Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 245 Banban is a Stupid Mouse

Room of Requirement.

Now this is the new secret base of the six-person group.

Since the professors almost swept up the entire school last year because of the Chamber of Secrets incident, Ted moved the secret base here.

Here, because he took advantage of a little loophole and obtained a little authority, only six people can open the door of the secret base.

This is a super password door that requires them to use their own magic power to construct their own secret magic emblem to open.

No one else can come.

Of course, that doesn't mean the Room of Requirement is theirs anymore.

Instead, go through the entrance of the Room of Requirement into the door of the secret base that only they can open.

Other little wizards who knew the secret too, or stumbled upon the Room of Requirement, could gain access to the warehouses where the groceries were kept, or the lavatories with rows of golden toilets.

It's like a "copy door", only the six of them can open their exclusive copy.

At this time, Ted is conducting experiments in a secret base.

The huge curved experimental table is directly deformed from a large tree trunk embraced by two people, which is super stylish.

On the opposite side of the experimental table, there is a clay head, a one-armed stone figure, and a jade figurine figure.

The experiment that Ted is doing now is an experiment related to golem puppets.

There are twenty or thirty kinds of magic wood, metal, stone, and jade on the experimental table. This is the more suitable material left after he has already eliminated two batches.

Pressing the hand on the alchemy circle, the center of the blue light is the experimental material.

"No! The magic power of Sorbus wood is quite adaptable, but its attributes are very biased, and its strength and secondary transformation are very poor. Eliminate it!"

Ted stared at the materials in front of him, while dictating the experiment process and results, and letting the automatic pen record the experiment notes, while thinking.

He felt that he was a little too simple.

The puppet or mechanism puppet business is a bit esoteric.

Think about it too, maybe this thing is the mercenary buried with the first emperor, can it be ordinary goods?

Ted has been researching for several days now, but in the first step of material selection, he has encountered more than a dozen problems.

Just like the automobile manufacturing industry measures the comprehensive level of a country's industrial categories.

This puppetology is also a comprehensive subject, involving too many knowledge points and magic categories.

At first, Ted thought that he could draw a ladle like a gourd, get some materials to transform it, and then carve the rune circuit, add some magic technology at most to meet the mechanical dynamics, and then plug in a magic power core to make a basic golem.

The results of it? He found that he seemed to have to light up the entire magic technology tree!

"Oh, it's difficult!" Ted sighed, and the door behind him opened.

"What are you doing? I won't see you for a few days."

Harry walked in with a sharp sword, threw Crookshanks in his arms on the sofa, and then threw himself on the sofa.

Then with a wave of his hand, a bottle of Coke flew into his hand, with a touch of his finger, frost appeared on the glass bottle, turning into a bottle of ice.

Now the friends are also starting to learn some "exclusive magic" taught by Ted.

At least this elementary ice-type magic, Harry and Hermione learned it very smoothly.

Let's not mention the other three.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong! Hiccup~~~" With a loud hiccup, Harley expressed that she was very happy.

Ron also drank a glass: "Ha~ Muggle drinks must be delicious, I can't drink pumpkin juice now."

The little friends simply regard this place as a paradise. They eat, drink and play. I don’t know how comfortable it is.

Only Hermione still remembered to care about Ted: "What were you doing just now? Sighing."

She also put Meow Meow on the ground, and then Meow Meow jumped onto the experiment table, hugging a shiny brass casting, rubbing and rubbing.

And Wind Speed ​​Dog Didi was very well-behaved, squatting at Neville's feet, looking at everything around him.

"I'm experimenting with materials, there are too many possibilities. The biochemical ring material is indeed a tiankeng...Forget it, let's not talk about it!" Ted interrupted.

He couldn't say that he went to rob in the middle of the night and snatched back the jade warrior centurion of the first emperor, could he?

"By the way, did Scabbers bring it?" Ted asked Ron.

Hearing this, something in Ron's coat pocket trembled.

Ron: "Bring..."

He took Banban out of his pocket, and Banban was struggling endlessly in his hand, and then he attracted the attention of most of the pets in the secret base.

Ansu looked down on the shelf on the roof, Meow on the table took a look and continued to rub the shiny brass, Didi tilted his head and looked at this stupid mouse...

Crookshanks on the sofa was more excited, and jumped directly onto Ron's lap, staring at Scabbers with dripping eyes and wriggling his nose, showing great interest.

At this moment, Crookshanks' flat face, which looked as if it had been in a car accident, also looked serious.

Ron quickly raised Banban over his head, and then drove Crookshanks away: "Go! Banban can't eat!"

Halle on the side rolled her eyes, and continued to spread out on the sofa in a "big" posture, occupying a huge area, "Don't worry, I told it a long time ago that it can't eat dirty things."

Ron: ...

Spotted: ...

Ron looked at Ted: "You want me to bring Scabbers, I don't think it likes this scene very much."

Ted came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Didn't I tell you? This is to promote the friendship between pets. You don't want Banban to get away from the crowd, do you?"

"Don't worry, our pets have very high IQs, how could they hurt Banban? I'm right!"

Ansu on the roof withdrew his head: Eating a mouse is enough to get stuffed between the teeth, why don't I eat two catties of beef?

Meow Meow was still scratching the shiny brass piece, without even looking at the stupid mouse.

Didi nodded very steadily, saying that he would not meddle in his own business.

Even Xiaorou, who was on the edge of the table, digesting the waste materials that were not needed, trembled twice (nodding).

It belongs to the inability to recognize oneself, it can only be hurt.

The Pet Club was quite successful.

After observing and testing, Ted was satisfied with the results of his experiment—the Pokémon creation project was very successful.

Although it is not known how much of the original set of abilities Didi and Meow can inherit, at least the magic power is developing very fast.

Just the level of magic power, this will have to be a 4X level magical animal in the future.

And both of them are very smart, Didi will not talk about it. If he could talk, Ted would recommend him to attend Hogwarts.

Take Ron's words: Didi is so smart, I feel that if he can hold a wand, he can learn spells faster than me.

If Dee Dee's paws weren't as flexible as Meow Meow's and couldn't hold the quill, Ron would have wanted it to do his homework for him!

And Miaomiao has learned how to look up numbers now, even learning addition, subtraction and multiplication.

And it is really deceiving!

The golden Galleon pattern on its forehead indicates its greedy nature, and it likes shiny things very much.

The person in Hermione's bedroom gave it a silver Sickle, and Meow Meow would act like a baby to her for ten minutes.

And it now also helps with housework, often cleaning the dormitory, taking all the work of the house elves.

Apart from not being able to become a cat girl, there are almost no disadvantages!

Ever since Hermione had a cat at school, there had been a lot of meowing in the dorm room. The problem is not that the cat is meowing~

A group of little girls are surrounded by meow, scratching and licking cats, meow meow~

Meow: I am the most amazing cat! That's it, meow~

Finally, Ron looked left and right, and began to feel inferior again: Why does it seem that only my Banban is a fool!

"Stop struggling, Banban, they won't hurt you."

Banban: Don't listen to bastards chanting scriptures! Let me go, let me go! I don't want to stay here for a second~~~

It seemed very incomprehensible.

This behavior made Ron even more frustrated: People's pets are smart enough to go out to work to earn money, and you can't even understand a word of human language! Why did I raise you, a useless rat!

Ted took Banban from Ron: "Don't worry, he's just a little stressed. I'll cast a spell on him to calm him down."

Ted's eyes suddenly lit up, and the psionic energy began to work.

Banban paused for a while, and then gradually settled down.

And a secret, five-millimeter arcane imprint also appeared on the mouse's back skin without anyone noticing it.

It's almost time to solve the problem of pettigrew.


Divination lessons are held on Friday nights in the North Tower, not far from Ravenclaw Tower.

But because the elves served a new dish for dinner - Hogwarts Chicken Pot!

Ron was happy to eat, which also stimulated the appetite of others.

As a result, the three guys went back to the dormitory after dinner and fell asleep. When they woke up, it was only twenty minutes before the divination class.

In the address book and the double-sided mirror, there are already a dozen messages from Ted and the others, and several paper cranes have also landed by the pillow.

In the end, he didn't wake up the three of them!

Twenty minutes is usually enough.

But this is Hogwarts!

Here, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to reach the classroom for an hour!

And the three of them don't even know the way!

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