Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 268 Christmas

Into December, with the arrival of blizzard. What followed was a bloodbath of homework for fifth graders as well.

As Christmas approaches, Chronos and Daphne's prefects have more and more work to do. They were in charge of overseeing the decoration of the castle (“You hang the streamers and Peeves grabs the other end and strangles you.”)

And watching the first and second grades indoors because of the cold between classes, (“I don’t remember being so dishonest in my first grade,” Kronos grumbled.)

They also walked the corridors in shifts with Mr. Argus Filch, because Filch suspected that there might be more fights on the show. ("Master Chronos, you can go back and rest, just leave it to me." Filch flatteringly said to Chronos.)

On Christmas Day, Chronos will take Draco's carriage to Malfoy Manor to spend this year's Christmas. It was Mr. Malfoy who invited him, and Chronos knew why he invited him, so he didn't decline this time.

"See you at school, Chronos." Daphne and her sister Astoria waved goodbye to Chronos in the common room.

"See you at the beginning of school." Kronos also waved his right hand, and after Sister Daphne completely disappeared at the entrance of the common room, Kronos turned his head and said to Draco.

"how is everything?"

"How about what?" Draco was still looking for his unlikely sock.

"Astoria! Daphne's sister, don't you think she is cute?" Kronos said.

"So what?" Chronos couldn't hear the reason from Draco's tone.

"Go after it if you like it!" Chronos further tested.

"How...how." Draco stammered.

"Is there a joke?" Kronos thought, and he moved his body to Draco's side, "Listen to me, Draco. You can't stop believing in love just because you've been suffering from the love potion. You have to go after your love and take the initiative. Like you snatched the Snitch on the Quidditch pitch."

"...." Draco stared at Kronos in silence for a while, then he pushed Kronos angrily, "What? What is this all about!"

"Let's go, Dad's carriage has been waiting for us for a long time." Draco gave up looking for his other sock before Kronos could speak.

He carried his suitcase and ran out of the common room as if fleeing.

"Tch!" Kronos sighed angrily.

It was the same carriage that Kronos knew and loved. Dobby the house elf, who is still wearing half a pillowcase, is driving the car. I wonder if Hermione will be angry when she sees it?

The speed of the carriage was very fast, and Mr. Malfoy was sitting in the front row. He and Chronos had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything along the way. So the carriage landed quickly, and the gate of Malfoy Manor appeared in front of Chronos again.

Unlike the first time he came to Malfoy Manor, this time Chronos vaguely felt that the manor was not as vibrant as before.

Mrs. Malfoy's wife, Aunt Narcissa has always been very kind to Chronos, as if he were Aunt Narcissa's second son.

This time was no exception. Mrs. Malfoy had already prepared a large table of meals, waiting for Mr. Malfoy to drive back. Basically, they are some traditional Christmas delicacies, which Kronos is used to.

"Cronos, are you almost an adult?" Mrs. Malfoy lovingly added another lamb chop to Chronos' dinner plate on the dining table and helped him cut it carefully.

"No, I'll only be sixteen after this year." Kronos mumbled vaguely with his mouth full of delicious food.

"That's coming soon, and you'll be an adult in a blink of an eye." Mrs. Malfoy said with emotion, "At that time, you will be able to have a good drink with your Uncle Lucius."

"Definitely, definitely." Kronos smiled apologetically.

The atmosphere of the dinner was quite pleasant, and everyone ate very happily.

It's just that Mr. Malfoy talked a lot less than before, and he called Chronos into the study immediately after dinner.

"What's the matter? Uncle Lucius, I haven't had enough of the gingerbread made by Aunt Narcissa!" Kronos complained slightly dissatisfied.

"When can't you eat that thing?" Mr. Malfoy said, "Do you know that the giant has already served his master?"

"Oh?" Kronos raised his eyebrows, then sat on the sofa naturally, crossing his legs.

"As expected," Chronos said. "They found the giant so quickly? Where?"

"Dijon, in the middle-east of France." Mr. Malfoy also sat in the boss's chair behind the desk. "Besides, the giants are easy to find. They're twenty feet each."

"There! I know the capital of Burgundy and the provincial capital of Codor, and I have traveled there." Kronos said after thinking for a while.

"Who did Voldemort let?" Kronos asked suddenly.

"It's Fenrir Greyback." Mr. Malfoy said the name of a Death Eater.

"It's him! That werewolf." Kronos recalled the description of him in the original book.

Fenrir Greyback is perhaps the most ruthless werewolf in the wizarding world. He regards biting and infecting as many people as possible as his goal in life.

He wanted to make enough werewolves to subdue wizards, so he specifically bit children, he said, to bite them when they were young, so that they grew up far away from their parents and hated normal wizards, Become a member of Voldemort's werewolf army.

Voldemort had threatened those who disobeyed him by letting him bite their sons and daughters, and such threats often worked. He insisted that "the blood is what the werewolf deserves, and the werewolf should take revenge on normal people.

"Giants don't like magic, and they don't like wizards, either," said Mr. Malfoy, "so having a werewolf go would give them a little kinship."

"That's true." Kronos nodded, although the relationship between werewolves and giants is not very good. But their difficult situation was given by wizards.

"Didn't he be imprisoned in Azkaban after the downfall of Voldemort?" Kronos suddenly remembered this, "Why? Dementors don't understand the feelings of werewolves?"

"You have the nerve to say it!" Mr. Malfoy gave Chronos a blank look.

"What's wrong with me?" Kronos said innocently.

"You wiped out a large number of dementors when you were in the third grade. There were more than a hundred of them." Mr. Malfoy said angrily, "That's almost the entire number of dementors."

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