Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 194 The Treasures of the Two Giants (Thanks to

Now they are popular figures on campus, and they are watched by a group of people wherever they go. If someone hears about Gryffindor's treasure, it will be broken!

Ron came to him, and the dog whispered: "We were talking about treasures last night! What do you think is hidden in the treasures of Gryffindor? Legend has it that he is a great adventurer who has been in many Traveling in dangerous areas, proficient in all kinds of dueling spells! Have you saved a lot of good things for future generations!"

Jerry had a happy face: "I don't have many requests, and there must be a hundred and eighty gold Galleons, right?"

Harry had to remind him: "There was no Galleon at that time!"

"Ah? Well, that gold is also fine, I won't pick it!"

The heads of the two poor children, Ron and Jerry, have been completely filled with the word treasure.

One morning, three sentences are inseparable from the treasure, what a sneaky look!

If the diary hadn't been destroyed, Ted would have been worried about being possessed by Senior Tom again.

After finally making it to dinner, the two of them had already started discussing how to spend the gold!

Restless like a monkey in estrus!

In addition, other friends were also very curious, so everyone came to the secret base - the abandoned classroom, to discuss about the treasure.

The Sorting Hat says: Gryffindor's secrets lie behind Slytherin.

Then we must find Slytherin first, right?

"Did Slytherin leave any portraits or something?" Hermione asked cleverly.

The friends thought for a while, but there was no answer.

Harry asked Neville, "Didn't you two go to the Slytherin common room last Christmas? Is there a portrait of him there?"

Harry refers to the time when he drank the Polyjuice Potion and talked about Malfoy.

Neville and Jerry's heads were shaking like rattles. At that time, they were busy with nervousness and stereotypes. Who paid attention to who was painted on the wall?

But unlike the Gryffindor three, Slytherin did not leave any image items behind.

For example, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have portraits, and Ravenclaw has bust sculptures, but Slytherin seems to have left nothing.


Hermione suddenly looked at Ted, and the two shouted together: "The Chamber of Secrets!"

Although on the surface there is no image of Slytherin in the entire school, secretly, there is a huge statue of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets.

He also set the password very narcissistically: speak to me, the greatest of the Big Four!

On the surface, he pretended not to care, but secretly he was a sullen~

"Go, go! Go!" Ron hurriedly urged, fearing that others would take the lead.

He had already forgotten, and secretly swore in the school hospital that he would never go to that underground secret room again. If you go again, you will break your other leg!

I came to the women's bathroom again, which hadn't had time to be completely sealed off.

Maybe Dumbledore didn't intend to completely block it.

When Slytherin built this secret room, it is hard to say whether he had the idea of ​​sheltering teachers and students at critical moments. That's probably what Dumbledore meant by keeping it.

The six of them revisited their hometown this time, and they felt much more relaxed. He even commented on the pipeline in the secret room.

Coming to the door again, Neville opened the door with Parseltongue, and the brazier in the hall of the chamber of secrets ignited automatically again.

It seems that although the basilisk has died, the magic has not failed.

Even the huge serpentine sculpture here has been restored, maybe it was restored by Dumbledore and the others?

The little friends went straight to the Slytherin statue, which was actually a bust, but it was so big that it was four or five meters high.

Ron and Jerry went straight to the back of Slytherin... behind!

"Hey, look! Come and see! See what I found?" Jerry exclaimed cheerfully.

Ted was taken aback: My good guy, I'm still brewing up the atmosphere here, and you've already found it?

Turning around behind the statue, I found a large row of scratches at a height of more than one meter, quite random, just like those carved on the stones of those scenic spots by those very unqualified tourists:

The Chamber of Secrets of Slytherin is very good, I like it very much. I heard that he often gives small lessons to students here. Now that he's gone, to pursue his own path, this place is mine. He gave the students small dishes, and I left good things for the students.

Want my treasure? I can give you everything you want, go find it! I put all my treasures there!

Go to Sir Cadogan, my dear students~

— Love you, Gryffindor, stay. (Please refer to the tone of Akeshan's revived teammates.)

Look at this meaning, there is another saying in the legend that "the Big Four broke up, and Slytherin ran away"?

Ted glanced at the scribbled handwriting, and then looked at the content, a little skeptical—is this really written by Gryffindor? His handwriting is so ugly!

And this content, why? Do the heroes of great people think alike? !

Could it be that in his time, the sky and the stars have already met, and then he went with One Piece, right?

I brag and tell stories in school, but I didn’t tell the story of One Piece—mainly worried that the little wizards would rebel and become Somali pirates after graduation.

Halle Ron and the others didn't care what Ted was struggling with, they clapped each other excitedly and jumped high on the spot.

Only Hermione, with a spell, shrunk down the line and printed it on parchment.

Ted saw the faces of several people blushing with excitement, and poured cold water on them: "Hey, hey, I said, what are you excited about? Is the treasure already in front of you? Who knows who that Sir Cadogan is? "

Uh~ Everyone calm down.

That's right, Jin Gallon hasn't watched it yet, why are you excited?

Ted turned to Slytherin so that the whole group would not be there to study the next three ways of Slytherin.

"Let me tell you, the treasure of Gryffindor is still far away, but the treasure of Slytherin is probably within sight!" Ted looked at Slytherin's old face with bright eyes.

The friends didn't speak for a while, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Slytherin's treasure?" Hermione said with some difficulty.

"Where?" Harry asked.

"It's right in front of you." Ted pointed to the statue's mouth.

It was a large mouth with a diameter of nearly one and a half meters, and it needed Parseltongue to open it.

The basilisk crawled out from here.

Of course, the legacy of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets is more than one basilisk, so it is not called the Chamber of Secrets, it is called the Snake Lair.

Originally, this was the place where Slytherin taught some outstanding students the black arts. Later, it was continuously remodeled by the descendants of the Gaunt family, and a bathroom was built at the entrance to hide the eyes and ears, and today's secret room came into being.

If Slytherin ended up hiding something in school, it must be in his "stomach".

Only the heir can open it, guarded by his pet snake, yes, this is the best place to hide treasure.

And Gryffindor probably guessed this too, but he also left his treasure clue here very naughtily, teasing his friends.

"Come on, Neville." Ted waved to Neville.

Neville moved forward step by step, he really didn't want to have anything to do with Slytherin's treasure, he wanted to run as far as he could.

However, the two money-lovers friends behind him grabbed his arms and carried him over without saying a word.

"What did Tom say then?" asked Ron.

"Like: Speak, Slytherin?" Jerry said.

"No, no, I remember a long sentence, you are missing a few words." Harry denied Jerry's password.

It was so tense that they didn't pay attention to what the spell/command was.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, "Yes: Speak to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the Big Four."

"Chi~" Ron and Jerry couldn't hold back their laughter.

"Why, why is he so narcissistic!"

"That's right, I'm even embarrassed. I usually just dare to talk about it in my dreams."

Putting aside the matter of the two slandering their ancestors, following the password in Neville's mouth, the mouth of the Slytherin statue opened again.

"What should I do? Get in?" Ron stretched his neck to look into the hole, but he couldn't see anything, so he felt quite timid.

The little friends shuddered at the thought of crawling into Slytherin's mouth...

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