Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 251 Breathing Technique: The Joy of Fire

Chapter 251 Breathing method: the joy of fire~

"Remus, why did you come to be a professor?"

"Dumbledore really couldn't find anyone. You should know that Mr. Quentin Trimble was hospitalized in St. Mungo's, and he would not be released from the hospital for at least two or three months. If you are lucky...so you found me."

"Do you know the legend of this position?"

"Did you mean the curse? Of course I've heard of it. After all, this position has been changed every year since we were in school."

"Then why do you still come to this muddy water?"

"It's not just to help Dumbledore. Besides, I have long wanted to come back and have a look. The seven years here have been the best time of my life. Of course, I will get better and better in the future."

Lupine laughed very happily. The wolfsbane potion that Ted brought him almost gave him a second life.

Although it was funded by Sirius before, it was not bad to get in the Muggle society. But the uncontrollability of every full moon night is like a knife, stabbing his heart repeatedly.

it's good now! He finally didn't have to worry about losing control. Even people are more confident, and their lives are more active.

Otherwise, with his previous personality, Tonks would not be allowed to "intern" with him.

Seeing that Ted frowned, he said again: "Don't worry, not every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will be so unlucky that he will either die or be injured. We discovered a secret at the beginning, many professors will leave directly after teaching for almost a year, so that the curse will not be triggered. Only those who do not believe in evil will be unlucky~"

"All right……"

It's hard for Ted to say anything, saying that the curse will become stronger after Voldemort's resurrection? Even if it is just a job, it is possible to die?

The future is not immutable, neither is the curse. It's man-made!


Soon, Ted's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class began.

Because it has been delayed for more than a week, the four colleges have classes together to catch up with the progress.

Lu Ping looked at the somewhat excited students who seemed eager to try, and showed a gentle smile: "Students, I have read the lesson plans of the previous two years... It's a pity, I'm afraid we have to start from scratch."

"For some reason, your teaching progress in the first two years was very limited, and the teaching content was scattered. We have to redouble our efforts to catch up."

"Well, don't rush to open the textbooks. Although I don't really want to say this, the textbooks you read are somewhat outdated."

Lupine said in a confident but gentle manner: "Did you know that in the past ten years, the number of new magical creatures and magical existences discovered in the magic world has reached a quarter of that in the past five hundred years!"

"And most of your textbooks have been published for ten years."

"A bad news. Before I came to the class, I inquired about the policies of the Wizarding Examination Bureau of the Ministry of Magic through my friends. It is said that they have planned to reform the O.W.Ls exam in two years, saying that they will change the scope and content of the questions on a large scale..."

He stretched out his finger, then circled around, "Exactly, you are the first batch."

The little wizards in the seats suddenly let out a burst of lamentation, feeling that all their strength was about to be drained.

In the first two years of Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I was muddleheaded and half-baked, but after two years, the unified examination will be reformed, and I want to be the first batch of experimental guinea pigs, how can I be so unlucky!

When Neville thought that he was going to get a "T (very poor/troll)" in Defense Against the Dark Arts in his O.W.Ls exam, his whole body began to waver.

Ron was also nervous for a moment, but it was fine in the next second.

Destroy it, tired.

Anyway, it doesn't affect me to eat chicken legs, whatever!

Look, Ron cured his internal friction in three seconds~

Seeing that the morale of the little wizards was low, Lupine hurriedly made amends: "Of course, don't be too nervous. Although the first batch is a bit sudden, the people from the examination bureau will not be so heartless, and they will definitely reduce the difficulty appropriately. In short, it is not too late to start working hard now."

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's start the class! The content of our first lesson is: how to distinguish what is a human and what is a magical creature..."

What is a "person" and what is a "magic creature"?

A previous generation of Minister of Magic once defined: Anyone who walks on two legs is a human being.

As a result, the goblins were looking for trouble, and a group of chickens, ducks and geese rushed over the next day.

And centaurs have four legs, mermaids have no legs! How to calculate this?

Later, another minister of magic redefined: a person who can speak human language is a person.

The next day the goblins came to the scene again, bringing a group of trolls.

Although the troll has low intelligence, it does have some simple words.

Grogan Stamp was appointed Minister for Magic until 1811. Grogan Stamp especially redefines man and beast.

In his view, a man is "any creature intelligent enough to understand the laws of a magical society, and to take part in the making of those laws".

At this point, the debate in the wizarding world from the 14th century is settled.

Grogan Stamp established three departments within the Department of Regulatory and Control of Magical Creatures: the Office of Strange, Beasts and later Ghosts.

It is worth mentioning that many humanoids and humans are not reproductively isolated.

Like veela, giants (on the importance of the Bloat spell), goblins, house-elves (Fantastic Beasts 2) and whatnot. However, the Ministry of Magic strictly forbids non-humans from using wands.

Don't think that the Ministry of Magic seems to be like a wine bag and rice bag in many cases, but in this matter, the Ministry of Magic's prohibition is comparable to the ban on guns in China!

This also shows from the side how dangerous the goblins with sticks in the goblin rebels are.

They are the ones who put their heads on the waistbands of their trousers, and they are licking blood with knives. So when it's time to make a move, it's really a deadly move!

The types of magical creatures were finalized five years ago, and it is still a temporary measure. They can be roughly divided into: animals, plants, insects, magical beasts, humanoid monsters, spirit monsters, undead monsters, constructs, elemental creatures, strange monsters, monsters, dragons...

There are many types, because the more subdivided, the more complex the types are, which is a bit like the number of genders in the West.

It is obvious that Lu Ping attaches great importance to being a teacher. Compared with the previous two professors, he is much more serious—the preparation of lessons is very detailed, the content is super realistic, and there is a lot of work.

Let's put it this way, in this class alone, Ted has never heard of five or six typical monsters he exemplified.

It seems that he has been doing well in recent years.

Although he works as a detective in the Muggle society, he is familiar with the changes in the wizarding world.

That's right, since Sirius didn't have an accident, he must take care of his only remaining good friend.

After one class, the little wizards' evaluation of Lupin skyrocketed.

After being poor professors for two consecutive years, they couldn't even believe that there was such a good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

This is simply the perfect professor!

In the following week, the little wizards immersed themselves in hard study.

Hermione was also very unexpectedly appreciated by Bathsheda Babbling, the magic text professor.

As I said before, this professor is a bit of a part-time hirer, and doesn't like to be in charge, so he promoted Hermione to be the "Representative of the Magic Text Class", responsible for sending and receiving homework corrections and other things.

Now she can say that she has entered the selection sequence for the prefect of the student union ahead of schedule!

Soon it will be September 19th, Hermione's birthday.

Ted gave her a comb that can automatically groom the cat. Because it is inlaid with a piece of malachite, it is very beautiful, so Meow likes it so much that she has to hold it when she sleeps.

During this period of time, Ted also taught the otherworldly knowledge "Breath of Fire" in his mind to his friends, but everyone's progress was very limited.

Other than Ted, only Neville felt something. , Following the breathing rhythm can strengthen the body, other friends are still in the groping stage.

After all, this thing is outside the magic system, and the way of thinking is different.

The reason why Neville was able to make some famous things is because he is relatively "simple".

Smart people like Harley and Hermione think a lot, want to explain, want to pursue. And Ron and Jerry didn't try hard enough.

Only Neville, he will not have any distracting thoughts, and he doesn't care what the principle of this thing is, whether it is reasonable or not, it is just simple breathing, and he can persist, but it has an effect.

The most obvious thing is the morning exercise. Now Ted and Neville have started to run around the Black Lake, and they can complete it in 30 minutes, which is more than the average professional long-distance runner's performance!

Now Ted's physique has long surpassed the average adult. And Neville is really not a cover, he is only 13 years old and already 176 cm tall, and he looks like a young man in a suit!

Neville felt that by maintaining this breathing method, his heart and lungs were strong, and he ran for more than ten kilometers without panting at all!

On the contrary, the whole body is warm and very comfortable!

The more you run, the happier you are, the more you breathe, the happier you are!

After all, this is an idealistic magical world. With this mentality, Breath of Fire has gradually undergone special changes...

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