Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 170 Are you the one who attracted the monster? !

"What are you?" Jerry asked.

The friends also looked at Ron who was crying with snot and tears, not knowing why.

Ron grinned and mourned, looking like he was about to cry: "I am the heir to the secret room! I opened the secret room! I'm sorry, I'm sorry... ah~~~"

The friends froze in place, looking at each other as if they had been petrified collectively, not knowing what to say for a while.

Harry kept winking at the others: Did Ron get scared of the spider? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let him come! They were all frightened and talking nonsense! Shall I punch him unconscious? It is said that falling asleep in this situation is beneficial to his condition!

Jerry: I'm afraid it's because you ate too much chicken legs and got confused?

Neville: Heir of Slytherin? Open the secret room? Impossible, absolutely impossible! I'm a Parseltongue and I didn't say anything, why are you so eager to take the blame!

Hermione: Ted, give Ron a stun spell, we need to take him to the doctor!

Ted: ...is it really this kid?

Ron was also unlucky, lying on the steering wheel and crying so hard that no one came up to comfort him—everyone was in a daze.

After crying for a long time, it didn't seem to be a problem at first glance, so I stopped slowly and began to tell what was going on intermittently.

The matter has to start from the time I was in the bookstore when school was about to start last summer.

Wasn't there a monster in Diagon Alley that made it into the newspapers?

It was also the day Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy showed the children how two mature wizards fought against each other. The Weasley children also played tricks.

One day after that, Ginny found that she had bought an extra second-hand notebook.

It happened that Ron was short of a notebook. Although it was a second-hand product decades ago, it was still usable without any writing on it, so he had to come over and use it himself.

It was nothing at first, Ron just recorded the events of the day, is it a diary? Not so much, with Ron's vocabulary and patience, he can write up to twenty words a day, no more.

There was nothing unusual at home, but it was different after school.

That time was the night when Ron drove his speeding car into the Whomping Willow angrily, and the next day he received his mother's yelling letter in front of everyone.

Ron wrote a lot in the notebook, and that was when he was most depressed, ashamed, sad and remorseful.

Ron also confessed: "I didn't think I was driving the speeding car alone, and I secretly blamed you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Neville, I'm sorry Harry, I'm sorry Jerry, please forgive me, forgive me for this Idiot! Ah~~~" cried again.

If this was still in the Forbidden Forest, Ron's howling these few times would have attracted the wolves.

After writing a lot of words that time, the words in the diary changed the next day, and became words of comfort!

Surprised, Ron didn't think too much, and began to write more words in the diary, and gradually "awakened" the magic in the book——that's what Senior Tom in the diary said.

But Ted estimated that at the Weasleys' house, the diary had been playing dead for fear of being discovered, until Ron finally decided to start eroding him when he showed his mental flaws.

Senior Tom is knowledgeable, talented and understanding, and he speaks nicely. Ron likes him so much~

I confide in him many things and ask him for advice, whether it is about interpersonal relationships or magic problems.

Ron also confessed that he was once jealous of Ted, jealous of his being loved and sought after by everyone, jealous of his every highlight moment, jealous of his ability to make money~

While talking, Ron gave himself two bang bang punches. These two punches were as fast as lightning and full of strength. You can see some of Harley's demeanor, which shows that he still has progress.

Ted and the others quickly stopped his act of self-mutilation and atonement, and urged him to continue talking.

As Ron believed in Senior Tom more and more, he alienated his friends more and more, and his body began to become unhealthy, a bit sub-healthy.

Jerry said: "I said it! During that time, I always felt that you were a little imbecile, and I thought it was the reason why you didn't take part in morning exercises. Oh, I see, then you suddenly became easy to learn, did you also receive the advice of that senior Tom?" Influence! This crappy name is not a good thing at first glance!"

Ron lowered his head in shame. During that time, his grades really improved by leaps and bounds. Not only did he not have to copy his homework, but he also got extra points in class.

As time goes by, Ron trusts and relies on Senior Tom more and more. Senior Tom was also so considerate, and even took the initiative to persuade Ron to have a good relationship with his friends.

This move directly dispelled Ron's only little vigilance, and even aroused Ron's rebellion a little, making him further alienate his friends.

You have to say that Voldemort, who is 16 years old in the fifth grade, has a good grasp of the mentality of the little wizards. At least a kid like Ron is not an opponent at all, and he is played around with applause.

What really broke Ron was that he found a letter from his mother in the reply to Lockhart's fans.

Ron: My mom is a fan of Lockhart? !

Later, the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and Mrs. Norris of Filch was petrified by hanging upside down.

That Halloween, Ron had agreed to dress up as Chicken and Cheese with Jerry.

But Ron forgot something, which was actually a diary, so he went back to get it, and it didn't take long before and after.

Ron suspected that he might be the secret room that was opened during that time.

Because he later found red dye under his nails, but he can't remember when he touched it at all.

He didn't pay attention to it at the time.

But then there were a few times when I couldn't remember a certain period of time at all. Once I even "woke up" outside the castle early in the morning, with a lot of chicken feathers on my body!

He thought he was sleepwalking!

As a result, his old owl bumped into himself during breakfast, which distracted the matter.

Ron started to have problems after Christmas.

After all, he is not the kind of little girl like Ginny who left home for the first time. He and Ted have also experienced a lot.

He lost his memory several times, appeared in inexplicable places, and then someone was killed. He would have some ideas.

Is it a coincidence once or twice?

So, after New Years, he threw the diary away!

He was restless at the time, mainly because he was afraid. Afraid that he was really the heir to the secret room, he opened the secret room and harmed others.

He still had a certain fluke mentality, thinking that if there was only a problem with the diary, the secret room had nothing to do with him? It's understandable, after all, it's just a 12-year-old kid.

Trying to avoid responsibility is something that everyone has actually done.

It's just that when they have a correct concept later, most of them have the courage to take responsibility and a sense of responsibility.

Ron thought that if the diary was lost, everything would be fine. There will be no more secret rooms opened, people will be killed, and those people will be able to recover when the mandrake is mature.

However, he never expected that the diary would be picked up by Neville.

It was also during that time that his mentality had just eased, and Neville suddenly learned that the heir fifty years ago was Hagrid. Under the chaos, he hid the diary from others, so Ron never found out. .

When he found out that Neville had picked up the diary, and even chatted happily with Senior Tom, he was completely stupid!

That day Jerry said that Neville was just as hardworking as Ron, and he started studying early in the morning, and Ron found the diary.

At that time, Ron was hiding under the quilt, and he was ready to die!

"If I had been braver at the time and said all this directly, nothing would have happened later! Dumbledore and Hagrid wouldn't have been implicated and driven away! It's all my fault! I'm a coward, a coward!"

Ron burst into tears and couldn't stop it.

Ted quickly comforted him: "Ron, don't cry, don't say it's you, I'm afraid I can't do better. Who knows that such a thing will happen. Don't blame yourself, aren't you Did you say it? It's too late to say it now!"

Jerry also nodded at the side: "Yes, yes! Ron, please continue!"

Ron couldn't help but cry happily, so he had to continue talking about the rest.

After all, Ron couldn't make up his mind to face the situation that he might be locked up in Azkaban after opening the secret room. So I chose another way - to steal the diary.

The Gryffindor bedroom burglary was indeed not done by Ginny, but by Ron.

However, the difference is that after Ron stole the diary back, he lost the diary again. He tried to destroy it, but couldn't. So just throw it away.

This time, Ron learned to be smart and threw it to a place where Neville and the others couldn't pick it up!

Ladies' room! Especially that abandoned women's bathroom! Not even girls go there!

Ron: Throw it in the toilet, I don't believe anyone can pick it out? !

Sure enough, it was quiet for a long time afterwards, but the victim still appeared, and it was Lavender, a student of Gryffindor.

Ron went to the bathroom to look for it, but the diary was gone.

Then there was the cancellation of the Quidditch match some time ago, and there were two victims at a time.

At that time, Ron was already frightened and stupid, and he only knew that he shrank his neck like a quail and waited for the final judgment.

Until today, after experiencing this greater surprise and battle, he got on this speeding car again, just like everything that just happened at the beginning of school...

He finally mustered up the courage to say it all.

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