Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 249 Gryffindor's

"Merlin's bitter tea seeds!"

Ron looked at the wyvern in front of him shaking his head and moving his muscles and bones, and immediately let out a miserable howl.

Jerry quickly pulled him aside to hide, and the other friends had already run away, only Ted stood in place and cut off the back of the friends.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, but there was no time to think about it now, the most important thing was to buy some time for his friends.

Ted didn't imagine that this thing would have a relationship with him and talk about family affairs. The so-called first attack is the best, and the second attack will suffer.

"Gravity Ball! Frozen Ball!"

Frozen Orb is a frost-type magic that he has only successfully developed in the last month.

At first glance, it looks like a hockey puck the size of a human head is launched, the speed is not very fast, and the power does not seem to be strong, but it is not the case.

This thing will explode after hitting the target. Although the explosion is not powerful, it will release a huge ice magic power, freezing all nearby objects.

And because it has not been fully optimized yet, the speed of freezing objects is not very fast.

That's why Ted used the card [Gravity Ball (Blue)] first to try to control the wyvern, otherwise it would flap its wings and fly, and it would definitely be out of the range of the spell.

"啪~" There was a crisp cracking sound, the frozen ball exploded, and the icy white air filled the air instantly, and began to turn into thick ice crystals.

And a black gravity ball sucked the wyvern, preventing it from flying up immediately after waking up, so the ice quickly climbed up its feet, legs, and even one wing was covered with frost!

very good! First-hand success!

At this time, Hermione and Harry's spells were also fired from behind the distant colonnade.

On the other hand, Ron and Jerry yelled helplessly and fired red fireworks into the air, hoping to attract the attention of the professors.

However, nothing happened.

At this time, Ted's sense of disobedience became stronger, and he always felt that the current situation was very wrong.

But don't let him think too much, the wyvern opened its mouth and sprayed out a tongue of fire more than three meters long. It was still swinging its long neck, baking its frozen legs!

Made, is there such an operation? !

How about you grill yourself over that charcoal?

"Back the enemy three feet!"

With a wave of his wand, Ted cast a spell on the dragon's head, causing it to raise its neck, not only interrupting the intention to melt the ice, but also interrupting the fire-breathing action.

At this time, Hermione and Harry released obstacles one after another, reducing the movement of the huge flying dragon.

Hermione used the Eye Sickness Curse just now, but the flying dragon didn't seem to respond at all, and Harry's forceful release was useless. So they immediately changed their minds.

And Ted went up with two sharp fronts without shadows, and directly scratched its two fleshy wings.

Now it can't fly.

As long as there is no air supremacy, even if it grows big and can breathe fire, it is not a threat...

Soon, Ted used the huge mage's hand made of magic power with a diameter of three meters to firmly hold the long neck of the wyvern, and now it can't even breathe fire!

At this time, Ted finally discovered the abnormality. This biped wyvern had no mental activity.

It is not a thinking creature!

As the little friends hit the dragon's head with several spells, the wyvern suddenly became stiff, and the color of its body began to turn gray, turning into a statue, and then shattered to the ground.

Hermione and the others looked at it twice, and then carefully walked out from behind the pillar.

"What's the situation?" Neville asked, he didn't react much just now, why did he suddenly fight with the flying dragon.

At this time, the surrounding "space" began to shake!

In the blink of an eye, the friends felt a trance, the whole world began to spin, and then stood still again. Everyone had returned to the courtyard just now, and the surrounding bricks, stones, vegetation, and trees showed no traces of fighting.

On the side of Sir Cadogan's picture frame, a piece of parchment emerged.

A line of magical letters appeared: "Good job, you have my approval. Go find the treasure I left behind! It is my most precious treasure, and it will definitely help you! ——Love you, Gryffindor~"

"Just now, we were..." Hermione was a little uncertain.

Ted nodded, "Just now we entered this painting unknowingly. The battle with the wyvern was also carried out in the painting. This is why no one responded to the call for help. The magic of Gryffindor is really an eye-opener."

As for the parchment...

Ted picked up the parchment, this time there was no riddle or anything on it, just a picture and a spell.

It was a Gothic cathedral-style rose window inlaid with beautiful stained glass, and above it was a lion made of mosaic stained glass.

"I seem to have heard someone say this?" Ron said suddenly.

Everyone stared at him, "Ah! Don't, don't look at me! I don't know, I can't remember, ok ok! I'll think, I'll think, ah! Got it! George, George told me in first grade that they saw a stained glass lion!"


George and Fred took their friends to find the rose window painted lion hidden at the top of the tower and at the corner of the corridor.

"Okay, this is it. It's the same as the picture!"

Comparing everyone, it is really the same.

"Quick, let's see what Gryffindor left behind? Slytherin left a basilisk, and Gryffindor can't be worse than him, right?!" George said.

Fred: "Yes! There should be a dragon!"

Everyone: There is a Wyvern left, but it is only in the painting.

Holding the parchment in his hand, Ted stepped forward and said a spell to the painted lion: "Speak to me, the funniest of the Big Four!"

As expected of Gryffindor~

I saw faint blue magic power symbols appearing on the stained glass, and then connected with each other to form a magic circle, and the painted lion also opened its mouth and let out a roar: "Oh~"

The core of the magic circle in the lion's mouth is empty.

Ted looked at the parchment in his hand, and a rune appeared on it, Dol Dole, representing courage and force.

Thad lifted the parchment and brought it to the lion's mouth.

The magic circle took shape, the magic power gathered into a ball, and a huge book bounded by brass appeared.

Ted took the big book, the magic circle dissipated, and the stained glass returned to its original state.

This big book is heavy to hold in the hand, and there must be a heavy weight.

The hard cover is made of the skin of an unknown creature, and there are very tiny scales on it.

The octagon is covered with copper, and the spine of the book turned out to be an unknown spine.

There are several gold letters on this book - "Book of Adventure".

Turning to the first page, the preface reads: "My dear students, I don't know when you will be able to find the adventure book I left behind. It will take three to five hundred years, right?"

"Here are my decades of adventure experience. I leave them in the book so that you can try them too. This is my personal experience, my most precious treasure!"

Then on the second page, the method of use and the effect are written...

After Ted and the others carefully read the "Instruction Manual", no one spoke for a long time.

It's a bit unbelievable!

This book can actually allow users to enter the adventures and battles that Gryffindor experienced back then.

Not only can you see the majestic demeanor of Gryffindor fighting against the enemies, but you can also replace Gryffindor with yourself and experience this adventure in person!

And the adventures in the book will not be injured, if you die, you will leave the book, and you will not be able to enter for a period of time.

This is a bit unimaginable.

However, after thinking about it, they had already fought a wyvern in the painting.

If the magic that can bring people into the painting without knowing it is deepened, the ability of "Book of Adventure" seems to be unacceptable.

"Wait!" Neville suddenly shouted, "Back then! Back then, Senior Tom, I mean, that fellow Tom..."

Back then, Tom used unknown magic to allow Neville to enter his diary, "with his own eyes" saw Myrtle's body being carried away, and saw how Tom caught, oh no, planted Hagrid.

This magic feels similar in purpose!

Maybe it's the magic he got from the Slytherin legacy!

Ted thought more, and felt that this was a bit similar to the principle of the Pensieve, at least the core starting point was memory.


They are all young wizards, and they are very restless.

Especially now that Gryffindor is in the majority, so Ted and Hermione's suggestion from Ravenclaw - to be steady first, to figure it out before trying, was ruthlessly rejected.

The six Gryffindors at the scene unanimously decided: I will go ahead to explore the road~

Gryffindor: Even if Dumbledore and Voldemort teamed up today, I can't stop me from using the "Book of Adventure"!

In the end, everyone unanimously decided to go together.

Although they were together, I decided to see how Gryffindor did it first, and then choose a "protagonist" to try, and let others experience it one by one if there is no danger.

The first chapter of "Book of Adventure" is "The Beginning of Magic—Two Red Hats".

The six discussed and decided to share the right to use the secret base with the twins.

Everyone came to the secret base, gathered around the table, each stretched out a hand to press on the adventure book, and injected magic power.

The gold on the cover of the adventure book shone, everyone was in a trance, they were already in a strange forest...

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