Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 211 Uncle Hogg wants to fight you!

The leader of the wolf man was just a low-level man in the Enlos continent before, just like the dozens of wolf men under him, he was just the cannon fodder of the heroes.

But some time ago, don't ask when, it can't remember because it can't read numbers.

In short, the night battle was in full swing, and the ground suddenly shook. What kind of barbaric dragon and dragon fly, even the powerful dragon and archangel of the opponent, panicked during the earth-shattering that day.

Then after dawn they found themselves in a strange place.

The good news is that the sun is shining, the prey is plentiful, and the wild animals are so weak that they can be caught casually and eat to their heart's content.

The bad news is that my group of jackals bumped into an old jackal for no reason.

Generally, in places where wolf people gather, such old wolf people will leave the group to fend for themselves when food is abundant.

And when food is scarce... It's not a problem to eat meat, so let's just stuff your teeth! Just be full!

Jackals don't have the concept of family and kinship, and there will be no mercy, kindness, barbarism and cruelty flowing in their veins.

Their characters are like their looks, more like beasts than people.

However, this old gnoll is unusual, it knows magic!

Beating the leader of the gnolls violently, directly subdued the entire team.

Gnoll leader: Is this old thing a wizard? Then I am not ashamed to lose, it is an honor to follow the strong!

However, the old Gnoll was not a wizard, he said his name was Alken and he was a priest!

After that, it was easy. Alken, who was also a newcomer to this world, subdued a group of alien gnolls, took them to build a camp, and then built a small altar to try to pray to his divine master.

I have been praying for three or four days, and I have not left the cave until now.

Originally, the leader of the jackals enjoyed it quite a bit, so he didn't need to be cannon fodder. And that old guy doesn't care about things, isn't he the boss? When did you have this kind of experience? !


However, just when he was having a good time, a fellow clan who didn't know how to live or die suddenly stood up and wanted to challenge him!

crazy! court death!

Although I think Hogg is very strange, but for the jackal, the resemblance is enough.

Since this guy challenged himself, he absolutely couldn't refuse!



The two sides stood in the middle of the camp, the leader with a hatchet and Hogg with a chain hammer.

The opponent is bigger than Hogg.

Those jackals who were lying like corpses immediately gathered around excitedly when they saw the situation.

This is the battle for the leader!

In minutes, all the gnolls in the camp gathered.

At this time, Jerry and Sydney also acted.

Ansu and the little mouse also started to move...

Hogg and the leader looked at each other fiercely, then howled at the same time, and rushed towards each other.

Hogg's skill "Howl of Terror" has the effect of deterring the opponent's mind and destroying the courage of the opponent, but it's not just loud.

With the sound of this voice, even the gnolls who were watching the excitement couldn't help shrinking their necks, and the boss was the first to bear the brunt.

The leader of the wolf man felt a loud noise in his ear, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and his movements were a little slow and stiff.

But it didn't care, and a thought flashed: the voice of a lifeless thing is not small!

In the next second, the chain hammer and hand ax collided together, accompanied by loud noises and sparks!

Hogg's chain hammer has some advantages, because it is a hammer with a short handle and an iron chain connected to a three-circle, four-five flat belt with irregular thick thorns, so this thing can absorb the shock and will not shake the hand.

However, the leader of the opponent's wolf man is not covered, the level is higher, and the strength is greater. Although he was called out first, and the weapon suffered, but this head-to-head encounter did not suffer.

Immediately afterwards, the two majestic jackals fought together, the rusty hand ax whipped up a strong wind, and the heavy chain hammer roared!

The two sides hammered back and forth, and even scratched each other frantically.

The jackal's big claws had hook-like nails, and once they were scratched, there would be a bloody ditch.

Hogg took advantage of the equipment again. Although he was wearing crude leather armor, it was also armor. The other party was surrounded by a piece of dirty animal skin with holes, and it was scratched and torn off in two or three strokes.

And the leather armor on Hogg's body was covered with scratches, which blocked many attacks for him. Even the hand ax brushed past and blocked it.

But just like that, Hogg was still at a disadvantage.

The leader of the wolf man was quick and violent, and he didn't even mind exchanging injuries with Hogg. Relying on his stronger body and strength, he fought Hogg with his life.

Just a minute after the battle started, both sides had already died. Another minute of beating, bloody all over!

The dirty blood was scattered and dripped down the weapon, the scene was very brutal.

That is Hogg, who has a very tenacious will to fight, and his combat experience and wisdom are also outstanding, so he just held on.

The Jackals with the same attributes and equipment would have been killed long ago.

And Ted also began to secretly strengthen Hogg with magic.


Iron Curse!

With Ted's secret help, Hogg stabilized his position and began to counterattack gradually.

At the same time, Jerry and Sydney have also found their goals. Sydney took out the blazing oil that Ted gave—this is made from the essence refined from petroleum and added with volcanic magic crystal powder. Get up, that old man is fierce! Water can't be poured out!

It is a must-have product for murder and arson at home and travel!

At the same time, Jerry also took out his wand, waiting for a signal from Ted.


As Hogg fought more and more courageously, he raised the hammer and dropped it, and the hammer flew away and hit the handaxe of Ted's Silent Li Song, the leader of the jackal.

Then a rather brutal head hammer directly hit the opponent's long nose, causing blood to flow profusely!

In the end, he bit down on the neck of the Wolf man leader, biting and shaking fiercely, spraying blood, and the scene was horrifying.

The jackals around were dumbfounded for a moment.

Originally, they were not optimistic about this unknown wolf man, and they had their own judgments about strength.

But who knew that his boss would fight more and more, but the other party would fight more and more fiercely, and finally the rabbit was bitten to death by one bite!

ah? That's it? !

The body of the leader of the gnoll fell on the ground, and no one paid attention.

Everyone is looking at Hogg who has become the new leader!

"Me! Hogg! The leader of the gnolls! Anyone who is not convinced, come and challenge me~ (Gnoll language)" Hogg raised his chain hammer high and howled crazily.

At the same time, Ted gave Jerry the discovery number in the telepathic communication, and the time has come.

Under the hot summer sun, the flames burned in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Ted contacted the little mouse again, and the perspective shifted to the cave.

The old jackal knew nothing about the outside world, and was still praying inexplicably.

And Ted, through the eyes of the little mouse, launched an identification technique on him:

【Gnoll Priest Alken】

Level: Level 5 Gnoll / Level 2 Elite Unit / Level 2 Earth Shaman / Level 3 Yeenoghu Priest

Attributes: strength 7, constitution 7, agility 6, intelligence 7, perception 9, spirit 9, charisma 6, luck? ?


[Spellcasting Concentration (Green)], an experienced spellcaster, will not be easily affected by spellcasting.

[Order Evil (Green)], very talented and prestigious in organizing crimes, a born villainous leader.

[Toxin Resistance (Green)], his special professional experience makes him highly resistant to toxins.

[Strengthen the body and mind (blue)], special experiences and specialized exercises have made him very strong both physically and mentally, and he will not fall down easily.

[3 Rings Ye Nuogu Divine Art (Blue)], the divine art reward obtained by believing in its divine master.

[Gnoll prestige (blue)], has a natural prestige among the gnolls, and also has a certain deterrent and leadership to some creatures of the evil camp.

Equipment: Spine Staff (green), Emblem of Yeenoghu (green), Animal Skin Robe (green), Earth Bracers (green), Emerald Ring (green).


Staff proficiency level 3, summon gnoll level 3 (seal), ghost hyena level 3, earth shock level 3, stone skin technique level 3.

Summon Ghoul 2 ranks (sealed), Summon Abyss Demon 2 ranks (sealed), Bull Power 2 ranks, Desecrate 2 ranks, Ghoul Touch 2 ranks, Dispel Spell 2 ranks, Law: Shock 2 ranks, Despair Level 2 magic spell, magic weapon level 2, magic stone spell level 2, human immobilization spell level 2, magic armor level 2, evil triple strike level 2.

Fly level 1, detect goodness level 1, detect law level 1...


Evaluation: A jackal shaman from a high magic world, and a priest of a high existence, experienced in many battles is very dangerous.

A level 12 spellcaster, and also a high-level priest, who has mastered a third-level magic spell, and has several green outfits on him...very strong!

But at this time, the old jackal man who had closed his eyes and muttered non-stop suddenly opened his eyes, and turned his head suddenly to look in the direction of the little mouse!

"who is it?!"

Thanks to the book friend "Fall in Love with Someone 520" for the 400-point reward!

Thanks to the book friends "Han Guang Tie Yi", "The Moon Looking at the Starry Sky", "Black Harker" and "Qi Guo Gongzi Jiang" for their 100 point rewards!

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