Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 372 Half Man, Half Beast

Sirius sighed and said:

"Everyone knows that you have developed a werewolf transformation potion, but before they truly become normal wizards, everyone will be worried about being infected by them."

"No wonder Remus John looks so haggard. I thought he was too tired."

Vesey said angrily.

Sirius also yelled at Umbridge for being shameless.

"She hates half-human and half-animal creatures. I really hope she becomes like this. Remus John didn't become like this on purpose. He was already having a bad life, and he still has to be tortured like this by her."

"Yes, she is really annoying. She won't let us use magic."

Harry shouted angrily.

Sirius nodded.

"Yes, the Ministry of Magic doesn't want you to use magic, they are worried about you organizing an army.

Vesey and the others had expressions of disbelief.

"Is there something wrong with his mind?"

Vesey asked.

Sirius nodded "nine four seven" in agreement.

"We all think there is something wrong with his brain. They always think of things that normal people can't think of."

"Also, Percy just wrote to tell us that the Daily Prophet will have a big event tomorrow. Did you know?"

Sirius shook his head.

"No, I don't know. You all know that I am locked up here and I don't know anything... I want to go out and see when the next time you go to Hogsmeade is, we can. ....."

Harry refused outright.

"No, if you let them see it, they will definitely catch you!"

Sirius' face turned to disappointment.

"You are different from your father. If it were James..."

"I just don't want you to get caught!"

"Okay, Kreacher called me, goodbye!"

His head disappeared instantly, leaving only Harry and the others squatting on the ground looking at each other.

They originally thought that they would have to search everywhere in the newspapers the next day to find what Percy said.

Who knew that the first page of the Daily Prophet had a front-page headline clearly written on it.

The Ministry of Magic seeks education reform.

Umbridge was appointed senior investigating officer.

Below is the Ministry of Magic's approval of this move.

The above describes Dumbledore's inaction at length, and even Vesey feels it makes sense.

"They are so shameless!"

Vesey threw the newspaper away angrily.

"What's even more shameless is that she wants to inspect every professor's class."

Cassandra said coldly from the side.

"If you don't want to be caught by her, I advise you not to confront her recently.

Vesey stood up unhappily.

"I didn't do anything bad, how could I be afraid of her?"

Then she strode outside the auditorium, because Harry and the others were waiting for her outside!

Cassandra looked at her back and put down the cup in her hand without saying anything.

Their first lesson on Monday was A History of Magic by Cuthbert Binns.

Originally, Harry and the others thought that Umbridge would start checking from this lesson.

But no.

History of Magic has no one to check it out.

There was no one checking the Potions class down there either.

Snape sent Harry's homework to him with a proud look on his face.

"Potter, if you get another D on your next assignment, I may have to kick you out of school!"

He smiled gloatingly, and Harry stared at the comments on his parchment. He felt that telling Vesey that he would try to have a good relationship with Snape was bullshit.

There was no way he would have anything to do with Snape in this life.

"Actually, it's okay. At least he didn't target you specifically during this lesson, right?"

After the potions lesson was over, Vesey comforted him.

But Harry was still a little unhappy.

"I really hope Umbridge comes to find out about Snape. He will definitely not dare to be so arrogant by then!"

he said angrily.

Vesey sighed.

I really want to say that you are still young, my child!

But she didn't say anything, leaving Harry with a glimmer of hope.


They went to a divination class.

During the divination class, they saw Umbridge.

She walked in proudly and openly from outside the classroom.

Trelawney was a little scared when he saw her, but he still bravely asked everyone to take out their dream notes and exchange them with their classmates to judge what these dreams portended.

Vesey handed Kassandra his random dream notes.

She also opened Cassandra's dream notes.

The above is very concise.

Most of them are dreamless.

A few of them also use words like going down the stairs or casting spells.

This left her unable to explain.

"Well, I feel that your heart is calm, and there should be nothing wrong with you...

Vesey said with a smile.

But Cassandra interrupted.

"Don't you have a headache after this dream?"

she asked, pointing to one of Vesey's made-up dreams.

Vesey leaned over and took a look.

It reads:

I dreamed that Voldemort tortured his brother, and also tortured a young man whose face could not be seen clearly. I was screaming, but screaming was useless. I tried to stand up, but a green light hit me.


Isn't this to write a complete dream?

"No, it doesn't hurt..."

She said quickly.

But Cassandra looked at her complicatedly for a while, then lowered her head, even heavier than before.

Vesey knew that she must be thinking of some tragic things about her, but she was used to it, so she was going to continue to find some useful words to describe Cassandra's dream notes.

But while she was looking, she heard Umbridge standing not far from her and starting to question Trelawney.

"How long have you been in this business?"

she asked.

"Sixteen years."

"It's been a long time, so Dumbledore appointed you? You are the great-granddaughter of the prophet Cassandra Trelawney, right?"

Trelawney's chin almost lifted to the sky.

"Yes, if you worship..."

"No, I mean, you have to make a prophecy for me and let me see your ability!

Trelawney was stunned.

"The Third Eye cannot be defiled."

Umbridge showed a mocking expression.

"Very well, then I

"No, no, no, I'll show you!"

Trelawney quickly grabbed Umbridge.

She looked carefully and again, finally showing a shocked expression.

"You have something unknown... I am approaching you, very close..."

There was a burst of laughter from Harry and Ronald.

Apparently they heard it too, but didn't believe it at all.

"Vesey, do you hear me?"

Cassandra's voice suddenly reached Vesey's ears.

Vesey quickly looked up at her.

"Um, sorry, I was thinking about something just now and I didn't hear you.

"I mean, you have this much dream every 3.5 days?"

she asked.

Vesey couldn't help but said: "Actually, I make up most of them. As you know, I don't do much homework or sleep very much. I can't have so many dreams. Really, believe me!"

She really didn't want others to look at her with such pity.

Especially Cassandra.

Could she think carefully about how a person who said he couldn't sleep could be dreaming?

Cassandra looked at Vesey without saying a word, then lowered her head and said nothing.

Vesey doesn’t know if she believes it or not, but just assume she does, right?

She muttered, straining her ears to eavesdrop again on the conversation between Umbridge and Trelawney.

But now Umbridge has left.

She seemed to have obtained the result she was satisfied with. She gave Trelawney an amiable smile, then opened the door and left.

But Vesey knew very well that Umbridge would only think Trelawney was an old liar. .

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