone not to mention what happened that night, and only told outsiders a few words. He said that there were Death Eaters who disguised themselves as mysterious people and committed violence.

And now that Azkaban has collectively escaped from prison, if we tell all what happened that night and publish it in the newspapers, more people will believe that the mysterious man is back.

Then there won’t be so many people saying that you and Dumbledore are crazy, and that Vesey was tortured into a fool!"

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