Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 274: Complete Collection of Items

In fact, Ted has made a lot of alchemy items before, especially a lot of magic props for his friends.

After going through a battle test, the friends generally reported that the effect is good, except for a few things that are a little weak in actual combat, most of the things are very useful.

For example, bamboo dragonfly!

That's right, the one that flies on Doraemon's plug.

Ted has always disliked flying broomsticks, but being able to fly is definitely a great advantage for wizards.

It's just that it's too difficult to sit on a broom and fight. Successfully casting a spell on a broom and hitting the target is more difficult than riding a bow and arrow on a bumpy horse to shoot at a moving target.

Even Ted felt that it would be better to fight in a speeding car!

After all, during the holidays, I also secretly helped Mr. Weasley improve the speeding car, and I have mastered the manufacturing principles and techniques.

If you modify one yourself, it must be a military Hummer. The old Ford that is falling apart is really not good.

Of course, considering the special nature of magic, you need to find an old Hummer that has entered and exited the battlefield several times and has been honorably retired.

Maybe magic can also be used to make the speeding car have a self-awareness similar to that of a weapon spirit!

However, the dream of flying a car is still a bit far away.

Unless one day Ted is so powerful that he ignores the legal provisions of the Ministry of Magic, or becomes a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Magic and directly changes the laws.

Therefore, the alternative solution for the current student stage is bamboo dragonfly.

It is said that it is a bamboo dragonfly, but of course it cannot really be made of bamboo.

The rod is made of balsa wood and weighs only 5 grams after treatment.

The two "propellers" are snake dragonfly wings inscribed with magic words in magic silver.

This thing is very convenient, it can fly by inserting it on the head, and consumes very little mana.

After the health school battle, several students asked Ted to buy one.

But the disadvantage of this thing is that it is slow, not much faster than ordinary people running fast, maybe not as fast as Ted and Neville running around the Black Lake during their morning exercises.

And the load is average, the maximum load is only 250 catties.

It's just a rush tool, and it's a live target in the sky when fighting.

If you want to improve in the future, adding propellers may not make much sense. It's better to change to jet type.

The four wings and 16 nozzles on the back of the first magic mecha can spray magic power in an instant, and the speed can reach 60 meters per second!

When Ron first tried it, the 7-meter-high No. 1 machine pulled out a long series of afterimages in an instant.

But it lasted only 3 seconds, and Unit 1 plunged into the mud beside the Black Lake—Ron passed out because of exhaustion of mana, and it took several minutes to wake up!

In addition to bamboo dragonflies, there are also gliding cloaks.

This thing is a magical cloak formed from a kind of leather that is magically tanned and engraved with several associated runes.

Infused with mana, it is possible to glide briefly in mid-air for a maximum of 8 seconds.

Simple to make but fashionable and handsome~

Neville and Harley used it a few times in battle and gave great feedback.

Especially with rocket shoes!

These shoes can consume magic power to accelerate instantly, and even step on the air to perform a double jump in the air.

The gliding cloak and rocket shoes are super easy to use for melee wizards like Neville and Harley.

Put on your cloak and shoes and shout: Hogwarts needs heroes!

There is also a magic surfboard, which can move quickly on flat and smooth places such as water and grass.

But when Jerry was rushing to the second battlefield of the poachers' undead, he was accidentally bounced by a stone and shot into the black lake.

He swore he would never use this crap again.

However, he used the spider silk wristband very well. Not only could it use the spider silk to quickly lift and move silently, but it could also bind people.

And the flashing magic tooth dagger that shined during the battle against the young Voldemort last year was also quite brilliant in Jerry's hands.

Hermione used magic more to deal with enemies in battle.

She invented two spells by herself: the curse, the magic circle, and the attack of the fire crow.

When the former hits the target, it will directly cause the target to spin twenty or thirty times in the air. The brains are about to be shaken!

The latter can directly transform into a flame crow, which can last for a long time and keep attacking the enemy. And there is potential to develop more powerful and more powerful spells in the future.

She even learned gravity magic from Ted, but instead of a gravity ball, it was a weightless spell. Let a certain range of momentary weightlessness.

In the battle with the undead goblin, she used magic to launch a shrunken stone, and then released the expansion spell in the air, using the acceleration of gravity to smash the enemy to death~

In this battle, the growth of the friends can be clearly seen.

Even Peggy and the senior students who are about to graduate are quite shocked and feel inferior.

Not to mention the other little wizards, all of them looked at Ted with bright eyes, just like chasing stars.


On this day, Ted was studying the Patronus Charm he had just learned from Lupine.

Although the system panel displayed Level 1 of the Patronus Charm, Ted could only summon a silver-white light, which could not be manifested at all.

A Patronus Charm of this level is useless.

Ted tried many times, with no success.

Lupine says Ted lacks genuine joy.

Ted was a little puzzled: am I not happy? I am very happy!

okay. I really can't be as happy from the bottom of my heart as Ron faced the mecha, Jerry sneaked into the night, Harry boxed, and Neville planted plants.

My mental age is almost forty after all, how could there be any pure happiness?

This is a real problem.

Do you want to use experience to improve?

But without real psychological support, how effective is this kind of magic that relies on experience to push levels?

Or, is it really suitable?

Forget it, let's go up to level 1 first.

The result was no good, the white light became stronger, but it was still just white light, without the intention of turning into any animal.

Ted was a psion after all, so he decided to figure it out on his own.

It just so happens that Professor Flitwick teaches the Happiness Curse, so you can study it carefully...

But the happiness mantra is to mobilize the emotions on the surface, and that kind of happiness will not work.

As if Ted hypnotized himself, this shallow positive emotion does not produce a true Patronus.

He began to immerse himself in the memory, tracing the emotions deep in his heart, when was the time when he was really happy... Yes, when he received the admission letter from Hogwarts in the orphanage!

Ted looked back for three years and finally found his true heart, pure happiness.

He carefully felt this pure and beautiful emotion in his heart.


The Quidditch competition is about to start, and this year is a bit worth watching.

Because Ron is Gryffindor's keeper. Malfoy is Slytherin's Chaser.

The first match, the fateful battle between Gryffindor and Slytherin, was the debut of Ron and Malfoy.

Ron was still a little confident at first, but in the past two months, because of the magic mecha, he has been able to push back and push the training, and he suddenly panicked when he was about to play!

Especially in the first show to be compared with Malfoy, and the referee is Snape.

It is said that Snape has been busy recently, so he has already let the Slytherin team kill Gryffindor in a short time, so don't waste his time.

What he was up to, Ted knew something.

It seems that in the Forbidden Forest War, he gained something.

Ted found a chance to go to his office to take a few glances. Good guy, there is a giant monster with two heads and four arms in a glass jar more than three meters high!

My Cao, spectacular!

Wait, Sijia, what are you doing? You won't follow the old path of Professor Quirrell, will you?

In fact, apart from this two-headed monster, Snape also had a specimen of a three-headed runic snake king!

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