"Then what should we do now? Will all our warrior points be invalidated?"

Karkaroff shouted angrily.

He originally wanted to glare at Vesey, but suddenly thought of what those mermaids said, he paused and turned his face to the side.

"I have an idea."

Vesey raised his hand.

Everyone looked at her.

She looked embarrassed.

"I really didn't mean it. I swear, I brought Qiu Zhang with me. There's no way I wouldn't want my brother to pass."

Madame Maxime and Karkaroff still believe this.

Vesey was indeed very kind to Harry.

She probably really didn't know.

"Now what?"

Karkaroff asked angrily.

"I think we can judge the score by who gets to the Mermaid Square first...

There is only one way now, otherwise if you put me in, whoever finds me first will be the next winner?"

Vesey looked embarrassed.

He looked at Dumbledore.

"No, who knows if you will give Harry Potter a reminder? And those cowardly mermaids down there must be helping Harry Potter for your sake!

Karkaroff said angrily.

Dumbledore also shook his head.

"Looks like we need to discuss this."

So Ludo Bagman gave the commentary task to Li Jordan, and they went to discuss it together.

After a while, Dumbledore told everyone their decision.

"The referee's score will be based on who reaches the Mermaid Square first and has a battle with the Mermaid.

He also informed the leader of the mermaid clan about this decision.

Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxim looked at the mermaid patriarch with disdain, feeling that it really had no professional ethics.

They will never cooperate with these guys again!

But all this has nothing to do with Vesey.

She was pulled into the tent next to her by Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey asked those who entered the water to drink a potion to prevent them from catching a cold.

When Vesey was finally able to move around freely, Harry and the others had already landed.

“Just in time, Vesey came and we were able to read out the scores all night long.

Dumbledore said with a smile.

However, none of the warriors below remained quiet.

Fleur hugged Vesey again.

"Oh, Vesey, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, Gabrielle would have stayed down there for how long!"

Vesey shook his head sheepishly.

"Sorry, I didn't know other warriors couldn't save them. I thought they would die. I'm sorry, you didn't find Gabrielle under the water. You must be very worried, right?"

Dumbledore and the others thought it would be interesting not to tell the other warriors about this. They thought that if the warriors knew that their hostages were okay, they might relax.

Fleur shook her head.

There were tears on her eyes.

Then she kissed Vesey on the side of his face.

"I didn't get there, I was trapped by a Grindylow, I'm a loser...I've been worried..."

She hugged Vesey again.

"Fortunately, lucky to have you!"

Harry and Krum were grateful too.

"I'm late, if I wait until an hour later

Harry shuddered.

Although he now knows it was false, the worries he had when he was in the water were all true.

He cares about Qiu Zhang very much.

Vesey sighed.

"Oh, brother, I messed up again. I should have asked you to save Qiu Zhang with your own hands. That would definitely increase your relationship, but..."

If she didn't save Cho Chang, Dumbledore and the others would definitely become suspicious.

Harry shook his head.

"Don't say that, you did a great job!"

He hugged Vesey.

He ruffled Vesey's hair again.


Next up is Krum.

He also wanted to hug Vesey, but Vesey avoided it.

He could only shake Vesey's hand regretfully.

"Thank you for saving him!"

He said seriously.

It's obvious that his brother is indeed a good brother.

"Okay, kids, we're going to read out the scores now!"

Ludo Bagman said with a smile on his face.

"Although Fleur Delacour showed proficiency in the use of the Bubble Charm, she was attacked by Green Shenluo when she received the target... We give her 29 points!"

Fleur shook her head.

She put her arm over Vesey's shoulders, half-hugging her.

"I deserved zero points, I didn't do anything and I should have given all my points to Vesey.

But no one listened to her.

"Victor Krum used the transformation spell. Although it was incomplete, it was very reliable. He was the third person to reach Mermaid Square. We gave him 41 points.

Karkaroff clapped his hands, beaming.

"Harry Potter used Gillweed and he was the second person to reach Mermaid Square...so, we give him 45 points!"

Vesey saw Qiu Zhang glance at Harry with burning eyes, and Harry looked over at the same time, both of them blushing at the same time.

"Next was Miss Vesey Potter, who used her own spell, which achieved amazing results.

And she was the first to arrive at the Mermaid Square and rescued all the hostages, although it may have been the result of the mermaid clan's release.

But her strength is obvious to all. I think even I would hide subconsciously when facing her.

After all, I don’t want to be smashed to the ground like that Hungarian tree peak..."

Ludo Bagman's voice elicited a burst of laughter.

Finally he said loudly:

#||We give Miss Potter 49 points. Her only flaw is that she brought back all the warrior hostages, but we know she means well and she deserves to get such a thing!"

Everyone applauded vigorously.

Fleur kissed Vesey's cheek again, which made Hermione look murderous.

Krum also wanted to talk to Vesey, but Harry blocked his body this time to prevent him from disturbing Vesey.

"The third and final event will be held on the evening of June 24th. The warriors will know the competition events one month in advance. That's all I have to say. Okay, everyone can leave."

Hermione and the others rushed up.

Before Vesey could hug her, she kissed the spot where Fleur had kissed her.

"She's quite a mess, isn't she?"

Hermione gave Fleur an unhappy look.

Vesey touched her nose in embarrassment, and then said tangledly: "It's not messy, is it? She does this to me..."


Hermione bit her in the face.

Vesey covered her face. (Zhao Wang Zhao)

"Ouch, what's wrong?"

Ginny giggled beside her.

Then she came up and hugged Vesey too.

Finally Vesey saw Cassandra looking from a distance.

She stood proudly with a cold expression, but she walked here in small steps.

Neither Hermione nor Ginny stopped her, and she finally gave Vesey a gentle hug.

He whispered: "Don't force me, sometimes I'm not so moral, just close the door!"

She said coldly.

Vesey's eyes lit up.

How to say?

Is Cassandra planning a night attack?

Is there a specific time?

Vesey was looking forward to it, but before she could ask any questions, Cassandra walked away in a daze, leaving only Miss Vesey Potter with a useless mind.

Qiu Zhang also came.

She was still a little shy, standing next to Vesey and looking at Harry.

Harry looked at her too, and then under Vesey's gaze, he hugged them both.

"very nice!"

He shouted softly and earnestly. .

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