Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 200 Ron: No one can take my money away!

But she didn't trust Dumbledore, not since her son and daughter-in-law joined the Order of the Phoenix,

When her son and daughter-in-law died, she didn't believe it even more.

An old man in his seventies, unwilling to hand over his grandson to the greatest white wizard of this century.

This old lady didn't have much contact with Dumbledore. Although she opposed the pure-blood family, she didn't approve of the Order of the Phoenix either.

This is a question of philosophy. She does not deny Dumbledore's greatness, but this greatness sometimes seems too cruel.

After all, she is an old lady who was born in a big family and married into another big family, and has held power for decades.

She doesn't take those great reasons lightly.

Many people talk about greatness, but they don't know what they are thinking. She has seen too much.

And Dumbledore, she couldn't understand.

On the contrary, the old lady has a good relationship with Professor McGonagall.

For a long time, Neville, who was shy and unable to become stronger, had always been her heart disease. Not to mention supporting the entire Longbottom family in the future, it's hard to say whether he can survive.

Oh Boy Who Lived! It's an honor, but it's also a pressure.

But now, under the influence of Ted and other friends, Neville has finally strengthened and can finally try to bear the pressure brought by the Boy Who Lived.

He has his own close friends and comrades in arms...

Such an open and honest conversation doubled Ted's favor.

He really didn't want to play tricks with these people and play the game of guessing or not.

His time is precious.

This is why he talked with Dumbledore and finally the two sides reached an agreement.

Ted talked about his plan, and wanted several families to run the Salted Fish House together, and Grandma Neville agreed with great satisfaction.

"If you don't say it, I also want to remind you. Do you want to be careful of attracting too much attention?"

Ted had a sumptuous meal at Longbottom Manor, and the dishes turned out to be handed down from the Hogwarts kitchen.

Before leaving, Ted persuaded Neville and asked his grandma to buy him his own wand - he used his father's wand.

Ted and the others also learned about it after Neville comforted Ron who had lost his old wand after the Battle of the Chamber of Secrets.

Ron: Sad? I am not sad! Get that damned wand out of my memory! I never want to think of wands and slugs again! I'm going to buy a new one~~~

Then Ted went to Blake's ancestral home - 12 Grimmauld Place.

To be honest, this place is really a bunker!

Ted can be regarded as well-informed, not to mention all kinds of otherworldly knowledge, the strange items and information brought by the salted fish net make him more knowledgeable than many closed-off old wizards.

But when I came to Blake's ancestral house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place in the original book, I was still shocked!

This place is simply a small magic bunker!

All kinds of defensive magic, ritual magic, alarm magic, white magic, black magic... are intertwined, and if you look at it with the secret method, it looks like a group of bright galaxies.

All kinds of magic are intertwined and intertwined in an orderly manner to form an overall magic defense, which is very ingenious and grand.

If this thing is not built and operated by several generations, don't even think about it.

No wonder it was later used as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, it was really safe.

This is much stronger than the Longbottom family's manor-the Longbottom family's manor uses a large-scale defense system based on magical plants, magical animals and magic circles. A magic token is required to reach through the magic barrier.

As for the Weasleys' hovel... um, goblin and ghoul defense? Forget it, let's talk about something else?

Compared to the grandeur of the Longbottom House, Sirius was very casual.

Not to mention the dress, the shirt buttons are not fastened, and the palm-wide hair is exposed.

However, he was very enthusiastic. He gave Ted a bear hug when he came up, and then put his arms around Ted's shoulders and talked and laughed.

Not like an elder, but like a like-minded big brother.

Of course, he was chased away by Ms. Olivia without saying a few words: "Go and change clothes! It's too impolite!"

This lady is very cultivated, intellectual, gentle, dignified and generous. Halle has a very high status in her heart, well, more than Sirius.

Thanks to the guidance of this lady, otherwise, under the guidance of Sirius, Harley would have directly accepted Malfoy as his younger brother, formed a Hogwarts evil force, and directly demolished the school.

After the meal, Ted, under the leadership of Harry, visited this huge four-five-story ancestral house with a basement and a prison.

Harry introduced him to a lot of strange magic items, as well as the portraits of the previous family heads hanging on the wall, and even a few house elf heads!

Me the fuck! Are you taking this as a hunting specimen?

Harley also explained with embarrassment: "This is the habit of the family in the past. We have stopped doing it a long time ago. It was supposed to be picked off and buried, but Kreacher (their family's old-age elf, who is almost 120 years old) I have to die) disagree..."

"He also said that after his death, he wanted Sirius to use the secret method handed down by the family to keep his head and hang it on the wall like his predecessors in previous generations to show that he has served the family wholeheartedly for 120 years. credit!"

It is said that not long after a house-elf dies, the body disintegrates into magic. I really can't keep my head without the secret method...

Ted took the time to tell Sirius about the joining of the Salted Fish House.

From Sirius' point of view, it was just borrowing the name of the Black family.

Those relatives you don't like can borrow it. Wouldn't it be better to lend it to young people you like?

He doesn't care about money or not, profit distribution, power division, etc.

Properly behave like a rich and dandy~

He told Ted about the naughty things about his group when they were in school, and about the shocking magic they developed, the magic props they made in private, and night tours! Forbidden forest! Team up to go on adventures during the holidays, etc... There is light in the eyes.

Although Sirius is married and looks very mature on the surface, but the man died as a teenager, and what he misses the most is still the best time of youth...

He even quietly asked Ted what he thought of Harley? Do you have any reasonable ideas?

Ted said: No! We're just good friends, that's all.

Sirius is very sorry, it seems that he is very optimistic about Ted.

Ted: I know it's early in the West, but we're only 12 years old! Is there a mistake?

It may be that the big families have plans in this regard early on.

Sirius sighed, he didn't know which unlucky guy his daughter would be cheaper in the end, cough! What a lucky ghost!

Finally, Ted visited the Shabby House again.

On the one hand, it is to borrow the ancient title of the Weasley family.

The Weasley family is different from other magical families. They are really local households. It can be seen from the red hair on their heads that they have ancient Celtic blood. Compared with later families like Malfoy and Potter more ancient.

Secondly, it was Rawesley's hand.

Originally, the second grade started, and the couple had already caused famine for the sake of a few children going to school.

Unexpectedly, the speeding car had an accident and was punished and fined. For a family that is not wealthy, this is simply adding ice to the snow!

Now that Tedra is in charge, adding thirty or forty galleons every month, the money will be a lot more plentiful all of a sudden.

At least two more sets of clothes can be given to the children, right?

Regarding this, the couple disagreed at first, and always felt that they were taking advantage of the younger generation.

Ted said again and again that Weasley, who had a high population and status in the magic world, was going to help support the scene, and the couple didn't plan to ask for money yet.

Ted also said that the other two have money to take, and you are embarrassed if you don't take them. That's what settles things down.

In addition to the three, Ted was joined by Giggs and his already sweetheart Ms Purnell (who owned the beauty shop), and Old Tom, owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Well, those who have a good relationship and those who are kind to me are not excluded.

Before leaving, Ted discussed with Ron about buying a wand—Ron dragged it on for more than two weeks, and didn't buy a wand—it turned out that he was reluctant to spend money!

Ron: That's what I earned by spitting slugs and sacrificing my ass to beat basilisks!

In the end, Ted made an appointment with him to go shopping for the wand on the same day as Neville.

How can a wizard without a magic wand? !

After Ted left, Aunt Molly, who had very keen ears, found Ron.

"Little Ronnie~ You want to buy a wand? Good thing! Where did you get the money?"

Ron earned nearly 10 gold dragons by himself - Slug and panic selling amulets.

After the Chamber of Secrets incident, Ted also got him a compensation from Dumbledore.

After all, he sacrificed his wand to defeat the basilisk! 10 galleon wand loss fee.

Now I have nearly 20 galleons on hand, which is already several times the family savings.

Oh no, now the family has negative deposits.

Ron: I can't finish the flowers, I can't finish the flowers at all~

Ginny: Brother, our family is rich!

Aunt Molly: Come on, Mom will help you save it for later when you marry a wife!

Ron shook his head like a rattle: No! I don't marry that thing! Nobody wants to take my money~

Aunt Molly: Nonsense, how can you not marry a wife!

Ron looked deep and whispered: Mom, I saw your letter at Lockhart...

Now that Lockhart's story of stealing people has been exposed, Aunt Molly is a little embarrassed in the face of the shameful situation of the middle-aged idol's collapsed house: Forget it, you are too old, you keep the money, don't waste it haha ~

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